In order to study the genetic variability in Elymus hispidus, 19 populations from two sub species of Agropyron trichophorum and Agropyron Intermedium were examined in field and germinator during 2006-2008 in Tehran Iran. Data were collected for heading date, plant height, stem number, spike length, forage yield, seed yield and seedling traits (seed germination, speed of germination, seedling length and vigor index). Results showed significant differences between two species for all of traits except vigor index. The A. intermedium populations had higher values from A. Trichophorum. Phenotypic correlations were positively significant among seed yield, plant height, stem number, spike length and dry matter yield. Using principle components analysis (PCA) based on morphological data, the first three components accounted for 87 of total variation. Plant height, stem number, spike length, dry matter yield and seed yield were important traits. In the second component seedling characteristics (seed germination, speed of germination, seedling length and vigor index) and in the third component phenological traits were the most important for classification of populations. Using ward cluster method, the 18 genotypes were classified correctly into two same groups as their species. The distribution of genotypes based on (PCA) analysis was in agreement with cluster analysis.