Problems of water delivery scheduling are one of the reasons for poor performance of irrigation projects. These problems lead to high operational losses and miss-match of water delivery with water requirements. Traditional approach for water delivery planning is based on personal experiences, which is not necessarily satisfactory. The use of analytical and optimization methods could resolve some of these difficulties. For water delivery scheduling, in addition to delivery parameters (discharge, duration, and frequency), the number of intakes, their turn and order with which they receive water in irrigation blocks should be determined. Water delivery scheduling should provide several objectives such as minimization of water deficit and losses and canal capacity while satisfying several constraints such as canals' and structures' capacity and their operational limits. Therefore water delivery scheduling is a complex, multi-objective, multi-variable, and multi-constraint problem, which requires powerful optimization methods to be solved. Classical optimization methods are facing some limitations such as: being trapped in local optimum points, and difficulties in handling different variables. To overcome some of these limitations, new techniques which can solve complex problems could be used. The PSO method is derived from the swarm behavior of birds and fish. The community of birds and fish find their best position based on two elements which are the individual and the collective position of the group. In recent years this technique has been successfully applied on several engineering problems. In this study PSO algorithm is used for planning optimal water delivery in irrigation canals, and it is applied on amx canal of Varamin irrigation network. The objectives are to minimize canal capacity and to maximize the utility of irrigation frequency. Optimal discharge and delivery duration to 11 intakes, number of intakes grouped in 3 irrigation blocks, and their turn and order of receiving water are derived. The optimum canal capacity is derived to 1.64 cms, which is 320 lit/sec less than that derived using SA method on the same canal. The results show the capability of the PSO method for planning optimal water delivery in irrigation networks.