The goal of this study is to assess the ecological needs of Ephedra inter media as a medicinal species and imporatant for soil and water conservation in Damghan. First the study area was deter mind on topography map (1: 50000).With field observation we identified three vegetation types with dominance of E.intermedia and then the slope, aspect, elevation, lithology and geomorphologic features of each vegetation type were determined. Vegetation sampling was done in 10 quadrats (1 x 1 m) on random systematic method. In each quadrat the species composition, cover percentage, and geomorphologic features were recorded. Also in half of the samples in each vegetation type a soil profile was dug and soil sample was taken from 0-50 cm depth to determine texture, percent of lime, gypsum, organic matter, Ph, EC, SAR and ESP. Results showed that there was an significant effect of pH, SAR, percent of gypsum, elevation, slope, and EC. The percentage of canopy cover of E.intermedia increased with an increase in the amount of gypsum and lime in the soil. So, we can consider this species as a perferable gypsophite and calciphite species.Because of the high ability of the species to adapt itself with hard environmental condition such as high percentage of Cas04 and Cac03, and also its medical and conservation values, it can be used for grazing (especially for goat), reclamation and preservation of its habitate.