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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The quality of urban life, as the most recent intellectual current, has influenced urban planning. Since the 1970s, the study of social indicators as a field of academic social science has gained acceptance. Some attempts have resulted in the production of regular and special reports. This article aims to assess quality of life in both old and new textures of Maragheh city based on economic factors, social, housing, environmental health, access to services and facilities and the quality of urban public transport. The deployed research methodology is descriptive - analytical. Rudimentary library studies were conducted which were later followed in the field using questionnaire. For analysis and ranking of sites, Entropy and ELECTRE methods were used. Based on surveys conducted more points of access to green space was found to be in the first place. Public transport quality indicators, quality roadway access to the residential units, the quality of streets and alleys in the old context were recognized important and occupying latter positions in the ranking continuum. Based on the results of the ELECTRE techniques, Districts 3-6, 2-6 and 1-6 were located in the best of circumstances and localities studied and districts 2-2, 1-3 and 4-4 were the worst and lowest ranks.

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The emergence and establishment of cities is subjected to environmental and natural phenomena more than any other factor. The reason is that natural phenomena have certain effect on location finding, dispersion, penetration and prevalence area, physical development and urban morphology. Following economic and social evolution in the last decades, the trend of urbanization in Iran has led to ungovernable development of cities. This development, improper and incongruence with capacities and natural facilities, has created unsightly consequences in bio-skeletal space of cities. Considering the points mentioned, the purpose of this study is to examine geomorphological limitations for physical development of Kermanshah and its proper location in future development .To achieves this purpose of a topographic map, geology, landslide, land use, erosion, meteorological data, and field research using library resources is taken.Using DEM 1:25000 from Iran Mapping Organization, the information related to slope, the aspect and altitude height of the area have been obtained, then based on fuzzy GIS ARC, the earth has been zoned for physical development of Kermanshah based on two factors including natural factors (altitude height, slope, aspect, geology, fault, flood, landslide, land use, erosion and quadruplet protecting areas) and human factors (highway, power transmission lines, army areas) .The final result of fuzzy multiplying of final map has been obtained from the location tree. Improper area which is 51617 hectare, average area which is 1372 hectare and proper area which is 1126 hectare were recognized.The major proper area is located in areas higher than Ghareh So River which ends up to Kermanshah- Sanandaj road in western part and it continues linear to the eastern part. Another area has been located in south western in Javanrood- Kermanshah road and a polygon has been located in south part of Kermanshah near Islam Abad road. The major part of improper area has been found to be located in north, south and south eastern and in the central part, on Ghare So River due to flooding and fault.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Due to the inefficiencies of the traditional approaches to regional planning in solving problems, mainly suffering from physical emphasis and increasing complexity of the relationship between activity areas, the use of more efficient approaches such as strategic spatial planning, for solving regional problems and readjust relationships within it for different purposes were scheduled on the agenda. Strategic spatial planning approach can be considered a long-term plan that will be guided by the public sector and will emphasis on spatial dimensions of regional levels. Emphasis on the principles of sustainable development and regional integration in strategic spatial planning approach ensures unisonous development in different dimensions that can be possible integration of activities in order to achieve the objectives of sustainable development provided.This research is based on the use of Analysis of Interconnected Decision Areas (AIDA) method in strategic spatial planning approach to achieve sustainable integrated development of Qazvin region. To achieve this purpose, after determining the decision areas, the scenarios were generated and were prioritized by the integrated and sustainable development approaches followed by the best scenario selection. Later policies and executive programs were produced. This research seeks to adjust activities, services and facilities distribution in an accord with settlement potential of Qazvin region and provides strategies, policies and programs for implementation in order to achieve sustainable and integrated development of Qazvin region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today lack of urban green space is the basic problem of cities. Urban green space is one of the very important land use problems in the city and minimum per capita green space also is a criteria for assessment and determination of sustainable cities. DEHGOLAN city in one of cities that does not have the proper distribution of green space, so that its per capita is 57.2 square meters per person. In this city, some neighborhoods do not have any green space and some neighborhoods have more green space. This article aims to provide a suitable model for optimal distribution of green space in city, according to components such as population, communication networks, facilities, space, security and arid areas in the neighborhoods. The deployed research methods is descriptive - analytical and data was collected based on field surveys. TOPSIS and GIS techniques have been used in this study. According to above criteria, each neighborhood has been studied and analyzed separately. Prioritization of green space in the first phase was conducted in six step of TOPSIS. Results in this phase showed that the KLE_MLE district have first priority for green space allocation. In the second stage, firstly the data was collected and database in GIS was formed, then according to the importance of each criteria in green space, appropriate weights were assigned. The results of GIS and TOPSIS combined and KLE_MLE district with /0537 (CL) was taken in the first place. The final result of this study indicates the important applications of TOPSIS and GIS in urban green space Prioritization and provides optimum dispersion pattern based on the criteria and needs of the urban population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In recent century, the urban population exceeded the rural population for the first time in the history. The increase of the urban population has forced the planners and policy-makers to develop the cities and establish new cities for the settlement of population overflow of the metropolises. The consequences of such a rapid growth on the one hand, and the results of the researches that show the dissatisfaction of the citizens with the policies of the urban development on the other hand, have made the urban managers and policy-makers look for the solution of the problems that are imposed by the development of the cities and establishing new cities worldwide. Meanwhile, the urban public spaces are critically important because they are accessed by all citizens and are regarded as the context of the social actions. An overview on the Iranian new cities shows the failure of the authorities in creating qualitatively desirable spaces. Indeed such cities have only formed for settling the overflow of the population of metropolises without paying attention to the urban qualified public spaces, and thus they have considerable effects on the mental and physical health of the citizens. Focusing on the concept of environmental quality and its effective components, this paper attempts to find the effective factors on the increase of the quality of public spaces in new cities. Considering the nature of the data, we have used descriptive and correlational research. The results of studying Parand New City of Iran shows that, there is a significant relationship between the level of accessibility to the space, personal characteristics of the citizens, and the increase of the quality of urban public spaces in the new cities.

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Today, the urban management has been changed. The cities they manage for the comfort and welfare of the citizens. Considering in the climate change process interfere many climatic elements its erected that following any quantify and quality change in elements also influenced humans bioclimatic convenience. Neverless in this study using climatic variables of rain full temperature and relative moisture of synoptic station from khorramabad city in during one statically period for fifty years (1340-1389) probability occurrence of climatic change studied in this city. In following evaluations direction its effects on climate of regions convenience using bioclimatic Terjung model desirable months for human physiological convenience defined in five period of the years and linear procedure these changes for next ten years that is Contemporaneous with 1399 is expected in Minitab software environment. Results obtained this research shows that in during recently decades in region under studied elements of temperature and rainfall elements have fallen but relative moisture variable have risen. Also bioclimatic of khorramabad city has under wen changes in recently decades such in during year have whether extremely hot to cold. In the first to forth period under studied in year six months have physiological conditions very cold and mean while that in fifth decades has changed to seven months. According predictions done in the Khorramabad city, were the two result, The first result is next decade, the warm months are favorable conditions for the comfort and convenience of human physiology, Second the result months of pleasant in the next decade will be reduced from three months to two months. Urban management role in moderating fluctuations the comfort zone of Khorramabad city in the next decade especially will be found a special place in the management of urban green spaces.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Access to safe, convenient, low-cost transport is a natural right of every citizen and this determines the quality of life in urban areas. Cable Propelled Transit (CPT) is a transportation technology that moves people in motor-less, engine-less vehicles that are propelled by a steel cable. The two main CPT configurations include Top-Supported systems (vehicles/cabins supported from above) and Bottom-Supported systems (cabins supported from below via tracks). Monocable Detachable Gondola (MDG) is the most basic and common CPT systems used for urban transit installations. This technology utilizes a single cable which provides both propulsion and support. Since the cable line circulates continuously around two end terminals, MDGs are classed as continuously circulating systems. An MDG’s detachable grip enables cabins to detach from the propulsion cable upon entering a station and reattaching when exiting. MDG cabins typically seat 8 passengers but can have capacities ranging anywhere from 4-15 riders. They are increasingly popular forms of public transportation due to their high reliability, modest capacities and relative low cost and quick implementation times.Technical Stats Application: MDG systems are well-suited and easily adapted to the urban environment whether it’s built on challenging topography or flat land. In large cities, they typically complement rapid transit trunk lines by functioning as feeder systems. However, in smaller cities with lower transport demands, they can operate as a primary transportation line. MDG systems are also the most common tourist-oriented gondola systems found in cities. This paper tries to offer cable transit system to control a part of urban traffic congestion and facilitate movement of people along with other urban transit systems to facilitate commuting. Therefore, as in our country there is not an applied example of cable transit system as a public urban system and we only use this system as a tourism system and as a twin winter mostly applied, we implemented two successful experiences in Colombia and Venezuela, to analyses the advantage of this system. After analyses Measurement and Assess of the Practicality of the project in city if it was possible, we would propose it to city council.

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The basic key is the easy access to public libraries in providing successful services in the public libraries. High quality services for those who do not have access to those services would be worthless. Access to services should be organized in such a way that comfort and ease for the actual and potential users de maximized. This research focus on the required number of public libraries and location of them in Saqqez city, taking in to account their “consistency” and “centrality”, with the use of Geographical Information System (GIS). The result of the study indicates that restrictions in natural factors (mountainous location and river in city center) on the one hand, and inattention to locality consistency and inconsistency land, on the other hand cause the existing libraries have no suitable positions. Therefore, with respect to the final map in Saqqez city, optimization of zones recommend building new public libraries in branches or extensions.

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