The Sociological approach to literature is one of the newest fields in sociology. In this field, the religious, moral, social, economical, political and ideological ambience of society in connection with literature is investigated.Within this framework the poetry of Ashraf al-Din Gilani, a popular poet of the constitutional period is analyzed. New concepts such as home, government, nation, freedom, law are abundant in this period. Although some of these words were seen in poetry in the past, yet we are confronted with a modern application of them which arose from the new ideas of constitutionalism and dominance of people. Nasim Shomal’s poetry has been chosen because it is thought that due to low level of literacy of most Iranians in that period people could better memorize the poems since they were rhythmic and had a conversational style and people were better influenced by their contents. Gilani came from the North, lived among and with people and was well aware of the peoples’ lives and their preoccupations hence he could very well relate with them.In this article, first we have divided the events in the constitution period into three parts in terms of social, political and economical aspects, and then we have classified the themes of the poems of his Divan accordingly. The concordance of the themes with the historical events reveals that the poet was conscious of his time and he has very well reflected inconveniences, hopes, class differences, poverty, family problems, and etc in his poetry.