Agricultural protection has been pursuant and contentious for many years and the problem that has been favored for many researchers in three decades recent, is the relationship between researchers and farmers in production process. This study was about the investigation of effective factors on farmers Participation with Wheat Supervisors in Zabol Township. For this purpose, by using of fuzzy linear regression model, the effect of several factors consists of 10 indexes with the symmetric triangular and nonsymmetric triangular fuzzy numbers were investigated. The data were collected by completing farmer’s questionnaires in 2008. The study tool’s validity and reliability was evaluated by factor analysis method. The estimated coefficients showed that, awareness index, advancement motivation, modernism, job satisfaction and supervisor characteristics didn't have effect on participation in both symmetric and nonsymmetric cases and the farmer's expectation indexes, economic incentives, confidence, scientism, and fatalism were estimated in very low level. Therefore, according to results, it proposed to performance actions by related organizations such as promote experience level and supervisors skills, to become ready on time on basis on farmers needs, visiting by expert with supervisors on farms, making facilities for availability to science resource for problems cultivation, using experiences farmers, making different motivations on farmers and creating sample farms for seeing changes by supervisors.