As an Islamic obligation in Iran’s Society, the Hijab doctrine was regarded by Pahlavi Dynasty as an impediment in the way of development. Therefore, the “politics of Nudism” is pursued by the regime. It was not acceptable to the people. The current research argues that Islamic Schools established during the reign of second Pahlavi, from Social Capital perspective, were an influential and significant institutions that acted as a network, which possessing a strong norms such as “Hijab”, contributed greatly to the strengthening of hijab culture in two ways: first, because observing hijab rules in these schools was obligatory, it reinforced the culture of wearing hijab among students and their families. Secondly, from social capital point of view, these networks are suitable places for trustful cooperation. So, with continued governance of Hijab culture in these schools, it naturally opposed the “politics of Nudism” and, therefore, contributed to strengthening of Hijab culture.