The numismatics is an important part of archaeology which in fact is a live evidence of ancient world and different nations. It has an important role in brightening the dark and vague edge of ancient history. Every coin at every epoch, is the symbol of, customs, script, language, art, civilization, wealth and trade of that nation and country. In fact, in excavated sites, coins have been used to identify the history and art of the ancient world.Coin is like a valuable written document or a small book which is not only used for trade but also has a symbolic and ethic usage.In comparison with other periods, the coins of seljukids period has been studied a lot less, so such would be so valuable. This study try to present epigraphs and artistic characteristic of Seljukids period coins which is belong to Atabakan of Azerbaijan and discovered in Sojas and Varmazyar village in Zanjan.