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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In some studies, it is suggested that a number of dietary factors including essential fatty acid, iron and zinc deficiency, may be linked to attention-deficit/hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD). However, the exact mechanism of this relationship is yet unclear. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron in etiopathology and management of ADHD. For the purpose of this study, Science Direct, PubMed, and Medline databases were explored and thirty-four relevant articles in english language were collected. Eighteen out of twenty-two studies confirmed the relationship between omega-3 fatty acid and ADHD. In addition, the role of insufficient store of iron in developing ADHD symptoms and the positive effect of iron supplement in improvement of ADHD behavioral symptoms have been shown. Also, plasma zinc concentration in children with ADHD was lower than the normal population, and the effect of zinc supplement on reducing on attentive-deficit symptoms was contradictory. Although polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and iron supplements are not suggested as main treatment for ADHD, but if future studies confirm the positive results of that, use of these supplements as complementary treatment will affect ADHD symptoms. Considering the little amount of studies on zinc, more research is necessary.

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Probably, obesity can be considered as the most common metabolic disorder. In other words, the control of metabolism is disrupted in this condition. The most important metabolic control is performed by hormones. Today, adipose tissue is considered as an active tissue in secretion of hormones. In obesity, in addition to adipose tissue hormones, effective neuropeptides on appetite are interfered. There are 4 main approaches in the management and treatment of obesity including nutrition and diet therapy, physical activity, medical and surgical approaches. The specialists and obese patients prefer the first and second approaches. Physical activity helps to control and treat this disorder by influencing on obesity-related hormones. The main obesity-related hormones are ghrelin, agouti, obestatin, leptin, adiponectin, nesfatin, visfatin, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, and resistin. In this review, the effect of physical activity on 10 major obesity-related hormones has been discussed.

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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common form of chronic liver disease. It has been reported that visceral fat releases free fatty acids and arises fat accumulation in the liver. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the some biomarkers of NAFLD risk in adult general population.Materials and Methods: An analytical - descriptive study was carried out on a total of 1529 randomly selected individuals (797 male and 732 female) aged 30-88 years in bZahedan. The characteristics of socio-demographic, medical history, food habits and lifestyle factors were obtained by a validated questionnaire, liver ultrasonography and routine laboratory tests were performed with the use of standard techniques. The assessment of waist circumference (WC) and waist to hip ratio (WHR) was performed as central obesity indices.Results: The mean levels of WC and WHR were 92±11.7 cm and 0.91±0.06 in men, and 91.2±12.4 cm and 0.88±0.07 in women, respectively. 39.7% and 37% of subjects had hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, respectively. Ultrasonography findings demonstrated diffuse fatty liver in 40.9% subjects. Data also showed low consumption of fruits and vegetables and fish, and high consumption of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and fast foods in the majority of obesity and NAFLD subjects compared with normal subjects.Conclusion: The results showed that a large proportion of the study population is at risk of central obesity and NAFLD. The formation of non-alcoholic fatty liver may be associated with obesity and unhealthy dietary patterns which warrants further research.

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Background: Vaspin is a new discovered adipocytokine which is a member of serine protease inhibitor family secreted from adipose tissue and might play a role in insulin sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acute exercise on serum vaspin levels and its relation to insulin sensitivity in overweight elderly men.Materials and Methods: In this semi-experimental study, 12 healthy elderly men volunteers randomly selected and performed one session aerobic exercise including 30 minutes of cycling at 70-75% of HRmax, which was followed by 30 minutes of recovery. Three blood samples were taken before exercise, immediately after exercise and after 30 minutes of recovery. Data were analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA and Bonferroni test and Pearson’s correlations were performed to identify possible relationship among the assessed variables. Statistical significance was set at p≤0.05.Results: There were no significant differences for vaspin across time. Insulin and glucose concentration and insulin resistance decreased immediately after exercise. However insulin concentration and insulin resistance returned to pre-exercise level at the end of recovery. Furthermore, no significant correlations were observed among the variables assessed except for the expected between insulin level and insulin resistance.Conclusion: These results indicate that a sub-maximal aerobic workout does not result in significant changes in vaspin levels in elderly men. Furthermore, we observed that vaspin is not associated with insulin sensitivity in this study.

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Background: The present study was conducted in rural area of Sistan and Baluchestan province, south-east of Iran with aim of determine the prevalence of underweight, stunting, wasting, overweight and obesity among children.Materials and Methods: One thousand five hundred seventy Children were selected from all children less than 6 years covered by healthy and treatment centers of rural area in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Body weight and height were measured using standard methods. Determination of malnutrition performed based on WHO, National Center for Health Statistics and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (NCHS and CDC) standard. The indices nutritional status was assessed by Z- Score.Results: The result showed that, based on NCHS and WHO standard: 21.1% and 19.4%, 28.2% and 32.1%, 7.5% and 9.4% of children were underweight, stunted and wasted respectively. The peak of malnutrition based on stunting was more than underweight and wasting. According to CDC standard, the prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity was 27.8%, 4.2% and 4.1% respectively. The most rate of overweight and obesity was 7.1% and 5% in children aged 3 years using CDC cut-off and also lowest rate of overweight and obesity were 1.5% and 0% in children aged 5 years.Conclusion: This study revealed, underweight, stunting and wasting represents different processes of malnutrition which have different risk factors. However, it might be replaced by overweight as children grow to adolescence. Nevertheless, overweight and obesity are not major problem in the children.

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Background: Malnutrition is a prevalent complication in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Malnutrition-inflammation score (MIS), comprehensive nutritional assessment tool, as the reference standard was used to examine protein-energy wasting (PEW) and inflammation in hemodialysis patients.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive- analytical study, 48 hemodialysis patients were selected with random sampling. All the patients were interviewed and the MIS of the patients was recorded. This new comprehensive Malnutrition-Inflammation Score (MIS) which involves 7 components from the SGA and the 3 additional non-SGA components of body mass index, serum albumin, and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) has 10 components, each with four levels of severity, from 0 (normal) to 3 (very severe). These scores were compared with anthropometric measurements; laboratory measures. Data was analyzed with Chi-square and t-tests and Pearson correlation coefficiant.Results: In this study 25% of patients on hemodialysis were normal nourished, 54.3% of patients were mild malnourished, 20.8% were moderately malnourished and no one of them were not sever malnurished. Pearson correlation coefficients between MIS score and age (r=+0.332) was significant. There was no correlation between the malnutrition score and sex Chi-square test showed significant correlation between MIS score and dialysis period ≥50 months (X2=9.09).Conclusion: In this study, no one of patients has severed malnutrition, and most of them were assigned to the mildly/moderately malnourished rating. On other hand, most of patients are the well-nourished. Correlation between MIS score and age and dialysis period was significant.

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Background: Prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) is one of the important problems of third-world countries including Iran. This study assessed nutritional status and some related factors among children aged 0-5 years in Bandar Turkmen district.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 616 children aged less than 5 years were selected with stratified random sampling. Malnutrition was defined as <-2 SD National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference (weight for age, weight for height and height for age respectively). Obesity was defined as > +2 SD NCHS reference. Data were collected by interview with mothers and were analyzed with SPSS-11.5 software.Results: In this study, prevalence of underweight, wasting and stunting and obesity were 3.7, 3.9, 7 and 6% respectively. Exclusively breastfeeding, mother’s BMI, mother’s weight and parental educational and economic status had significant correlation with children’s PEM (p<0.05). Birth weight <2500 g and >4000 g (p=0.031), breast feeding duration <18 months (p=0.017), mother’s present age ≥37 years (p=0.039), mother’s delivery age >30 years (p=0.043) and formula or cow’s milk plus breast feeding up to 6 months old (p=0.018) had significant correlation with children’s obesity. In multivariate analysis on logistic regression, mother’s nutritional knowledge (OR=11.22, p=0.001) was most important risk factor for PEM. Exclusively breast feeding up to 6 months of age rather than formula or cow’s milk plus breast feeding, reduced 2.45 times obesity risk (p=0.019).Conclusion: We conclude that breast feeding at first 6 months of age, longer breast feeding duration and pregnancy in lower than 30 years of age reduce risk of child nutritional status.

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Background: Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is one of the most common cellulose derivatives. It has many applications such as edible films and coating. Antioxidant and antimicrobial of essential oils and their direct or indirect usage in foods have been investigated. This study focuses on the physical, chemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial characteristics of CMC edible film incorporated with clove essential oils (CEO).Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, CMC edible films with or without clove essential oil were prepared by casting method and many characteristics such as thickness, water vapor permeability (WVP), tensile strength, elongation at break, optical characteristics, microstructure, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the films were assessed.Results: Tensile strength values were higher when compared with those of control film (pure CMC film), especially in 1% EO concentration. Elongation at break value in 1% EO was higher than control film, but by increasing of EO portion, it decreased. Antioxidant properties and total phenolic compounds as expected increased in higher concentration of EO. Antimicrobial properties of the films showed that films incorporated with EO are effective against selected pathogen bacteria, especially in the higher concentration of EO Some variations in the structure of various films were shown by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Additions of EO into CMC film disrupted condense structure of film and produced a heterogeneous structure.Conclusion: As antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of CEO retain when it used in CMC edible film, it could be beneficial in food packaging to retard of deterioration.

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aging population and its consequences is one of the most issues in a lot of countries. Iranian population is in the transition in young population to the aging population and elderly population growth is higher than total population growth, therefore programming for control and solving elderly population issues is necessary in the future. On the other hand, the status of health promoting behavior isn’t in a desirable level and the situation is becoming more unfavorable and its consequences and issues will be very challenging.

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while obesity is a disorder that itself is global nowadays, it is also considered as risk factor of some disorders such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, metabolic syndrome and obesity are involved in pathology of chronic kidney disease. Studies suggest changes in causes of mortality in transplant patients from infectious disease agents to cardiovascular disease. Because of the various side effects of weight gain and obesity and its association with cardiovascular disease and the involvement of obesity and cardiovascular disease in pathology of chronic kidney disease, this study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity in kidney transplant patients.

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