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One of the ways of realizing the role of people in providing and maintaining security in the society is contribution of citizens in overseeing police performance which leads to enhancement of the feeling that citizens play an important role in establishment of security in the society. In this way, mental security can be enhanced and rate of abnormalities can be mitigated. The major philosophy behind setting up oversight bureau and its subordinates in all cities all over the country has been attracting public trust. The objective is identifying the effectiveness level of IRI Police oversight bureau in mutual trust making between police and the public. In 1385 (2006}, Tehrani citizens contacted IRI Police oversight bureau to criticize, complain and/or comment on police performance; 250 cases were chosen among all the cases through random sampling. Their comments were received through questionnaires and its reliability and validity was measured via a scale. The achieved data was analyzed through using various tests and SPSS software. The findings resulted from the analysis indicates that social trust coefficient to police is growing, as a result public oversight can play an effective role in enhancing the coefficient of social trust to police. The research pattern indicates that all the hypotheses of the research have been confirmed, and dependent variables have managed to forecast the variable changes by 59%.

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Nowadays, capable human force is the most important competitive tool within organizations, whose senior managers are intending to develop humane capital from inside the organization.Therefore, due to its high importance and effectiveness, the issue has been the centre of attention of all the personnel, managers and commanders; in addition, it has been the top priority. In line with the intention of IRI Police commander-in-chief, the issue of empowerment of commanders and middle managers has been given high priority. The surveys conducted so far indicate that spiritual factor is among the most important factors affecting empowerment.The present research aims at identifying the level of effectiveness of spiritual factors (religious cognition, faith and discernment) on empowerment of IRI Police commanders and middle managers. After conducting library surveys on empowerment and spirituality (and determining its constituents), 589 commanders were chosen from among all the commanders as the research samples. Data was collected through a questionnaire, and after data analysis, it came out that faith, religious cognition and discernment with average of 90.32, 84.49 and 81.99 percent respectively, have had impact on empowerment of IRI Police middle-level commanders and supervisors.

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The issue of security in the border affects the trend of development and security in the country. The countries involved in insecurity issue in border regions have found out that due to various reasons such as poverty, etc. insecurity has been expanded, and the insecurity has directly affected the whole country. Due to various reasons such as: existence of identical tribal and ethnic structure on either sides of Iran and Pakistan border, the existing problems in the neighboring country, and lack of economic and development infrastructures especially in the border regions, Sistan & Baluchistan has always witnessed lack of development and some security problems.The present research aims at dealing with the existing problems in the province through identifying the historical and geographical characteristics of the province especially the part known as Baluchistan which is located on Pakistan border. In line with this issue, some of the inhabitants of the province known as Badookis, have been into commuting illegally actions such as goods smuggling, drugs trafficking, human being trafficking, espionage and evildoing. Meanwhile, the present research tries to identify the impact of their performance on security in the border regions. The research indicates that despite the illegal activities of Badookis in the border regions, their activities in the region does not originate insecurity in the border regions; therefore the origin of insecurity is recommended to be sought somewhere else. In terms of objective, the research is of applied type and in terms of nature is of descriptive type; and the method utilized is descriptive survey type. Delphi method has been used to collect information, and through looking into review of literature of the subject a questionnaire is prepared in Lickert scale. After pre-test and determining its reliability and validity the required data were gathered. The research society includes experts of security disciplinary offices and organs. In order to determine the research validity and to calculate the final results of the research Chronbach's Alpha coefficient was used.

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The present research conducted based on the information regarding the factors effective in smuggling arms and alcoholic drinks via Piranshahr.The research has gone through assessing the relationship between the dependent variable - tendency toward smuggling and motivation to do that-on one hand, and independent variables such as cultural values and beliefs, social anomy, socioeconomic status and estimating police forces' potentiality and capabilities. The required data used in the research has been collected through survey method and applying the technique of guided questionnaire.124 Piranshahr householders were selected and surveyed based on the formula for determining the volume of the statistical sample (Sharp and Cochran formula). Meanwhile, thirty commanders and senior officers of Piranshahr police forces were polled about various aspects of smuggling. According to theoretical principles and analytical pattern of research, in addition to developing four hypotheses which were related to dependant and independent variables, cultural believes and values scale of Robinson and Shiver (1992), Social anomy index and scale of Srole (1984) and Miller (1976), certain scale of estimation of Piranshahr police forces potentiality in encountering and campaigning against smuggle, and modified scale of Robinson and Shiver (1992) for assay of motivation and tendency of respondents to smuggle, were measured via making the Social-economical scale (SES) of Duncan and Duncan (1986) in order to assay social economical situation of responses. Chronbach's Alpha coefficient with extent of zero to one was used for measurement of scales and indexes.Pearson correlation test, multiple regression, and path analysis were used to analyze data, hypotheses test, fit goodness, and proportion of theoretical model with respect to the fit goodness of the analytical model through applying multiple regression and path analysis, the results indicate that variables of beliefs, cultural values, social anomy, SES are considered to be factors contributing to tendency toward smuggling and motivating individuals, which are based on the value of Beta.

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Policing should be with religions dignities, Islam, inspired by Islamic teachings of the Holy Quran and Holy prophet's family members so that while establishing order, security and peacefulness for citizens, a desirable management be applied on the basis of Islamic value principles. The research is of applied type and the method is documentary. The research data has been collected through taking notes form books, articles and theses. The indices of considering the research are based on the five management principles: planning, organizing, resources allocation, leadership, and control. The main question raised here is: "what are the common points and distinctions from tactics point of view of policing pattern from Imam Khomeini and Imam Ali's viewpoints?" The result indicates that Imam Khomeini's viewpoints are extracted from Imam Ali's viewpoints. In the meantime, it can be concluded that all the viewpoints fully comply with scientific management principles and have been practically intermingled with the principles introduced by Imam Ali (PBUH). It is said that Imam Ali complied with scientific principles of policing, however it cannot be said that they were exactly the same as the modern ones common now. In fact, Imam Ali simultaneously implemented moral principles of Islam and human management principles. Place and time variables have not had any effects on the above-mentioned principles; however they have had the potential to be implemented in any place and time.Meanwhile, in tactical level, one comes across with some distinctive aspects such as not applying management principles, and some certain aspects emphasized on by Imam Ali They are considered as distinction in tactics. There are just cultural requirements, complexities and scientific, cultural, political and economic advancements, and the management tool of the communities today and that of communities existing in the time of the holy prophet have affected the tactics for implementing these principles. It has also led to emergence of tactical distinction among the above-mentioned principles proportionate with the circumstances and requirements. Finally, the research introduces a common principle for disciplinary management in compliance with the viewpoints of Imam Khomeini and Imam Ali.

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The present research is attempting to find the answer to the question: "What are the inter organizational factors that cause prolongation in a stage of penal proceeding, especially in police departments which are considered as general disciplinary reference which playa direct role in most of the legal cases? " The major variables of the research are training the concerned involved in personnel making legal cases, assessing their performance, the organizational structure of legal services in police departments, manner of leadership and controlling police departments managers. The research method used here is the historical method for studying the theoretical principles; and survey method is used to poll the views of the managers and personnel of police departments. In order to analyze the hypotheses, some proper statistical tests such as c2and T test are used. The tools used to gather data are filled in questionnaire and taking notes from reliable legal and management resources.110 personnel and managers of legal services divisions of police departments and their commanders within Great Tehran Police Commandership during the year 2006 were selected through simple stratified randomization and Cochran formula. The main results of the research indicate the approval of the 5 hypotheses introduced by the research. That is to say, the high effect of interorganizational factors in prolongation of forming legal files at police departments which were previously referred to was approved. The findings attracts the attention of the concerned managers and decision makers to the essentiality of better and more comprehensive planning on holding legal training courses for personnel.

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Effectiveness is an index to indicate how successful we have been in materializing our objectives and/or missions. There has been always a concern whether or not the crime prevention deputies of police departments have been successful in preventing crime and provide Kermani citizens with feeling secure and satisfied. The present study has analyzed and surveyed the performance effectiveness through using indices for creating feeling secure and satisfied among Kermani citizens in line with the performance of prevention divisions of police departments in the city. The required data has been collected through benefiting from a questionnaire the present research has tested two hypotheses: (1) Crime Prevention deputies of Kerman City police forces contribute to feeling secure by citizens. (2) The deputies act so effectively to make the public feel satisfied. From 1523 clients who referred to Kerman police departments and applicants for looking into Kerman 110 police services.195 cases were chosen as the sample group, based on Cochran formula. After the questionnaire was distributed the data was analyzed through using SPSS and one-way T test. As a result, it can be concluded that performance of prevention divisions of Kerman crime police deputies has been considered to be effective in terms of making the citizens satisfied.The findings of the research can be used to improve the performance of prevention divisions in Kerman police departments.

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