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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The emergence of new concepts such as Jus cogens and Obligations erga omnes imply fundamental change in the nature of international law. The revision of the traditional system of international law and make substantive hierarchy and weaken the foundations of the theory of the collapse of the international community of the direct consequences of the emergence -of these universal and binding obligations. the public acceptance and doctrine, limiting government with the rules of jus cogens and fading belief in the binding element of the consent of governments, the international community and humanitarian assistance to the institutionalization of more comprehensive rules, strengthen the monitoring of international institutions and criminal and civil executive guarantees and the impact of the emergence of these new concepts in international law are. We can say that jus cogens Not only has prevented the anarchy of the international community but also means strengthening structural framework of the international community and to provide further convergence.

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With a view to importance of the place of arbitration in settlement of disputes, encouragement of the population of a society for reference to an arbitrating foundation is necessary.One of the aims of dispute parties from reference to arbitration instead of reference to justice dept. is being released from prolongation of governmental proceedings (justice dept.), which is in practice attained, and realization of this aim is not possible without application of arbitration technique and its mechanisms. Governmental proceeding in courts has a start and an end point, in other words, it is started with submission of a petition and establishment of the first court session and ended with termination of proceeding and issuance of a verdict during a period of one week after announcement of proceedings termination.In internal and international arbitration it is also necessary that a start and an ending point (the arbitration period) is determined and arbitrator becomes obliged to announce the arbitral award in the determined respite. In the internal arbitrations, non-observance of this period and an announcement of arbitration award after the determined period of arbitration result in cancellation of this award. In the international arbitrations with a view to the principle of speed in commerce and whereas arbitration is mainly common in the commercial, transportation and insurance contracts, etc. if the parties determine the arbitration period, the arbitrator is obliged to announce his award during the determined period and if no period is determined, with consideration of the internal by-laws, the arbitrator is obliged to announce the arbitral award during a period of three months. Not announce arbitral award by the arbitrator in the determined period and his delay result in his disqualification from announcement of arbitral award.

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A good Legal system with the appropriate function is one of the most significant element for de-veloping social justice and today's improvement. And this factor exes the number of judical cases and a judge without any helps cant consider them. the capacity of Iranians judical system in the last decade go to the world wild standards. but now we need some improvements. one of the cases that was not considered was the culture of using experts in different fields that in many developed countries like England France even some countries like Turkey understood them and they try to use them in their courts. Also in our country for a long time these procedure was mentioned but because of different challenges in our judical system they couldn't use these potential very well. In this article the author tried to mention their importance of experts in judical system and he's going to talk about the gaps and opposites between formal and informal experts, and at last by analyzing the priority of using these experts instead of a local intelligence and their functions, suggest some no codes for reducing the extension of judical procedure.

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In line with development of medicine and emergence of modem technologies in response to social needs as well as improvement of lifestyles, an inclination towards plastic surgery particularly in the recent years.Due to psychological motivations and integration of scientific, artistic and commercial aspects of beauty and reconstructive surgery and problems have been arisen so far. Given the peculiar feature that this type of surgery has, a serious attention is needed to be paid to physicians to their medical, professional obligations. The former one has some negative consequences such as formation of worldwide feminism and devotion of overwhelming amounts of memory for such surgeries to improve personal appearance features and that fantasy surgeries are not necessary. There are tens of other reasons that have persuaded law scientists that medical obligation is a result - based obligation and distinction of these two types of surgery is impossible or very difficult. They believe that beauty surgeon's obligation is an instrument-based.

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Criminal policy is a completely scientific meta discourse being considered a part of the archive of nations thinking data and it is one of the main principles of government and real identity of the past and present culture of the people and it showed their worldview toward the life with comfort in respect for the others rights, comprehensive order and security and- less confronted society with crime. The scientific institution shows the thinking foundation of the social system in fighting against crime and implicated its planning and their rhezomic nature based on society existence including economy, politics, culture, history and etc. For the foundation of the fundamental structures of criminal policy, recognition of social system structure and clarification of the involvement of the government and sovereign board informal sectors and people is a comprehensive necessity involved for the destiny of various strategies of the public policy. The current study aimed to clarify the role and scope of government intervention in criminal policy namely from the view of interaction with civil society. At first, by a brief review of the conceptual scope of criminal policy, the theoretical and scientific basis of this organization is clarified in a space that can welcome the government intervention and then the different forms of intervention of the governments in criminal policy are explained.

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There are a number of mortgage property rights. These rights, The objective is divided into two categories: Home and consequential. The main objective, The relationship between subject and object is mortgaged And the consequential objective, Expression relationship with mortgage property is mortgaged. We know money is what man tends to it And eliminates to their needs. For this purpose, owner may need to be on his mortgaged Tsrfaty. It may even be used to capture transporter. Therefore, in continue to explore a variety of possible possession by mortgagor, This topic is the mortgagor's rights over the mortgaged property And we will investigate Rights as mortgagee in possession of the mortgagor, How to be considered. For Sale by accepting the validity of the theory also mortgaged, the owner will comply And also Despite the objective mortgaged, He also reserved the right to stay, Because compromise mortgagor and the buyer has a relative effect and will not prejudice the right of the mortgagee.

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