Rainfall is one of the meteorological parameters which plays an important role in developmental projects. Three, twenty seven, and three recording rain-gauge stations were selected for North, Razavi, and South Khorasan provinces, respectively. These stations had more than 8 years of record length, end to 2002. All of the recorded storms were digitized. Minimum and maximum storms were 182 and 525 for Sangan-Khaf and Mashhad stations, respectively. However, all storms were not recorded completely. Yet no acceptable method could be utilized for re-construction of such storms. Gumble distribution, among the common distributions, better fitted the rainfall intensities of all stations. Considering 10 year-hourly rainfall (p60.10) as a key point of rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF), constant ratios were derived between rainfalls over the vast geographical territory of 3 provinces under study. Nonetheless, no significant relationship could be derived for (p60.10) from other easily-computed parameters. Therefore, isohyetal map for (p60.10) was plotted. From this map, one can interpolate for a corresponding value for any desired ungaged-point. It was shown that the bias for estimation of rainfall corresponding to any time duration and frequency for all stations, except one, was negligible.