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Journal of Rangeland

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This study aimed to investigate the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of essential oils from various parts of Echinophora cinerea Boiss. Samples were collected from the species in Gadane Bijan rangelands in Dena region, Kohgiloyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province. Leaves, stems and flowers of the samples were separated and air dried in laboratory. Distillation method was used to extract the essence of the samples. GC-FID and GC/MS devices were used to detect various chemical components of the samples. Results showed that flowers and stems contained the same amount of the essence, much higher than leaves of the species. On the other hand leaves essence had more number of chemical components. The qualitative characteristics of various parts of the species varied considerably. Farnesol <2, 3-dihydro->, Carvacrol, Carvacrol, Oleic acid and Geraniol were identified as appropriate indicators for evaluating essential oil quality of the species. Comparing Terpene components revealed that although Oxygenate Monoterpenes were dominant in stem, leaf and flowers of the species had highest Oxygenate Sesquiterpenes contents. Overall, it can be recommended to extract essential oils from a combination of various parts of E. cinerea as no parts have distinct advantage compared to other parts.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Rangeland ecosystems have important role in providing forage for animals, conserving soil and water and offer other services to society, hence their management and assessment have high priority. This study aimed to monitor vegetation changes in semi-Steppe regions of Aghdagh-Khalkhal in Ardabil province. The canopy cover, density and abundance of plant species were measured using 30 plots of 1. 5 by 1. 5 m2, placed along the established 500 m permanent transects in range key area. Soil moisture and organic carbon were also measured in the plots. The results showed that the plant parameters of Agropyron cristatum, Bromus tomentellus, Festuca ovina and Koeleria caucasica were changed significantly over a four-years period based on the changes in climate variables. The frequencies of shrub species were not changed significantly. Soil organic carbon content varied slowly during this study. Land cover changes is mainly due to plant cover as litter cover, rock and gravel cover percentage remained rather unchanged. Monitoring changes in vegetation and soil condition in a yearly basis can be used efficiently by range managers to conserve rangeland ecosystems.

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Journal of Rangeland

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of drought stress and seed priming with acid ascorbic on physiological traits of Taverniera cuneifolia. These treatments include priming with acid ascorbic in four levels (0, 50, 100 and 200 mM) for 24hours in four experimental replications and 30 seeds per replication. The treated seeds were grown in plastic pots in soil under greenhouse condition. All pots were irrigated with distilled water until the seed germination stage. Various irrigation periods of 3, 6, 9 and 12 days were used on seedlings over a 64 days, irrigated up to field capacity. Physiological traits of plants were measured. Duncan mean test was used to analyze the statistical differences between the treatments. Results showed that the performances of Taverniera cuneifolia traits were significantly decreased compared to the control (no priming with irrigation periods of 12 days). The lowest water potential and photosynthesis rate and highest water efficiency was observed in control treatment.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Using local traditional knowledge in natural resources management is very important. This study aimed to evaluate the role of women traditional knowledge in livestock management in Imam Zadeh Saleh Kutah of Andika County. The results of this study indicated that rural people know the best approach for maximizing profitability of livestock productions, and they inherited this knowledge from their ancestors. Women have key role in economic status of the family as well as social issues. This study indicated that livestock management is not formed in group and it is rather managed individually. Meat production is the most important products of livestock management and in the next stages producing “ butter” , “ cooking oil” , “ whey” and other products assist locals to enhance their family economic condition. The cultural characteristics of locals affect the livestock production in the study area. Balancing livestock requirements with rangeland production can boost economic condition of ranchers in the study area.

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Journal of Rangeland

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A completely randomomized design with four replications was used to evaluate the toxicity effects of various nano Fe3O4 concentration (0, 50, 100, 200 and 400 µ gml-1) on germination and the growth of radicle, plumule and seedlings of Agropyron desertorum and Agropyron elongatum. Results showed that the germination percentage and seedling growth of both species were reduced using high concentration of nano Fe3O4. The concentration of 400 µ gml-1 of Fe3O4 nano particle reduced the germination percentage of A. desertorum and A. elongatum from 95% and 84% to 70% and 45% respectively. 400 µ gml-1 of Fe3O4 nano treatment also reduced the seedling growth of A. desertorum and A. elongatum from 8. 08 and 11. 62 cm to 6. 32 and 7. 27 Cm respectively. Results indicated that A. elongatum is more sensitive to nano Fe3O4 compared to A. desertorum.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Increasing sustainable rangeland ecosystem services such as forage production and diversity are among the main aims of restoration practices. This study aimed to assess the effects of small micro-catchment semi-circular bunds on some diversity and richness indices in Naroon rangeland located in Khash-Sistan & Balochestan province. A systematic random sampling method was used to establish ten 150 meters transects in the treated and control sites (5 transects in each site). Ten sampling plots (2m × 2m) were established along each transect randomly and the vegetation attributes including plant density and species richness were measured. Diversity indices of treated and control sites were compared using independent sample t-test in Minitab16. Abundance distribution models were fitted using PAST program. According to the results, vegetation cover, plant diversity and diversity indices between treated and control sites varied significantly (α = 5%) but the richness indices did not varied statistically. Log-normal model was the best fitted parametric model among the species abundance models including (geometric series, log series, broken stick and log-normal) for the study area. The result confirmed high stability of the vegetation community in the study area as plant species with moderate to high frequency were dominant. Overall, using small micro-catchment semi circular bunds in the study area resulted to more evenness in vegetation and enhanced the diversity and stability of the vegetation in the study area.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Biotic and abiotic factors have strong influences on plant community structures and functions. Facilitation and competition are influenced by biotic factors, and in turn affected by abiotic factors such as fire and aspect. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exposures and fire on understory of Onobrychis cornuta shrubs in mountainous grasslands. The plant cover percentage were measured in twenty-five understories of live and burned O. cornuta in both Northern and Southern aspect and their open spaces next to the species were also sampled. GLM followed by T test were performed to determine the most important factors influencing the species. According to the results, total cover in open spaces were significantly influenced by exposures (F= 16. 57; P < 0. 01). Aspect was also identified as the most influencing factor to determine perennial grasses and shrubs functional types. Annual herbs, cushions and geophytes plant species were more influenced by fire. Exposures and the interactions between fire and exposures had the strongest influences on total covers of the understory species (F= 5. 94; P < 0. 05, F= 4. 76; P < 0. 05), respectively. Our results indicated that although perennial grass cover percentage were more influenced by exposure, annual herbs and cushion like plants were more affected by fire.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Rangeland

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Cultiviating and utilizing medicinal plants can enhance economical condition of range managers and affect grazing pressure in rangeland ecosystems. Ranglends consist of a major part of terresterial ecosyatems which has been degraded in some regions by environmental factors and human activities. Morphological characteristics of the two stands of Citrullus colocynthis as a valuable medical species were measured in Sisitan and Balouchestan province. Factorial experiment with completely randomized design with four replications was used to study germination success of twelve various treatments. Results indicated that morphological characteristics of the two stands were significantly different except the “ weight of thousand seeds” of the species. Root depth and branch length of the species in Zabol stand was 2 meters and it indicates the soil conservative importance of the species. The seed germination and seedling growth of the two stands were improved under all treatments. Forty-eight hours’ hot water soaking treatment was identified as the best treatment for breaking seed dormancy and improving seed germination and seedling growth of Citrullus colocynthis. Implementing of this treatment was easy and it had low risk to affect seed embryo compared to other chemical treatments. Cultivating this species can improve vegetation cover and enhance range condition.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Rangeland ecosystems are widely influenced by mining activities. Mining has various environmental, economic and social consequences on rangeland ecosystems and affects rancher’ s livelihoods. This study aimed to investigate the consequences of mining activities on rural livelihoods of Dehgolan in Kurdistan province. The direct (economic, social) and indirect (ecological and environmental) consequences of mining operation in people livelihood were assessed using questionnaire approach. Validity and reliability of the questionnaires were assessed using expert’ s opinion and Cronbach's alpha coefficient respectively. The statistical population consisted of 218 pastoralists from six various common utilization communities in Dehgolan Township. One hundred forty ranchers were selected using Cochran method and adapting Morgan and Krejcie table. Systematic random sampling method was used to collect the data from the selected ranchers. Spearman correlation test, Kendall's tau b and Path analysis were used to analyze the data. Multiple regression technique with algebraic method was used to perform Path analysis on the data. Results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between people livelihood and economic, social, environmental and ecological indices. The measured indices could account 86 percent of the rancher’ s livelihood. The path analysis showed that economic consequences of mining activities had the most direct effect, environmental impacts had the most indirect effects and ecological consequences greatest overall impact on the people livelihood. Mining activities was identified as a main threat for the ecosystem and people livelihood.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Rangeland

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Accurate range condition assessment is required for selecting best management methods in rangeland ecosystems. Most of the condition assessment methods are not appropriate for Steppe zones of Iran due to the ecological condition incompatibility of Steppe zone with the origin of these methods: Weakness of their theoretical conceptual frameworks and lack of adapting stakeholders and expert’ s knowledge in their design. These shortcomings lead to select inappropriate management practices in these vast zones. Forty indices for assessing Steppe rangelands were selected using literature and conducting two workshops with experts and ranchers. The selected indices were scored inside (as reference) and outside of Kolah Ghazi National Park in Isfahan province. Paired t test was used to identify the indices that varied significantly inside and outside of the National park. The selected indices were compared with those introduced by literature and participative workshops with experts and ranchers. The common indices were introduced as appropriate indices for assessing rangeland condition. Results indicated that twenty-seven out of forty initial indices varied significantly between the range places of inside and outside of the Park (p <0. 01). Finally, twelve appropriate indices including canopy form of desirable shrubs, forage production, desirable plant frequencies, plants composition, invader species, regeneration of rangeland plants, litter percentage, undesirable plant species frequencies, erosion status, vigor and vitality of plant species, plants density and canopy cover of perennial plants were introduced for assessing rangeland condition in Steppe zones.

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Journal of Rangeland

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Copper is an essential trace element for plant growth and its deficiency affects the plant species metabolism. High levels of copper also cause toxicity by increasing reactive oxygen in the plant tissues. A completely randomized design was used to evaluate the effects of 0 (control), 1, 3, 4, and 7 mg of copper sulfate concentrations per liter on some germination and structure properties of Melilotus officinalis. The results showed that although the effects of copper sulfate on germination percentage and rate of the species were not significant (p < 0. 05), these had significant effects on the shoot and root length, shoot and root fresh weight, dry weight of shoot and root (p < 0. 05). The stem & root lengths and root spreading of the species were reduced by using Copper sulfate treatments. Increasing copper sulfate decreased mesophyll leaf thickness (560. 032 μ m at 7 mg per a Kg of CuSO4). Increasing concentration of copper sulfate also decreased the thickness of the parenchyma, phloem and xylem in species roots. Copper sulfate treatments decrease all the tissues in stem of the species except cuticle. The lowest parenchyma, phloem and xylem thickness were 179. 96, 100. 033 and 150. 033 μ m, respectively in 7 mg/Kg of CuSO4 treatment.

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