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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1972

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آمایش محیط

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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آمایش محیط

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study focuses on the views of residents of Sheshbadgir quarter in the old texture of Yazd and their institutional capacities and social enhances, promoting economic and financial capacity. The components (factors) and functional changes and requirements for service deficiency, and network access improvement are the main focuses of the study. This research is applied research where the evaluation methods are description-analysis and survey in nature and is based on creating an understanding of the current situation. The research is set in place to improve and promote the components of social, economic, functional and physical elements in Sheshbadgir quarter in the old texture of Yazd through identifying the main challenges and prioritizing(Rating) them to revive and to promote the level of this quarter. Based on the results, the weight of the five indexes of, functional, physical, social, economic and network traffic were orderly: 0.513, 0.261, 0.129, 0.063 and 0.033. Based on the output of the utilized software.Therefore, we can conclude that the effectiveness of functional element to revive the this texture was more than others. Also, the criteria of ‘residents stay time’ in terms of social indicators with a mean weight of 0.318, the "Household economy" in terms of economic indicators with a mean weight of 0.394, the buildings Skeleton in physical index with a mean weight of 0.328, the “Criteria of land use” in the form of performance indicators with a mean weight of 0.637 and the criteria of “Quarter access widening “in the form of network traffic index with a mean weight of 0.565, were most effective among others.

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Information technology development has been counted as a one of the main indexes of progressive measures in the country. Achieving information and communication technology development is bound to different variables such as ICT infrastructures and services development. This would not be possible until precise assessment of the existing condition has been done. Strategic planning is one of the best solutions for achieving these goals that could help ICT services and infrastructures development through identification of strengthens and weakness, threats and opportunities. For this purpose, the present study was conducted using a descriptive- analytic methodology applying SWOT technique for the case study province. Meanwhile analyzing the status quo of the information technology based on 30 expert’s attitude was planned and rendered. The findings of the analyzed data and the expert’s opinions from 4 province show that Offensive Strategy is the most appropriate and the focal strategy. Also, based on the findings, there is no gap between the existing and the optimal states in the research field in Semnan, Fras and Azarbijan provinces. Only Kermanshah province is a bit far from the appropriate index that is defensive strategy and it will be improved by operational planning for threats decreasing and changing weakness to strengthens in province level in future, in accordance with the findings. Therefore, generally, there is no significant gap in term of economic territorial planning about ICT infrastructures and services development in country. The result is extendable to other sectors of the economy.

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This study analyzes the spatial variations of urban hierarchy of Kermanshah province in the period of 1996-2011. This study aimed to explain the uneven distribution of population and social inequality-to reduce the economic disparities across the province. Analysis indicates that 29 cities of Kermanshah in 2011, with a population of about 851, 405 people in the city of Kermanshah Province, 62.8% of the urban population, approximately 16 times and 8times the second and third cities of the same province (Kangavar) population has the most unevenly distributed population. In fact, the lack of central cities in metropolitan networks in urban areas has created instability. This analytic method utilizing GIS, EXCEL, the rank-size model of a class difference, Entropy Coefficient and Lorenz Curve has been done. Results of the entire hierarchy of methods used in urban imbalance and instability tends to show instabilities. Based on a floor equal to 96.6 percent in 2011, more than 141 thousands of people in equations obtained from the following cities ranked as the cities of Kermanshah show much difference between the three periods and the line of normality. The entropy rate of 75 year /8to / 79 in 85 and in year 2011, /69 which indicates heterogeneity in the distribution of population was reached. The city of Kermanshah in terms of spatial distribution of population is the worst compared to other cities, so that, the first city (Kermanshah) has 216 times more population compared to the second city (Kvzran).

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The geomorphic units of the fluvial system components are in a way that in many cases geomorphic processes are causing environmental hazards such as floods. In this research Torghabeh city and its basin have been studied for the hazard of a river geomorphic processes. Torghabeh town as a regional and international tourism attraction is 20 kilometers far from the metropolitan city of Mashhad. The output of the upstream catchment basin with regard to the geomorphic variables highly affect the flooding possibility of the city.In order to conduct the present research, a laboratory analytical method to investigate the behavior of the studied basin, the fluvial geomorphic variables and factors in the flood hazard area, including lithology, elevation, slope, land use, precipitation, vegetation, drainage density, distance from the stream, form factor, slope and soil were selected and included in the research. The layers were required to prepare, prioritize and establish the relationships between these variables and the vulnerability of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The Expert Choice software was used to help wit the analysis. Critical flood hazard zones are mainly rural area with densities, recreational areas and resorts, tourist and Network Access Account in Mashhad. It is important to notice that, the man-made factors such as residential and utility violated the privacy of rivers and streams, lack of engineering structures such as bridges over rivers of improper aggravating factor are the most significant variables in the flood hazard area. Leveling and terracing of slopes for construction not only disrupts the balance, but also it has increased the weight of the load of flood intensity. The damages caused by the flood of mass movements within the city limits has been exacerbated in Torghabeh.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1998

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Among senses that humans interact with their surrounding is the sense of sight that has the greatest role in enjoying natural environment. The natural environment has a condition that gives calm to the eye of each viewer. For satisfaction of citizens, it is necessary that urban managers consider visual elements in the design of parks. Zahedan as an emerging metropolitan in the South East area, has numerous parks, Mellat Park of Zahedan that is situated on the road of Zahedan to Khash can have a function in the region. However, this park suffered from serious damage in the terms of aesthetic. This study for determining these damages examined two hypotheses: 1. visitors of Zahedan Mellat Park regarding public preferences, preferred area of designed spaces to other areas. 2. Different age groups in the Mellat Park have different evaluations for visual landscape.This paper is based on public preferences using a classification model quality (Q-Sort) visual assessment of the present situation in the parks based on the tastes of the citizens. According to this model, with regard to the types of landscape existing park space is divided into different area: 1- Area of designed spaces, 2- Area of games and 3- Area of with natural covering. The 495 photos were taken at two different times of the area and with regard to the objectives of the study and a total of 24 images for each area were elected. The images, according to the preferences, were ranked in five categories (very nice picture, nice, ordinary, ugly and too ugly).The results show preferences respectively from the most to the least important priorities: area designed spaces 40%, natural area cover 38% and of the area games 22% with the preferences of visitors.

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Parks “as physical elements” have dominant roles in context of realization of recreational function in urban spaces. Realization of this function depends on two basic factors:“optimum distribution” and “function diversity”. Aim of this research is assessment of distribution and quality of parks among citizen of Anbarabad city. In this study, field observation and review, referring to statistics and information in master plan of Anbarabad are methods for data gathering. For a suitable rating, and the factual affect of each index, the weighting method of paired comparisons (AHP) has been used. For the data analysis Vikor model technique was used. The findings showed: the per capita for the park in Anbarabad city (4.4 square) in comparison with national & international standards is very low, and the parks distributed is unsuitable. The findings of Vikor model showed the best of parks in Anbarabad city are: laleh, shahrake-e- emam, mokhtarabad, abasabad. Ziarat, hossinabad, and abassabad have unsuitable quality. Assessment of indexes showed that Laleh park has the best development indexes among others.

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View 1239

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Among the implications for the success of any planning is the attention to social issues and social capital, so that without it, it is not possible to plan. Citizenship participation is also one of the components of social capital, where, many of the problems referred to, such as the lack of citizen participation in decision-making, lie in this scope of the issue. In this paper, an analysis of the components of citizenship participation and accountability of urban managers has been discussed with respect to the correlation between the two factors. This study is a descriptive-analytic study which was conducted by using a combination of fieldwork and attributive methods .The study was conducted in Eslamshahr city, Iran. Research findings showed that the components level of the citizenship participation and accountability of urban managers in the Eslamshahr is lower than the average level. Furthermore, it was realized that, there is a direct correlation between the citizenship participation and accountability of urban managers. Therefore, it is understood that, the citizenship participation will be increased when urban managers accountability rate is increased and vice versa.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Climate conditions is one of the most important and affecting factors on different aspects of life, especially the health and human comfort. In this study, using bioclimatic and Tourism indices including; Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) and Nervous Stress, climatic comfort of Hamedan province is evaluated. For each of the indicators, climatic parameters were used of the 9 meteorological stations in the province in 14-year period (2014- 2001). Then, different areas of the province have been evaluated in terms of the above bioclimatic indices.The results show that different areas of the province have a large variety of climatic comfort during the year. Based on PET, in May (Malayer, Nahavand, Tuyserkan, Razan, Ghahavand and Famenin Stations), in September (Hamadan station) and in October (Asadabad, Famenin and Ghahavand) are under optimum climate conditions, and "non-stress". Also, based on the Nervous Stress index; in June, Hamedan and Famenin stations and in July, all stations are in "warm and comfortable" condition. In August; Hamedan, Malayer, Nahavand and Razan stations are in "Comfortable" and the rest of the stations are in "warm and comfortable". In September; all stations are in the "cool" condition.In general, according to the above indicators examined in terms of climatic comfort, the best time in the province are May, September and October respectively. However, based on Nervous Stress index, comfort conditions provides only in August. During this period, in addition to the optimal climatic comfort, natural beauty across the province is also very favorable.

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