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During these two decades, according to the expansion of communication, there is a deep transformation in individuals’ conception of space. As space plays an important role in tourism, either real or virtual, this transformation happens in the field too. The present study attempts to show how tourism in the contemporary virtualized world, or as some authors name: the dual globalized situation, occurs.

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This paper proposes an examination of the epistemological position of intercultural communication as it is experiencing a lack of orthodoxy tradition. It is claimed here that a lack of such tradition, in turn, has reflected itself on problems such as a) ill - determined subject matter of intercultural communication, b) ill - conceived theoretical stance of intercultural communication, and; c) undecided methodological considerations. We contend here that in order to demarcate the subject areas of intercultural communication, and in order to deal with the above-mentioned concerns, this scientific field should at least be able to resolve the question of what is the nature of problematic in intercultural communication. The paper goes on to claim that once the problematic of intercultural communication is determined the problem-solving processes would force the field to determine its paradigms and methodological considerations. To follow this line of logic, the paper uses a combined methodology and will indicate that it is a principle in intercultural communication that in order to solve problems one needs to rely on epistemological stance of the one’s researcher more than he / she will rely on traditional model of academic articulations. Therefore, we will focus on the role of language and symbols in formation of problems in intercultural communication, as well as their role in helping to resolve problems. We will consider three stages in development and evolution of social sciences. In the third stages, which started in the 1980s individuals ’as well as groups’, expectations took precedence over structural and coercive expectations.Taking these developments into consideration the paper claims that problematic of intercultural communication in the third stage can be understood and identified  as a result of the effect of four issues: 1- failures of scientific-paradigmatic of modern science, 2- local experiences of individuals and groups, 3- the interaction between extra - national expectations and new media specially internet.

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According to the ethno-cultural diversity, many educational and media basis in Iranian society are needed, in order to make good and healthy communication, in addition to the calm and peaceful interpersonal interaction. Cultural intolerance among diverse ethnics might cause to conflict, opposition, and discrimination and thus some negative affects on the majority beside the ethnic and religious minorities. Therefore, education, especially primary education in the age in which ethical and cultural schemas and assertions are shaped, is really important. This kind of intercultural instruction makes individuals aware of cultural differences and internalizes culture of tolerance. The educational system, which is based on justice and mutual respect, causes also to cultural dynamism and flexibility. Indeed, in this study, we attempt to reflect on the Constitution, as the basis of respect to minority (religious and ethnic); besides two cultural institutions, education and media, as the director in intercultural communication. Considered factors are the good citizenship, effective law system, and recognizing citizen rights.

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The present study attempts to offer a model for social and cultural solidarity: a model based on ethnic and cultural diversity which help to the richness of a culture. Therefore, different approaches to culture, ethnicity and nation would be discussed and then, the concept of intercultural policies and thus its social and cultural consequences will be analyzed: the policies which are born in a special geographical situation and correlated with specific historical events. These cultural policies could not be applied unless the geographical, political, historical, cultural and social dimensions are taken into acount. In this regard, application of cultural policies in Iran will be evaluated and an appropriate model (structural unity and cultural pluralism) will be introduced which reinforces not only the concept of nation and national solidarity but also the cultural diversity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The study of the process of representation in media is one of the important research areas in cultural studies. This article explores the different forms of media representation of ethnicity in Iranian T.V. series based on constructivist representation approach as developed by Stuart Hall. To this end, two series entitled “If my dad was alive”, “Deer of the ninth month” were analyzed in a qualitative manner. The main question is about fairness in representations ethnic groups in TV networks. Also, the authors compare the different forms of the representation of ethnicity and provide an internal critique, bearing in mind the objection, topics, priorities, and policies related to production, procurement and broadcasting ratified to regulate T.V. programs. According to findings, it could be said that the representation of ethnicity gives an unfair picture of certain groups. This approach creates fuzziness in portraying minorities as groups having marginal and even negative roles in the society. Being marginalized, ethnic actors face limitations in expressing themselves. There fore minority subjects who speak in the public sphere encounter more serious restrictions.

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The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) television channels, with the largest audience across the country, plays a prominent role in cultivating people’s perceptions about ethnic groups and in defining intergroup relations in the country. Evidence from previous research indicates that there is notable dissatisfaction on the part of ethnic groups about images broadcasted of them on the television. To gain a deeper understanding of the perceptions of ethnic minorities themselves, a number of semi-structured interviews were conducted among an educated segment of minority groups currently residing in Tehran. As expected, they do not approve of the representations that are made of them in the television series and films. They are critical of the national networks on the grounds that ethnicities are generally neglected on the national television and, when they are indeed shown, they are often misrepresented. They also identify various kinds of stereotypical images that are often portrayed of various ethnic groups based on traits attributed to them in popular discourse. Most of those interviewed believed that films shown on the television hardly present members of ethnic groups as central characters and tend to cast them in marginal roles. The prevalence of such representations, according to the interviewees, stems from film producers’ lack of knowledge about ethnic subcultures and/or their prejudiced attitudes towards them. It may also reflect continuation of past practices that tend to downplay the ethnic groups’ presence in and contribution to the national culture.

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The present study attempts to investigate the relation between friendship and leadership or, in another word, types of authority and interpersonal communication, from linguistic point of view. Friendship is considered as an important concept thorough out the political philosophy. In ancient Athens, it was considered as a human virtue, like justice, equality, and fraternity; and philosophers was so interested in the term that in constructing their ideal polis, friendship would always played a basic role. On the other hand, leadership is to guide and manage the community on the predefined system, which was aimed to lead people to the philosophically selected telos. Using Skinner’s methodology, that is author-context hermeneutics, it could be said that in Farabi’s political philosophy there is a direct and organic relation between friendship and leadership. In another word, leader of the utopia (Madina-al-Fadhila) succeeds when there is friendly relation among all members of the society, from all different social classes. Thus, friendship is mutual: the leader to the subjects and the subjects to the leader.

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Whether objectivity in the understanding of history is achievable? Putting in another way, whether it is possible to account a historical event purely objectively, and free of one’s own values, attitudes, and interests? Whether it is possible to have a “complete history” and a complete explanation of any historical matter? If it is not possible, then it necessarily leads to a relativistic approach which finds any historical narrative acceptable? Are there any criteria according to which one could compare truthfulness of various historical narratives? The present study approaches these questions hermeneutically. However, not all hermeneutical approaches answer them alike. Denying the relativist approach, this study attempts to analyze historicity of the human understanding and that of the interpreter him/herself.

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Internet and other modern communication technologies have affected all aspects of the gathering, combining, and transforming knowledge, especially in scientific-educational and research organizations. These processes are parts of the whole intellectual capital in any organization. Intellectual capital is the hidden and intangible property which is oriented toward organizational goals. In the present study, I attempt to reflect on the affects internet has on some particular dimensions of intellectual capital, namely the human and the communicational, in Iran’s universities. According to the theoretical basis, it is shown that internet usage is an important factor in developing organizational intellectual capital (here, in the universities). Results show that human and communicational capitals are differently distributed in various universities. On the other hand, internet accessibility and consumption (type and quantity), as the independent variables of the study, have meaningful affects on human and communicational capitals in all universities. Furthermore, it is noteworthy to say that there are some other factors, as the ranking of the university, department, educational level (for students), and degree (for faculty members), and gender, which intervene in the process. Results show that internet usage, besides other factors as age, gender, marital status, could guide in explanation of the human and communicational capitals’ changes in the universities.

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