In today's world, most business oriented organizations apply a type of performance measurement in order to measure their capabilities and improve their performance and competitive advantage. Architectural Engineering Consulting firms also face the same fact, and their business, as part of the design process, has a significant impact on the quality and success of construction projects.These organizations have to measure and improve their performance, not only for their own survival, but also for the development of construction industries. Considering these facts, the aim of this paper is to develop a model for the performance measurement of architectural consulting engineering companies.In this paper, first, using the \Thomas & Chow" approach, the design processes in architectural engineering are investigated. Then, the advantages and disadvantages of different performance measurement models are investigated and compared. The balanced scorecard (BSC) is selected, as the most suitable choice. Finally, a performance measurement model is developed, according to this model, to assess the performance of the organizations.The strategic goals of the organization must be determined and, then, in accordance with these goals, details of four levels of the BSC model, including financial, customer (market), process, and growing and learning aspects, are identified. Moreover, indicators, targets and actions for each level are determined and explained.Based on the proposed model, the main suggested process groups that need evaluating in the performance measurement of the Consulting Engineering Companies are classified in five groups; design, tender, supervision, general and external processes. Design processes include systems such as quality assurance, estimation, sustainability, cost improvement, value engineering and design flexibility systems. Tendering processes include systems such as communication and tender evaluation assurance systems. The construction supervision system includes systems such as site management, inspection and supervision, contract and claim management, and close out systems. General processes refer to project management systems and, finally, external processes cover partnership and out-sourcing management systems. Since, there are only a few studies on this subject, the finding of this research can be useful and be primary steps towards further research into this subject.