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طبیعت توسعه یافته و پایدار، تحت تاثیر اقدامات توسع هایی غیر درخور بشری شدیداً دچار سرگردانی و ب ینظمی شده است. هر چند وفق هدایت تکوینی و بر اساس تئوری ایزوستازی این مخلوق نیز در جهت پایداری و تعادل خود واکنش هایی را انجام و باز خورد این واکنش ها، بعضاً پیامدهای ناگواری در قالب سیل، رانش زمین، تغییر اقلیم، هدررفت منابع آب و خاک، آلایندگی منابع اعم از هوا، خاک و آب و. . را برای بشر ارزانی م یدارد، ولی اندیشه خلاق بشر جهت استفاده حداکثری از طبیعت و ایجاد عیش و معیشت پایدار برای خویش، همیشه را هح لهایی برای مهار و در امان ماندن پیشنهاد و اجرا می نماید. نمود عینی این را هح لها حتماً در قالب رشته های علمی متعدد عینیت می یابد. ...

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Climate change would have direct impacts on water resources. Optimum utilization of water resources and relevant management can be on identification of hydrologic procedures. Surface runoff is among the most important causes of erosion, land degradation, sedimentation in storages and decrease in quality of river water. As it is very difficult to determine all parameters in a basin, a simple model which can predict important factors with few inputs can be very helpful. Surface runoff is very important parameter which can be computed using IHACRES. Herein this research, IHACRES is used in three (daily, monthly and annual) time scale considering climate change status. Base period was 1961-1990 and all the simulation was done considering this period. NSE, MAE, MSE, RMSE, R2, R2 Inv, R2 log, R2sqrt ER and R indexes were used for determining the conciseness of the model. Results show that Mean Error is equal to 6. 8%. The model is able to simulate runoff in daily and monthly scale while for annual time scale; it is not advice to use the model.

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Daily streamfl ow information has a major role for solving various hydrologic problems, but the continuous information of daily streamflow is not available in most cases. One of the approaches to estimate daily streamfl ow at an ungauged location is to transfer rainfall– runoff model parameters calibrated at a gauged (donor) watershed to an ungauged (receiver) watershed of interest. This method is based on selecting a similar gauged watershed to ungauged watershed. The study examines the possibility of simulating time series of daily streamflow for ungauged watersheds based on hydrological similarity. The data of 14 gauged watersheds (with drainage area between 16 to 804 square Kilometers) with 11-year time series of daily streamflow data located in central Alborz region, Iran, are used for this research. The HBV model is applied to simulate daily streamflow with parameters transferred from gauged watersheds counterparts. This model has been used widely in previous similar studies and was selected for this research due to its simplicity, input data availability and adaptability to different climates. Hydrological similarity is defined based on three regionalization methods including drainage area, spatial proximity and physical similarity. The obtained results showed that transferring HBV model parameters based on spatial proximity method produces better runoff simulation compared to the other two methods and physical similarity is preferred to drainage area. Also, the results indicate that the HBV model has a high ability for regionalization of daily streamflow in the study area and the uncertainty related to model parameters could be neglected by using the best calibrated parameters set of model. According to the aforementioned brilliant results of applying HBV model predictions in this study, we suggest this model in future similar study.

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For geological surveys of different sections of the Quaternary deposits of Jam aquifer, using depth data of wells and geoelectric boreholes, 51 wells and boreholes were used to extract depth of sections. In the GMS software by selecting ID, Quaternary deposits were identified and coded in wells and Sondage. Based on geo-electric sections of the Jam Plain, Due to the prevailing electrical resistance (Ohm Meter) and analysis of sample Sondages, three classes of quaternary deposits including dry alluvial deposits(Q2), Juicy alluvial deposits(Q1) and the marl Bedrock were separated. After entering quaternary deposits data into ArcGIS software, by logarithm, normalizing the data was done. The results showed the Jam aquifer bed rock in the northwest of pure red clay, in the northern part of the green marl and the middle part of the bed rock is pure marl. Surface layer contains alluvial deposits (Q2) and below it, the layer contains juicy alluvial deposits (Q1). Marl bed rock is seen all the way through the sections. The maximum height is 730 m in the northeastern plain and at least 630 meters in the northwest. The study showed that the major thickness of quaternary deposits Q2 is located in the northeastern region of the study area and in the middle and northwest of the plain, the thickness of Q2 has been reduced. Quaternary deposits thickness Q1 in the northwest to northeast, especially in the middle of the plain increase. The characteristics of quaternary deposits of the study area, lack of surface watery layers, high permeability and reduced clay impurities. The results of the study showed in dry alluvial deposits and Juicy alluvial deposits, there is a direct correlation between hydrodynamic coefficients and thickness variations of quaternary deposits. With reduction in the thickness of alluvial deposits, the hydrodynamic coefficients are also reduced.

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Groundwater is the most important water resource supply for drinking, agriculture and industry in the Meshgin-Shahr, Ardebil province. Therefore, it is required to be considered the quality of the resource beside the quantity. The objective of this study is to identify the hydrogeochemical factors and processes governing the groundwater quality of the Meshgin-Shahr plain using the statistical analysis methods and bivariate diagrams. For this purpose, 25 samples were collected from the groundwater resources of the plain and analyzed in regards with major and some minor (nitrate, fluoride and silica) ions in the Laboratory of the University of Tabriz. The pH and EC values were measured in the field. The results of measurements and analysis show that some parameters in some samples have amounts higher than maximum permissible limits for drinking. Based on the Piper diagram the samples are mainly belonged to bicarbonate and mixed water type. Cluster analysis puts the groundwater samples into two distinct clusters which are different mainly based on the EC and its related ions. The results of factor analysis and different bivariate diagrams revealed that weathering and dissolution of rocks, ion exchange and anthropogenic activities, with different ratios, influence the groundwater composition of the Meshgin-Shahr aquifer.

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Immense floods are caused by runoff from high intensity precipitation in semi-Arid regions. Nowadays, different methods are used to predict flood volumes for crisis management. SWAT is a comprehensive semi-distributed continuous model for soil and water assessment. This model has the capability to simulate hydrologic procedures in different time scales including daily, monthly and annual using physical data in the basins along with meteorological data. Also, it has capability to link to GIS too. In this research, runoff was simulated in monthly time scale in Hablehrud basin. Hablehrud is located in Semnan province with 3200 Km2 area. For simulation of runoff, primarily basic necessary data were gathered and field controls were done, then, theses data were used in the model. Calibration and sensitivity analysis was performed. Simulation were carried out for a 30 year duration period (1981-2011). Calibration was done using SWATcup extension. A 7 year period was used for calibration and 4 year for verification (1998-2011). Nash Sutcliff coefficient of efficiency was used for assessing the model. Sensitivity analysis were performed and sensitive parameters were determining among 32 parameters. This analysis was done in SWAT-cup which is an extension for SAWT, also t-stat and p-value were determined. NSE were 0. 74 and 0. 63 for calibration phase and verification phase, respectively. We can conclude sensitive parameters are: SFTMP, SMTMP, GW-DELAY and ESCO in Hablehrud basin.

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Human activities and changing in land-use can affect geo-hydrological processes. This paper investigates historical land-use changes over Golestan multilayer aquifer, Northern IRAN, and their impacts on recharges of both phreatic and confined layers. To achieve this goal, three historical land-use maps of 1984, 2005 and 2013 were used. Also the effects of land-use changes on runoff generation potential and groundwater direct recharge have been evaluated using SCS method. Results show deforestation in mountainous region and urbanization in the plain are the most critical problems of the studied area. Forest and rangeland areas in the mountainous district decreased 8. 7 and 4 percent, respectively, and totally added to agricultural lands. Effect of land-use changes on groundwater recharge was found to be more than runoff generation and confined layer is more impressed. In recent 30 years, land use changes caused reduction in natural recharge of confined and phreatic layers up to 18. 12 and 12. 40 percent, respectively. On the other hand, runoff generation potential increased by 14. 14 and 4. 23 percent, respectively.

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Groyns are some structures which are constructed in flow path to protect the river bank. One of the most significant challenges in groyns operation is production of scour hole at the nose. In this study; new arrangement is proposed for permeable groyns and effect of this arrangement on maximum depth of scour hole at the nose of the groyn is investigated experimentally. Amount of permeability for the groyn is selected to be 40%. 60% and 80% and the experiments were performed in clear water. The Froude number is considered to be constant in all experiments and the depth of scour hole was measured with laser meter with an accuracy of 1 mm. Impact of number of groyns in each permeability was investigated as well. Then, behavior of groyns because of change of permeability and also maximum depth of produced scour hole in the situation of nose of groyn with various numbers of bars was compared. Result of experiments shows that between performed experiments for groyn with radial deflecting arrangement, the scour hole depth is minimum on permeability of 80% and groyn with seven bars.

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Groundwater quality, especially siltation and corrosion, are of great importance considering economic and health concerns. Due to the growing population and increasing water demands in the Hable-Roud river basin and therefore increasing importance of groundwater, this research aims to assess the potential of corrosion and siltation in groundwater resources. In this research, the Langelier Saturation Index, Ryznar Stability Index, Puckorius Scaling Index and Aggressive Index indicators were used for corrosion and siltation assessment and geostatistical analyses tools in ArcGIS were applied for zonation of the indicators across the watershed. Given the average values obtained (0. 67 for LSI; 6. 51 for RSI; 6. 09 for PSI; 12. 89 for AI), a large portion of the study area (about 74%) is faced with a siltation condition. Considering the minimum values of RMSE, the two indices of LSI and RSI were interpolated using the Kriging method, while the IDW and RBF were considered for the interpolation of the PSI and AI indices, respectively. Results suggest that, based on the SI indicator, 75. 3% of the total area encounters a siltation condition while the figures change for AI as 72. 96%, for PSI as 56. 42% and for RSI as 32. 17%. In general, assessment of the corrosion and siltation indicators indicates a siltation status for the groundwater resources of the basin, which necessitates developing a suitable management plan to prevent its economic and health consequences. One of the appropriate ways to deal with the siltation issue is to identify critical areas and then adjust water pH to under saturation level.

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The existence of important sources of point and non-point pollutants that resulted from human activities on the ground and their infiltration to the groundwater, reduces water quality, therefore, prevention of this pollution is important in water resources management. The objectives of this study include mapping vulnerable places of Najaf-abad plain using DRASTIC method, determining and mapping hydrogeological parameters of contaminant transfer, comparison of groundwater contamination parameters in different places with study area and ranking conservation-management practices in Najaf-abad aquifer in each city. This study is a descriptive-analytical type of study. In this research, seven information layers including groundwater table depth, pure recharge, aquifer, soil, topography, unsaturated parameters, and hydraulic conductivity of aquifer were used to assess vulnerability of groundwater contamination. According to the results, 1. 744 % (162. 74 hac), 16. 188% (1510. 52 hac), 54. 615% (5096. 29 hac), 17. 761 % ( 1657. 37 hac), and 9. 693% (904. 44 hac) out of the total area are prone to free, low, moderate, high, and very high risk of pollution, respectively.

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In recent decades, artificial intelligence development as a powerful tool has made a tremendous progress in prediction and estimation of hydrological events. Although using artificial neural networks allows estimating rivers' suspended sediment load with appropriate accuracy and speed, predictive accuracy of these models is greatly influenced by the knowledge and understanding of ANN by the user. In natural resources and in especial hydrology and sediment studies, the optimization of ANN structure has not been adequately investigated; and the typical method is test and error. In this study, Taguchi optimization method was used to detect the best ANN structure in prediction of suspended sediment load of Neka River. Four important factors in the structure of artificial neural networks include the number of neurons in the first layer, the number of neurons in the second layer, the training algorithm and the transfer function; which are effective factors on estimation of ANN output and were considered in three different levels in the Taguchi experiments design. The results showed that the structure of 3 neurons in the first layer (level 3), 7 neurons in the second layer (level 2), the Levenberg-Marquarate training algorithm (level 3) and the PURELINE transfer function (level 2) has detected as the optimal ANN structure. The optimal ANN structure is able to estimate the sediment discharge of Nekaroud with high accuracy.

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Due to the time variation of sediment concentration and runoff volume during storms, and on the other hand, the lack of control and study of storms in field conditions for analyzing hydrographs and sediment graphs changes in different soil moistures, the investigation of these variables has special importance in laboratory conditions. Also, the results showed that the use of soil conditioners in laboratory conditions in order to determine their effect has not been considered for preparing hydrograph and sedimentograph. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of biochar derived from sewage sludge with rates of 0. 4, 0. 8 and 1. 6 t ha-1 proportional with cover level of 25, 50 and 75 percent on hydrograph and sedimentograph in different soil moistures including air-dried, 15, 20 and 30 percent, with rainfall intensity of 50 mm h-1 and rainfall duration of 10 min after time to runoff in laboratory conditions. The results showed that the biochar conditioner with various rates toward control treatments had significant effect on hydrograph and sedimentograph changes. Also, the biochar treatment with rate of 1. 6 t ha-1 in different soil moistures has significantly more effective toward on hydrograph and sedimentograph changes. The results also showed that the correlation coefficient between biochar amounts with time to runoff, runoff coefficient, and soil loss and sediment concentration variables was significant in confidence level of 99 percent.

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Modeling the spatial-temporal variation of water quality and analyzing the effects of land use changes on the qualitative parameters of groundwater is very important. In this research, the ability of various deterministic and geostatistical techniques in the prediction of spatial-temporal qualitative parameters regarding drinking, agriculture usages and effects of infiltration rate of water into the soil in Mashhad’ s plain were investigated by using statistical data of 62 observation well from 1996 to 2016. The land use maps were prepared by ENVI5. 1 using Landsat images. Analysis of isoline maps showed that the water quality had been dropped considerably in terms of chlorine and total hardness and the area with class of sever restricted usage had been increased. Investigation of EC isoline maps showed that in the year 2016, the area of regions with moderate and sever restricted usage was the highest in comparison to 1996 and 1986. The pH isoline maps showed that the major part of study area is located in the moderate restricted class. According to SAR isoline maps, all part of the study area is located in non-restricted class and it has approximately remained constant during the years. The geological maps of study area showed that the formations have good effects on groundwater quality. Analysis of Land use maps showed that rangeland and agriculture have received the most area of land use. During the studied period, rangeland and agriculture had the most decrease (6. 61 %) and increase (2. 16%) equivalent to 643. 29 and 235. 46 square kilometer, respectively. By moving from center to northeast part of Mashhad’ s plain, the agricultural lands and the number of illegal wells and urban industrial land use is increased which altogether have led to the significant loss of water quality.

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Runoff and sediment yield are important issues in water resource management that led to some problems in utilization of water structure and dams. Runoff volume, soil erosion intensity and sediment yield in watersheds are related to watersheds hydro-geomorphologic characteristics. Therefore, the aim of this research is to assess a relationship between watersheds hydro-geomorphologic characteristics with runoff and sediment yield in upstream of Samian hydrometer station with 42157 ha area. For this aim, the upstream watershed of this hydrometric station and 19 other sub watersheds were determined. The watersheds characteristics were divided in 6 groups and 76 parameters. Using of the correlation matrix, Ward clustering method and PCA method were determined parameters for modeling in three different scales that prepared 72 equations for estimation runoff and sediment yield. Also, the statistical coefficient consists of NS, R2 and RMSE were used for assessment of the obtained equations. Results showed that the obtained equations from total watershed scale with NS coefficient between 0. 95 and 0. 99, and R2 coefficient between 0. 97 and 0. 99 have the highest accuracy. Also, the equations obtained of selected parameters with PCA method have high precision than clustering method. Regarding importance of runoff and sediment yield estimation in ungauged stations, the regional modeling method can be used with high performance.

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