A modern economy is knowledge-based economy in which the production, distribution and use of knowledge is the main source of growth and wealth creation. Knowledge-based companies are the engine of this system. This study was conducted to survey of factors affecting the development of these companies. For this purpose, surveys of target groups, including corporate executives and experts from the Ministry of Health is done and to rate the Analytic Hierarchy Process is used. AHP technique is widely used in various fields such as multi-criteria decision assessment, planning, decision-making and forecasting has been used. For this purpose, eight important factors have been investigated, include technological factors, social, market conditions, political, administrative, economic, legal and environmental and compared comments of two groups. As is clear from the results, All factors (technology, management, marketing, economics, law, politics, society and environment) in terms of both the target group had effect on the development of knowledge-based companies. Indicators of technology, economics and law (in order of preference) from the perspective of firm managers are three major factors affecting. Standards of environmental, social and policy choices are at least important. The ministry experts have considered issues of management as key factor.