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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 931

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The objective of current study was to perform screening experiment, (phase zero of response surface methodology) the analysis of salinity and water tensions for spring wheat in Mashhad region and derive water production functions. The experiment was performed in the Research Field of Agricultural Faculty of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2009-2010. Two water sources were selected: saline water (10 dS/m) and water without salinity limitation (0.5 dS/m). A single replicate factorial experiment with four variables and water requirements in different growth stages, was done with each variable having two levels, 20% and 100% of water requirements. The central points of experiment area with two replications were added for estimating the curvature in the fitted response surface. The results showed the water requirements in heading and flowering were the most important variables. The fitted water production functions estimated the yield of saline and non-saline plots with correlation coefficients equalsing 0.95 and 0.99. In general, the obtained results proved the efficiency of the screening experiment in identifying the relative importance of variables and excluding the ineffective variables.

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To optimize the use of water for agriculture, knowledge of the seepage of the channel is required. Although there are many empirical equations for estimating canal seepage, the coefficients of these equations are different from Iranian conditions and these equations vary in different areas. In this research, the ability of the SEEP model was studied to estimate the seepage from earth canals in downstream of Zayandehrud dam. Seepage from seven different earth canals (degrees of 3 and 4) was simulated with the model of SEEP and the results were compared to the water balance studies. Also, four empirical equations, Davis-Wilson, Moles worth and Yenni dumia, Moritz and Ingham were used to estimate seepage from these canals. The determination coefficients for these methods and SEEP model were obtained 9.3%, 6.7%, 37.3%, 18.3% and 87.9%, respectively. In contrast with empirical models, SEEP model has a proper ability to simulate seepage from degree 3 canals. The empirical models must be calibrated for local conditions.

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View 1870

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Soil water characteristic curve shows the relationship between soil water content and matric suction, which has an important role in water movement in the soil. The measurement of this curve is expensive and time-consuming in laboratory; therefore, many methods have been proposed for its estimation including pedotransfer functions. By using the pedotransfer functions, soil water characteristic curve can be estimated based on other easily measured soil physicochemical properties. Parametric pedotransfer functions have been offered for parameters of the existing soil water characteristic curve models. In this study, 12 internal and external parametric pedotransfer functions of Brooks and Corey, Campbell and van Genuchten models were used and evaluated for 30 top soil samples in Fars province. To this end, the soil water characteristic curve and other necessary soil properties were measured, and then all soils according to the texture were divided into three groups of fine, medium and course textures. The results showed that the parametric pedotransfer functions of van Genuchten model were better than the other models, beacause of the better fit of this model to the measured data. Also, the results demonstrated that the parametric pedotransfer functions of Wosten et al. were the most appropriate method for estimating the soil water characteristic curve for the selected soils in Fars province, and that internal pedotransfer functions were not appropriate.

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View 972

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Accurate estimation of runoff for a watershed is a very important issue in water resources management. In this study, the monthly runoff was estimated using the rainfall information and conditional probability distribution model based on the principle of maximum entropy. The information of monthly rainfall and runoff data of Kasilian River basin from 1960 to 2006 were used for the development of model. The model parameters were estimated using the prior information of the watershed such as mean of rainfall, runoff and their covariance. Using the developed model, monthly runoff was estimated for different values of runoff coefficient, return period, , at different probability levels of rainfall for the basin under study. Results showed that the developed model estimates runoff for all return periods satisfactorily if the runoff coefficient value is taken 0.6. Also, it is observed that at a particular probability level and runoff coefficient, the estimated runoff decreases as return period increases. However, the rate of change of runoff decreases slightly as return period increases.

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View 1068

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Microbial transport in soil is critical in different ways, especially in groundwater contamination and bioremediation of groundwater or soil. The main objectives of this research were quantitative study of bacterial transport and deposition under saturated conditions in calcareous soils. A series of column leaching experiments were conducted. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Cl- were measured. After leaching experiment the bacteria was measured in difference layers of the soil columns. The HYDRUS-1D one- and two-site kinetic attachment-detachment models were used to fit and predict transport and deposition of bacteria in soil columns experiments. The results indicated that two-site kinetic model leads to better prediction breakthrough curves and bacteria retention in the calcareous soil in comparison with one-site kinetic model. Interaction with kinetic site 1 was characterized by relatively fast attachment and slow detachment, whereas attachment to and detachment from kinetic site 2 was fast. Fast attachment and slow detachment of site 1 was attributed to soil calcium carbonate that has favorable attachment site for bacteria. The detachment rate was less than 0.01 of the attachment rate, indicating irreversible attachment of bacteria. Most of the cells were retained close to the soil column inlet, and the rate of deposition decreased with depth. Microbial reduction rate for the soil was 4.02-4.88 log m-1. High reduction rate of bacteria was also attributed to soil calcium carbonate that has favorable attachment site for bacteria.

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View 1108

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Remote sensing has been considered as an appropriate tool for temporal monitoring of some natural phenomena. Ardestan Region is prone to land degradation and masked by sand sheets, sand dunes, clay flats, desert pavement and different kinds of salt crust due to dry climate. To study the trends of land degradation in last three decades, four satellite data sets of Landsat MSS, Landsat TM, Landsat ETM + and IRS acquired in 1976, 1990, 2001 and 2008, respectively were analyzed. The time series analysis revealed that the bare clayflats have decreased and clayflats with vegetation cover have expanded over 32 years. During this period, the areas which are covered by gravel have decreased 13 percent and both the area covered by salt crusts and aeolians have extended 2 percent. Puffy grounds have developed by 2001 but their magnitudes have decreased between 2001 and 2008 as they have been masked by the moving sand ripples. Reduction of 13 percent of sand sheets between 1990 and 2008 indicates that soil conservation practices have efficiently controlled land degradation and desertification in the area.

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View 847

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The effects of soil intrinsic properties on soil structural stability were evaluated. Soil samples (33 series) with wide ranges of properties and structural stability were collected from Hamadan province. Two structural stability indices were used: mean weight diameter (MWD) using Yoder method and De Leenheer-De Boodt index (DDI). Wetting pre-treatments (fast wetting to saturation and slow wetting to a matric suction of 30 kPa) were applied before wetting. Linear and multiple regression relations of MWD and DDI with the soil intrinsic properties (organic matter, clay, fine clay, silt, sand, calcium carbonate, EC and pH) were assessed. Results showed that organic matter had the highest impact on the two mentioned indices. Following organic matter, clay, fine clay and calcium carbonate were ranked respectively one after another. Fast wetting caused a higher aggregate break-down, due to its destructive energy, air entrapment, and non-uniform swelling of the soil whereas slow wetting exhibited better differentiation of soils with low structural stability. The findings of this research demonstrated high agreement (R2>75%) between the MWD and DDI, recommended both to be used for evaluating of the aggregate stability in Hamedan province.

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View 1405

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This study was conducted in Rudasht Research Farm Isfahan, to evaluate tolerance to iron (Fe) deficiency of 30 spring wheat genotype, using split plots in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Main plot consisted of two Fe levels (0 and 20 kg Fe ha-1 applied as FeEDDHA at planting and beginning of vegetative growth). Grain yield increased by 14% following the application of 20 kg Fe ha-1 as FeEDDHA. Application of Fe significantly increased grain yield of all wheat genotypes except for Rushan. The result indicated that Mean Productivity (MP), Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP) and Stress Tolerance Index (STI) were the most suitable indices for identifying and selecting Fe-deficiency tolerant wheat genotypes. By using both treatments with and without added Fe, grain yield showed significant (P<0.01) positive correlation with MP, GMP and STI. The STI could divide the studied wheat genotypes in different groups based on both their response to fertilization and grain yield potential. Therefore, the STI was the best index to identify Fe deficiency tolerant genotypes. Based on the three indices, Ghods and Falat genotypes were the most tolerant and sensitive genotypes to Fe deficiency, respectively.

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View 764

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Application of compost and compost leachate as organic fertilizers can improve plant growth, nutrients uptake and increase phytoavailability of nutrients in soil. A factorial experiment (4×4×2) was conducted in a completely randomized design to evaluate the effect of compost and compost leachate on growth and chemical composition of barley and bioavailability of some nutrients in calcareous clay loam soil and sandy soil under greenhouse conditions. Treatments consisted of four levels of compost (0, 15, 30, and 60 g kg-1), four levels of compost leachate (0, 10, 20, and 40 g kg-1), and two culture mediums (clay loam soil and sandy soil) with three replicates. Results indicated that application of compost and compost leachate significantly increased barley shoot dry matter, the number of tillers, spikes and grain yield in clay loam soil and sandy soil. The maximum barley shoots dry matter and numbers of tillers in both culture mediums were obtained at the highest level of compost or compost leachate, and the maximum number of spikes and grain yield were obtained at the lowest level of compost or compost leachate. Application of compost in clay loam soil and sandy soil increased shoot and root concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu). However, addition of compost leachate only increased shoot concentrations of Fe and P. Increasing compost levels increased post harvest concentrations of NO3- N, P, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and also electrical conductivity and organic matter content of clay loam soil and sandy soil. Addition of compost leachate significantly increased concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu and also electrical conductivity and organic matter content of both culture mediums. In both culture mediums and both compost and compost leachate treatments, post harvest concentrations of micronutrients were above critical levels. Therefore, addition of these nutrients is not required for the next cultivation. Generally, compost and compost leachate are appropriate organic fertilizers for barley production; however, high salinity level in compost leachate, the rate and frequency of leachate application, particularly in sand, needs intensive control and monitoring. Prior to any fertilizer recommendation, the results of this study need to be verified under field conditions, as well.

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View 1390

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In order to investigate the effect of vermicompost on physical and chemical properties of soil, an experiment was carried out in split plot based on complete randomized block design in three replications in Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. The physical and chemical properties of soil included bulk density, particle density, total porosity, water holding capacity, field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water capacity, pH, organic carbon and electrical conductivity in soil. Six levels of fertilizer treatments (T1= control, T2= chemical fertilizer, T3= 20 tons vermicompost + 1/2 T2, T4 = 20 tons / hac vermicompost + 1/2 T2, T5= 40 tons vermicompost + 1/2 T2 and T6= 40 tons / hac vermicompost) and three levels of application years, one year of fertilization (1385), two consecutive years of fertilization (1385 and 1386) and three consecutive years of fertilization (1385, 1386, 1387). The results of the study showed that the application of these treatments in soil were significantly effective in increasing the total porosity, water holding capacity, field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water capacity, organic carbon electrical conductivity and in decreasing the bulk density, particle density and pH compared to control. In Contrast years of consumption of fertilizer did not have any significant effect on the physical properties of the soil except for FC, PWP, AWC, pH, OC and EC. The interaction between years of consumption of fertilizers were significantly different only in particle density and field capacity.

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View 1813

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The effects of waterlogging, sewage sludge and manure on the Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd uptake and concentrations in roots and shoots of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were investigated in greenhouse conditions. A factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications including duration of waterlogging at five levels (0, 2, 4, 8, 22 days) and source and amount of organic fertilizer at five levels (0, 15 and 30 grams of both manure and sewage sludge per kg of soil) was conducted. The results showed that by increasing the duration of waterlogging, the Mn uptake and concentration in shoots and Mn concentration in roots increased but Mn uptake in roots did not change significantly. The uptake and concentration of Fe in shoots and Cd concentration in shoots and roots initially increased and then decreased after soil waterlogging, while Zn and Cu concentration of roots increased after an initial decrease. The effect of soil waterlogging on the Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in shoots was not significant. By application of sewage sludge and manure the uptake and concentration of Fe, Mn, and Zn in shoots and Cu uptake in shoots increased but the uptake and concentration of Pb in shoots increased only by application of sewage sludge. The effect of source and amount of organic fertilizer on the Cd uptake and concentration in shoots, Cd concentration in roots and Cu concentration in shoots was not significant. By application of sewage sludge the root concentration of Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn increased but root concentration of Cd and Pb did not change significantly. The maximum uptake of heavy metals in shoots was obtained by application of 30 g sewage sludge/kg of soil. The effect of soil waterlogging on the heavy metals uptake and concentrations in the roots and shoots was dependent on the source and amount of organic fertilizer. Sunflower plant accumulated Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Pb in roots while the Cd concentration in roots did not differ with shoots significantly.

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View 827

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Azotobacter chroococcum can improve mineral nutrition of plants through N2 fixation and plant growth promoting capabilities. Fourteen strains of A. chroococcum were isolated from rhizosphere of wheat plants grown in different field conditions around Tabriz, northwest of Iran. In a pot culture experiment with sterile soil, wheat plants (Triticum aestivum cv. Falat) were inoculated with 14 bacterial strains. Positive control received nitrogen fertilizer without bacterial inoculation and the negative control was left un-inoculated and without N- fertilizer. Totally, 16 trearments with four replications were arranged in a completely randomized design. The plant growth indices and N and P concentrations of shoot and root were determined at the harvest time. Results showed that the inoculation with Azotobacter strains caused a significant increase in shoot and root dry weights. Bacterial inoculation significantly enhanced the concentration and content of N in shoot and root. Phosphorus content was only enhanced (p<0.05) in the root. Translocations of N and P from root to shoot were markedly increased in bacterial treatments compared to the positive and negative controls. Moreover, strains 1 and 48 which showed relatively higher phosphate solubilizing capability and phosphatase activity in in-vitro assay also brought about higher P content and concentration in shoot and its translocation from root to shoot.

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View 1169

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Paleosols provide invaluable data on paleoclimatic conditions of the area. These soils widely exist in central Iran. Micromorphology and clay mineralogy are among valuable techniques which are useful for interpretation and identification of these soils. The present research was performed to compare the micromorphology and clay mineralogy of paleosols and modern soils of Jiroft area. After field studies, 4 pedons (located on different geomorphic surfaces including stable mantled pediment, stable and unstable transitional surfaces of pediment and alluvial plain, and stable surface of alluvial plain) were sampled for physicochemical, micromorphological, and clay mineralogical analyses. Clay coatings in argillic horizons of paleosols were found during micromorphology observations. On the other hand, clay coatings in present soils were only found in natric horizons, which were attributed to high amounts of Na in these soils. Moreover, smectite, palygorskite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite clay minerals were recognized in paleosols, but chlorite was not detected in modern soils. The presence of palygorskite in the soils under study was related to the stability of geomorphic surface. Results of the present research showed that a more humid climate was present at the time of paleosols formation.

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View 1296

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Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) associations are integral and functioning parts of plant roots. These associations have a basic role in root uptake efficiency as well as improvement of plant growth in degraded environments including heavy metals contaminated soils. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of heavy metal-resistant soil microbe's inoculation on bio-availability of Pb and Cd in soil, plant growth as well as metal uptake by Millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Couch grass (Triticum repens) and wild alfalfa (Medicago sativa). A soil sample was treated by different levels of Pb and Cd (soil 1). Native microbial inoculums were obtained from alfalfa rhizosphere soils adjacent to Pb and Cd mines in Zanjan region (soil 2), then added with weight ratio of 1:5 (w/w) to soil 1. Host plants including millet, couch grass, and alfalfa were grown in pots and kept in greenhouse conditions. At the end of growing period, shoot dry matter and Pb and Cd concentrations in plant and soil were measured. Results indicated that plants yield and Pb uptake were significantly higher in non-inoculated treatments (p£0.05). However, Cd uptake by plants was greater in inoculated treatments (p£0.05). Couch grass showed the most accumulation potential of Cd and Pb among the studied plants.

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View 731

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To determine the proper nitrogen fertilizer rates and its application times for achieving high grain and oil yields of rapeseed cultivar, Hyola 401, a research was carried out in paddy fields of Rice Research Institute of Iran in Rasht during two cropping seasons. A factorial experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The experimental factors were pure nitrogen fertilizer rate at five levels of 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 Kg ha-1 and fertilizer application times at five levels of all fertilizer at planting; 1/3 at planting + 2/3 in stem elongation; 1/3 at planting + 1/3 in stem elongation + 1/3 before flowering; 1/3 in 3-4 leaf stages + 1/3 in stem elongation +1/3 before flowering; 1/4 at planting + 1/4 in 3-4 leaf stages + 1/4 in stem elongation + 1/4 before flowering. The results of statistical analyses showed that from amony nitrogen rates, application of 240 Kg N ha-1 and 180 Kg N ha-1 with average production of 2505 Kg ha-1 and 2596 Kg ha-1 respectively showed the highest grain yield and were in the same group. of Nitrogen application times, application of 1/3 at planting + 1/3 in stem elongation + 1/3 before flowering had the highest grain and oil yields with average of 2155.3 Kg ha-1 and 9865 Kg ha-1, respectively. Maximum oil percentage was observed in control treatment (without N-fertilizer application) and the highest oil yield was obtained for nitrogen rates of 180 and 240 Kg ha-1. Also, the highest growth period was observed for the treatment of 240 Kg nitrogen with 206.3 days. The results showed that nonsignificant difference exists between the nitrogen rates of 180 and 240 Kg ha-1 in grain and oil yields. Therefore, the rate of 180 Kg ha-1 is recomended due to less fertilizer consumption and prevention of destructive effect on the environment.

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View 912

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This study performs trend analysis of hydroclimatic varibles and their possible effects on the water resources variability. Nonparametric Mann-Kendall and spearman tests were used to investigate trend analysis of mean annual and 24-hr maximum rainfall, flood and low flow parameters of 23 hydrometery and 18 synoptic stations in Sefid-Roud basin. The results showed that mean annual and 24-hr rainfall parameters are decreasing in few stations while most of stations representing negative trend for low flow and flood time series. Applying Sequential Mann-Kendall test revelad that this negative trend is started from 1965 to 1970 for rainfall parameters and from 1970 to1980 for flow (low flow and flood) parameters. Results show that climate change has probability affected variability of climatic variables, while changing of land use may have aslo affeteced extreme flow trends during recent decads. Therefor it can be noted that combination of climate chanege effects and human activities on water recources have affected the negative trend of hydroclimatics variables.

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Estimation of flood hydrograph is of necessities in hydrological studies such as flood mitigation projects. This estimation in un-gauged watersheds is usually taken place using geomorphological characteristics of watersheds. The objective of this research is to estimate synthetic unit hydrograph using regional flood frequency analysis and geomorphological parameters of watersheds. 1-hour and 2-hour hydrographs of two watersheds, Kanisavaran and Maranj Watersheds, were generated using maximum discharge data based on regional flood frequency analysis. Estimated hydrographs were compared with observed data and the efficiency of the model was evaluated using Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient, absolute and bias errors. The results showed that multiple regression models give more acceptable results among others for the computation of synthetic unit hydrograph (higher coefficient of determination). The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.98 for 1-hour hydrograph while it was 0.93 for the 2-hour hydrograph. The absolute error in 1-hour hydrograph and 2-hour hydrograph was 0.13 and 1.2, respectively. The bias error was close to zero for both hydrographs, indicating that the proposed model is efficient. The model may be used for estimation of synthetic unit hydrograph in similar un-gauged watersheds.

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Among the environmental pollutants, heavy metals according to their irresolvable and physiological effects on living organisms at low concentrations, are of special importance These elements due to low mobility are gradually accumulated in soil Being accumulated in soil, they eventually enter the food chains and threaten human health and other creatures Therefore, studying concentration distribution of heavy metals for soil pollution monitoring and maintaining environmental quality is essential In this study we investigated the effect of agricultural land use and geology on the concentration of heavy metals contamination of soil and spatial distribution map, using collected data, GIS and GeostatisticsUsing systematic stratified random sampling, 135 surface soil samples( 0-20 cm) from an area of 7262 sq km area and we measured total concentration of elements Nickel, Chromium and Cobalt and soil characteristics including pH, organic matter and texture. The mean value of elements concentrations turned out to be Cr: 88.9+22.7; Co: 17.6+3.5; Ni; 63.1+17.7 mg per kg and the mean acidity is 7.8 which in the area is an indication …… property. Formetal concentrations interpolation procedures, Geostatistics was used. By the aid of spatial correlation analysis, appropriate interpolation method using functions mean absolute error and bias average error were selected. Interpolation map concentrations of heavy metals Chromium, Cobalt and Nickel with ordinary kriging method and the exponential model were developed Interpolation map analysis of heavy metals by the aid of geological and land use maps show that the distribution of the elements Chromium, Cobalt and Nickel are consistent with the geology classes However, they did not match the agriculture pattern Findings of this study in the area give us appropriate information about the concentration distribution of heavy metals Chromium, Cobalt and Nickel which can be used in monitoring and evaluation processes of heavy metals pollution in agricultural lands area. But on the other hand sampling in the areas far away from human effects, showed that the heavy metals concentration is naturally high.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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As the first event in soil erosion, rain splash erosion causes movement of soil fragments. Splash is an important process in interrill erosion. The amount of soil particles detached from the surface is associated with soil and rain characteristics and may be affected by rainfall erosivity and soil erodibility. Therefore, in this study, splash erosion rate and its relation with some soil properties were studied. 120 soil samples were collected from three adjacent land uses including forest, rangeland and agriculture in two depths of 0-10 and10-20 cm in Kasilian Watershed. Soil samples were investigated under the experimental condition using splash cup and rainfall simulator. Results showed no significant differences between splash erosion in different land uses. Cultivated and rangeland soils were found to show a significantly lower organic matter (OM) by 59.93% and 33.62% in depth (0-10cm) and 33.33% and 25.59% in depth (10-20cm), respectively. We also found significance positive correlation between percent of silt and splash erosion rate in agriculture (r=0.69, p=0.018) and significance negative correlation between soil organic matter and splash erosion rate in rangeland (r=0.767, p=0.001) and significance positive correlation between K-USLE and splash erosion rate in agriculture (r=0.00, p=0.758).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Uprooting trees and pit – mound micro topographies are due to creation of heterogeneity condition in soil ecosystem. Pay attention to mountainous condition of hyrcanian forests in Iran and presence of trees with high diameters (old trees), therefore, it is imagined that many of trees are prone to uprooting. Thus, the aim of this research is studying variability some of soil physico - chemical characters in uprooted trees location and pit – mound position. For this purpose, twenty hectare areas of Tarbiat Modares University Experimental Forest Station studied that is located in Mazandaran province, northern Iran. Numbers of thirty four uprooted trees were found. Five microsites were distinguished including mound top, mound wall, pit bottom, pit wall and closed canopy. Soil samples were taken at 0 - 15, 15 - 30 and 30 - 45cm depths from all microsites using core soil sampler (81cm2 cross section). Soil acidity, water content, organic matter, total nitrogen and carbon to nitrogen ratio measured in the laboratory. A statistical result is indicating that the most water content, organic matter and nitrogen devoted in pit bottom. Mound top and wall included maximum of acidity. The most value of carbon to nitrogen ratio found in mound wall, as well. Soil acidity showed no significantly differences among different depths. The results of this research can be considered in forest soils survey and forest management.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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