In philosophical texts, the primary focus is on proving The Necessary, and monotheism is taken into account as derivatives of proving The Necessary while mystical texts have their focus on monotheism. Rather than focusing on proof of God’s existence, Quran’s focus is on monotheism. Firstly, philosophers try to recognize God by acquiring and holistic knowledge and secondly, in philosophy, both God and creatures are from types of existence but each one has a different level of existence, while mystic has non conceptual knowledge about God and for him, only God is existed and except God nothing else neither himself nor any other creature is existed. When the Quran is talking about God, obviously, it mentions a personal God. Focusing on three groups of Islamic texts (Quran text, Mystical texts, and philosophical texts) the paper has been an attempt to analyze the attitude of each text about "Proofs of Gods Existence" and at the second view, the similarities and differences of these three approaches are mentioned.