Masnavi Manavi has benefited from the previous mystical and literary works. Based on Norman Fairclough's method of critical discourse analysis, in the present article, the story "how a certain Sheikh showed no grief at the death of his sons" from Masnavi Manavi, Persian translation of Risala Qushayriyya and Attar's Tazkirat-al-Auliya are examined. In the three works, mystical status has been described. In the story of Masnavi Manavi, the dominant discourse is "the mystic who has united with God", in Risala Qushayriyya, it is "the station of satisfaction" and in Tazkirat-al-Auliya, it is "submission". In these anecdotes, the mystical concerns are prominent. So, these topics have been considered: certitude, spiritual power of holy man, real sympathy, attention to the Real (God), power and authority. By synthesizing the dominant discourses of mysticism, in the form of a pre-existing genre, Jalal al-Din Rūmi, Attar Neishapouri, Abul-Ghasem Qushairi have re-created a spiritual narrative. The three above mentioned works, as communicative events, are not just a reflection of their authors' thoughts, but they create a special discourse by criticizing materialistic practices and temporary and affluent affections. These works have succeeded in challenging mystical features and strengthening mystical discourse.