The present research conducted based on the information regarding the factors effective in smuggling arms and alcoholic drinks via Piranshahr.The research has gone through assessing the relationship between the dependent variable - tendency toward smuggling and motivation to do that-on one hand, and independent variables such as cultural values and beliefs, social anomy, socioeconomic status and estimating police forces' potentiality and capabilities. The required data used in the research has been collected through survey method and applying the technique of guided questionnaire.124 Piranshahr householders were selected and surveyed based on the formula for determining the volume of the statistical sample (Sharp and Cochran formula). Meanwhile, thirty commanders and senior officers of Piranshahr police forces were polled about various aspects of smuggling. According to theoretical principles and analytical pattern of research, in addition to developing four hypotheses which were related to dependant and independent variables, cultural believes and values scale of Robinson and Shiver (1992), Social anomy index and scale of Srole (1984) and Miller (1976), certain scale of estimation of Piranshahr police forces potentiality in encountering and campaigning against smuggle, and modified scale of Robinson and Shiver (1992) for assay of motivation and tendency of respondents to smuggle, were measured via making the Social-economical scale (SES) of Duncan and Duncan (1986) in order to assay social economical situation of responses. Chronbach's Alpha coefficient with extent of zero to one was used for measurement of scales and indexes.Pearson correlation test, multiple regression, and path analysis were used to analyze data, hypotheses test, fit goodness, and proportion of theoretical model with respect to the fit goodness of the analytical model through applying multiple regression and path analysis, the results indicate that variables of beliefs, cultural values, social anomy, SES are considered to be factors contributing to tendency toward smuggling and motivating individuals, which are based on the value of Beta.