In engineer world design of experiment is of significant important tools for modification and improvement of production process performance .In definition of experiments،we are usually interested in determination which process variables are effective in response. Basically the next procedure is optimization،it means defining important factors which results in best possible answer. For effective variables definition we may use DOE techniques, Design of experiments (DOE) is a strategic planning, conducting, analyzing and interpreting experiments so that valid conclusions can be drawn efficiently and economically. It has proved to be very effective for improving the process yield, process performance, and process variability .for optimization procedure we can use RSM and operation research (OR) techniques. Response surface methodology (RSM) is an empirical modeling approach using polynomials as local approximations to the true input/output relationship. This empirical approach is often adequate for process improvement in an industrial setting. By concise design of experiments, the objective is to optimize a response to (output variable) that is influenced by several independent variables (input variables). In that an experiment is series of tests, called runs, in which change are made in the input variables in order to identify the reasons for changes in the output response. operation research (OR) have been applied to real-word decision –making problems and MODM (Multiple Objective Decision Making) techniques have been applied to solve practical problems such as academic planning, systems reliability, transportation planning and so on. In these techniques, fuzzy set theory has been applied in linear and non-linear programming, integer programming, dynamic and net work programming and so on. It helps to improve over simplified (crisp) models and provides more robust and flexible models for real-word complex systems, especially those involving human aspects. In this paper, as the first case study, identification of effective factors on product quality and duration of pride 141 rear quarter draw mold is carried out by DOE and as two factorial design 23 and 24 .Also as the second case study, identification of effective factors in improvement of plastic injection molding process and determination of dependent variables are investigated in limitation of purposes which are pursued in DOE and in the shape of a factorial design ,and after that acceptable factors quantities and dependent and independent variables is defined and calculated by RSM, MODM and FMODM (Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making) arguments (in both case studies).