The present research introduces and criticizes the book “Tazkera-al Khavas”, written by one of the scholars and historians of the seventh century, called Shams Aldin Yusof Ibn Qeazveghli, known as Sebt Ibn-Juzi. After reviewing the extraction, character and religion of the writer and coming to know the book and its sources, content analysis of the book has been performed based on four pivots: first, recognition of reports congruent with Shi'a beliefs; second, un confirmed reports incongruent with the Shi'a beliefs; third, reports with no reference or only a passing reference in other sources. Fourth, responding to some Sunni scholars of Hadith and historians who criticized and weakened some traditions on the glorious deeds and virtues of Imam's (A) and scholars of Hadith. One of the main aims of this research is to investigate and answer two important questions: first why did the book's writer, who is a Sunni scholar and thinker, write a book on the glorious deeds eulogies and virtues of Shi'a Imams despite fidelity to Sunni religion, and why did he admit and acknowledge some of the shi'a doctrines. And still refrained from following the twelvers' religion?