Mountainous rangelands ecosystems provide best natural habitats, biodiversity, soil and water conservation; thus their sustainable management need information and knowledge about relationship between elements of this ecosystems. This study designed to investigate the relationship among ''A. parrowianus" with soil factors as pH, N, P, K, EC, texture and topographical elements such as aspects, slope and elevation classes in mountainous rangelands of central Zagros. For this purpose, the study area divided into three elevation classes and three classes of slope and defined four aspects in it. Flora and vegetation types were studied by physiognomic- floristic method in the field. The factors of vegetation (canopy cover and density of A. parrowianus) were measured on transects using systematic-randomized method. We sampled soil in each area and assessed above factors. To compare mean of vegetation and density of A. parrowianus between elevation and slope classes and different aspects and interactions, multi-way analysis of variance and to compare means of interior classes of factors and existence significant difference among them one-way analysis of variance and homogeneity Duncan test with software SPSS was used. Results showed that topographic factors and their interaction effects and soil characteristics in different aspects had significant effect on cover percentage and density of A. parrowianus. The maximum of canopy cover percentage of ''A. parrowianus" related to eastern aspect (sandy-loam) and slope class of 30%-50% and maximum of density related to northern aspect (clay texture) and slope class of 20%-30% and both of them related to elevation class of 2300-2500m. The minimum of canopy cover percentage and density of A. parrowianus respectively related to western and southern aspect (both have sandy-loam texture), slope class of 50%-60% and elevation class of 2500 < m. Changes of canopy cover has relation to EC, OC, N and K. Changes of density has relation to litter, stone, pH, P, K and OC.