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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold elected status. Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the 17th century. Elections may fill offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local governments. This process is also used in many other private and business organizations, from clubs to voluntary associations and corporations. The universal use of elections as a tool for selecting representatives in modern democracies is in contrast with the practice in the democratic archetype, ancient Athens. The elections were considered as an oligarchic institution and most of the political offices were filled using sortation, also known as allotment by which officeholders were chosen by lot. In many countries, with weak rule of law, the most common reason why elections do not meet international standards of being "free and fair" is interference from the incumbent government.

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Introduction: Today, almost all the cities as “first world” have a Third World city in their hearts that has been struggled with various problems. Due to this reason, many scientists and authorities have focused on the concept of quality of life and fallowed by promoting efforts for improvement of living conditions and quality of human life. Hamedan City same as most of the cities is in the path of urbanization. Especially majority of the population in the province reside in the center of province. As a result, the phenomenon of marginalization is expanding. Hence, vision and imagination of the residents to their life quality is an effective way to identify issues and planning to solve the problems of these areas. This is because it prevents the same prescription for different settlements and bottom-up planning to occur. Hesar Emam neighborhood of Hamedan as the study area is one of the most problematic area in the region.

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Introduction: Nowadays integrated multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) is commonly used in order to solve spatial problems. Different multi-criteria decision making techniques present different methodologies with certain limitations and advantages. Our proposed methodology focused on one of the vital problems of the cities shortcoming in the urban green areas, which can affect the human life from a variety of viewpoints. The levels of green areas of Iran cities not only are low in comparison to the standards of urbanism, but they also have been distributed in an improper way. Accordingly, the available spatial distribution caused so many problems namely, difficulty to access to them and inequality in distribution of the green areas. As a result, in order to answer the needs of urban residents in our country and overcome such problems, the urban managers and decision makers need to apply modern analytical tools. This article attempts to offer a new combinational method to propose suitability map for distribution green space in the region 15th of Tehran Municipality to the urban managers and decision makers using FAHP and TOPSIS techniques.

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Introduction: Influenced by the global economy, urbanization has been accelerated in most parts of the world. This is actually changing the shape of the world. The growth in the urban population and the increase in rural migration to cities have fundamentally changed all the social, economic, environmental and physical aspects of cities. This turned them from a static and stable state into an dynamic environment replete with paradoxes. This population growth has had its own problems. One of the problems is the speeding physical development of cities. Urban physical development is a dynamic and continuous process and in this process the limits and physical space at cities will increase both qualitatively and qualitatively in vertical and horizontal directions. If this process is unplanned, the environmental and physical aspects of cities will face with too much problems. This is why the optimal planning and site selection and development of physical aspects in cities is of much importance in their future development. Based on the 2007 census, the city with a population of 150703 is the third city in population in the west Azarbaijan Province. According to population and physical aspects, the cities has undergone some major changes during the past few decades in a way that the unplanned and uncontrolled physical- spatial development of cities have resulted in the distraction of a large amount of agricultural fields and gardens around the city.

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Introduction: Quality of life as the concept to show the satisfactory of life is a criterion for determining satisfaction and dissatisfaction from various aspects in groups and individuals. Nevertheless, to evaluate the quality of life in villages merged in the city of Yazd, and the relationship between objective and subjective indicators of the quality of life in villages merged in Yazd, the present study attempts to answer this question that how is quality of life in sample community? And whether is there any relation between objective and subjective indicators of quality of life in two studied neighborhoods?

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Introduction: The sustainability approach to development issues and its application to rural tourism have been adopted by many scholars concerning conservation of economy and environment. It is believed that tourism and recreation industry is increasingly becoming as an important component of the structure of rural communities and it thus indirectly considers rural sustainability. Tourism development in rural areas has implications and its undesirable impacts can lead to unsustainable natural and human ecosystems in these areas. Thus, it is impossible to develop tourism activities disregarding sustainability issues. In this respect, it is noteworthy that tourism development requires assessment of sustainability level and analysis of the factors effective on sustainability and unsustainability of tourism and, in turn, requires a holistic and comprehensive approach. Hence, sustainable development of tourism is a holistic and integrated strategy arising in response to ineffectiveness of previous strategies and it is nowadays admitted as a fundamental approach to tourism development.

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Introduction: Due to the uncontrollable process of urbanisation, within the next 30 years, up to nearly two-thirds of the world’s population will be living in urban areas. Most of this overwhelming urbanization is expected to occur in unplanned and underserved cities in the developing world. Along with the creation of a great upset for ecosystems, infrastructure, and the capacity of local governments, the most striking aspect of this tremendous rate of urbanisation in the developing world is the extent of informal settlements which provide shelter to as much as 32-85% of the population [9] and may cover up to one third to one half of the urbanized areas of the cities.Informal settlements are the phenomena that exist in many urban parts of the world and it involves problems such as bad living conditions, poor service standards and absence of secure tenure. Since the 1960s, informal settlement interventions have been a hot topic in developing countries, especially Iran and several models have been applied to solve the situation.

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Introduction: The effects of rapid urbanization on the structure of space and population have been observed in the past half a century. There is ever growing number of cities with alteration of village centers into scattered urban areas. This alternative has turned over the balance of space distribution of the population, which has caused massive social harms. Accessions of rural areas to urban areas have caused countless urban management problems. When it comes to social, economic and cultural elements there are no compatibility between these populated areas. Lack of unified rules and regulations in urban and rural areas causes fundamental disagreement in management of these areas, which in turn will be the cause of all the difficulties.

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Introduction: Lighting has a lot to do with identity and public image of our cities. People interface with their surroundings in nights while they enjoy direct or indirect lighting technologies and supplements. Literature review of this study indicates that new lighting technologies can change our night life and may cause deep consciences in public perception about their environment. Human geography perspective about the issue emphasizes on the role of these lighting of Tehran buildings facades and public spaces on sense of belonging and quality of urban life. The most important aim of this research is to explain the role new lighting technologies can play in changing sense of belonging and quality of urban life in our contemporary cities from human geography points of view. Literature review of the paper also revealed that there are lots of issues that had yet to be addressed in case of making more humanistic city which describes playful city, vivid city, convivial city, prosperous city, and etc. It is very important to explain that all of these criteria can be theorized as sense of belonging which is tangible in citizens’ everyday life.

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Introduction: The city of Tehran is located in a seismic prone area in an active part of Alpine-Himalayan Orogenic belt (Alborz Mountain Range) and has surrounded by several active faults. This city has also experienced some destructive earthquakes in its history. Tehran is a city with about ten million people living or commuting in and out of it on a daily basis. The history of the region indicates strong earthquakes with magnitude of 7.0 and higher, with a return period of 175 years. With the constant threat of strong earthquakes, the city of Tehran and the scientific body have joined together to prepare and implement a comprehensive plan for different aspects of the earthquake reduction policies. This is necessary to focus on disaster mitigation strategies for the city.

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Introduction: One of the objectives of urban planners is to promote urban and neighborhood sustainable development. It is in such a way that stability can be reached in the higher levels of hierarchy in city framing divisions. Purpose of this research is to study rate of stability in the neighborhoods of region N10 of Tehran municipality using the Fuzzy combinational method and Geographical Information System (GIS). Region No. 10 of Tehran, with an area of 817 hectares, is regarded as the smallest region of Tehran municipality after region No. 17.It possesses three neighborhoods. With regard to the performed studies, about 57% of the region is consisted of residential usage.

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Introduction: Today, Geotourism is one of the sections of tourism that can be developed in the regions with geologic and geomorphologic attractions. Geotourism and geomorpho-tourism is new branch of responsible tourism based on the use of geological and geomorphological attractions. In addition to the natural attractions, the geotourism consider cultural, economic and ecological values.Responsible tourism emphasizes on the conservation of natural resources and human tourism. In fact, purpose of geotourism is economic and social development of local community and ecologic protection of natural resources by geomorphosites.

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