To investigate and explain alienation is one of the main concerns of sociology of youth in contemporary Iran. Sociology tries to study its different dimensions so as to offer a scientific analysis of the nature and causes of alienation, various effects and consequences of alienation, social patterns of alienation (based on sex, age, religion and etc.), alienation among particular social groups (youth, teachers and etc.), and shapes and aspects of alienation (institutional, cultural and etc).Measuring the level of youth alienation is considered one of the research sectors of alienation. Researchers employ different tools to survey various dimension of alienation. Among them, theoretic model of Meddi, Kohasa and Hoover (1979) simultaneously considers two parts of alienation: a. four forms of alienation including powerlessness, a sense of lacking identity, meaninglessness, lacking adventures; b. five theme of alienation including, self-alienation, alienation from job, alienation from family, alienation from social relations and alienation from social institutions. Comprehensiveness of the model of Meddi et al is a motivation for the present survey research which aims at testing and validating the first alienation questionnaire in Iran. The research data is gathered from 300 youth. It will be analyzed using the methods of descriptive statistics (one-variable and two - variable), and inferential statistics (t-test, coefficient, factor analysis).