Shams al-Din al-Samarqandi, one of the Avicenna’ s followers in 7th century A. H, is unknown in the history of logic, despite his logical talent and innovations. As is discussed in this article, the reason for this negligence is that Samarqandi`s logical writings, including his most important logical book Sharh-al-Qestas, are still in manuscript form, unlike Avicenna whose books such as al-Shifa, al-Nijat, and Al-isharat wa al-tanbihat were available in most of the times. In this article, by indicating some of his innovations in logic and other subjects, the necessity of textual criticism of Sharh-al-Qestas becomes clear and necessary. In writing his book, he was aware of his previous logicians` books and referred to them frequently, so finding his unique ideas needs deep and exact research. Also, he has deep effects on the subsequent logicians; therefore by reviving his book, it would be possible to find his real position in the history of logic.