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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mycoplasma are the smallest free-living organisms which can grow on artificial media. Although some Mycoplasma are normal commensals, others are proven pathogens of respiratory and urogenital tracts. In this survey, 221 collected samples of 121 patients with urogenital infections (54.7%) and 100 patients with respiratory infections (45.3%) were examined These patients were either referred to or hospitalized in Imam Khomeini hospital in Ahwaz. The samples were among: urine samples, vaginal secretion swabs, bronchial washing samples and throat swabs. All of them were inoculated into suitable media and were incubated at 37°c for 5-8 days. The colonies which morphologically resembled Mycoplasma were confirmed by the tests such as glucose fermentation, hemadsorption test, urea -manganese chloride stain, urea hydrolysis, Dienes stain and Arginine hydrolysis. A total of 107 Mycoplasma isolates were identified, including 3 isolates (2.8%) of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 50 isolates (46.7%) of Mycoplasma hominis and 54 isolates (50.5%) of Ureaplasma urealyticum. Frequency of Mycoplasma pneumonia was 3%for examined respiratory samples.The most of urogenital Mycoplasma were isolated from 21-30 & 31-40 and the least of them were isolated from 1-10 & 51-60 age- groups. Although some genital Mycoplasma are known as normal flora, the results of this study showed high frequency of Mycoplasma isolates such as M hominis and U urealyticum in infected individuals. This fact Necessitates the early diagnosis and treatment of these oppotunists organisms.

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Wound complications such as infection, hematoma and seroma formation are major causes of delayed recovery and prolonged hospital stay after cesarean delivery. In addition to surgical technique, suture materials are implicated in these complications. Subcutaneous fat tissue is particularly susceptible to developing such problems because of its poor vascular supply. To investigate any difference between utilization of plain catgut and vicryl in this layer, a prospective, randomized trial was performed on 1000 cases of cesarean section over a period of 4 years. The patients were divided into two groups. Closure of subcutaneous fat layer was completed with plain catgut in the first and vicryl in the second group. Results indicated a significant difference between plain and vicryl materials regarding drainage of purulent discharge from the would in the absence of fever or need for admission in the hospital (7 cases in plain versus 1 in vicyryl group). No case of wound infection in the presence of fever and need for hospital admission occurred and hematoma formation did not differ significantly in the group. Regarding the high rate of cesarean section in Iran and considering the lower incidence of wound complication in vicryl utilization, it is recommended for closure of subcutaneous fat layer in this procedure.

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Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is characterized by excessive growth of anaerobic bacteria in the vaginal flora. Previous studies have shown that patients with BV have a substantially increased risk for serious complications such as chorioamnionitis, PROM, amniotic fluid infection, preterm delivery, low birth weight infants, and endometritis following cesarean and vaginal delivery. The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology and risk factors of BV in women visiting the Gynecologic Clinic of Bahonar Hospital of Kerman University of Medical Sciences. All non-pregnant patients who presented with a complaint of vaginal discharge to the Gynecologic Clinic of Bahonar Hospital in the study period were enrolled in this study. After taking history and performing physical examinations Whiff test and microscopic examination of vaginal fluid were performed and vaginal pH was determined using pH test tapes. BV was diagnosed according to Amsel criteria. In this study, 130 non-pregnant women visiting the Gynecologic Clinic of Bahonar Hospital in 2002 were examined for BV. BV was diagnosed in 49 women (37.7%). BV was not correlated to age and BMI (p>0.05). Patients with BV had significantly lower educational (p=0.006) and socio-economic (p=0.021) levels. There was a direct statistically significant correlation between BV and smoking (p=0.033). BV did not have any significant correlation with current marital status or parity (p>0.05). The prevalence of BV was higher in patients who had a history of abortion than in women who did not report such history, but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.070). There was a statistically significant association between lack of usage of contraceptive pills and BV (p=0.035). BV was more prevalent in women who used IUDs than in other women (71.4% vs. 38.3%), though this difference did not attain statistical significance (p=0.091). There-were positive associations between occurrence of BV and history of vaginal infection (p<0.001), history of preterm delivery (p<0.001), and history of PROM (p=0.028). BV, the most common cause of vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age, is seen with a relatively high frequency in our patients. This condition is associated with various obstetric and gynecological complications. It is therefore necessary to perform screening and possibly treatment in high-risk patients.

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In this research we have studied the effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on the peripheral blood lymphocytes chromosomes of human in vitro and rat in vivo. By this means, we used 60 blood samples of 10 men as well as 40 rats. Of 60 human blood samples, 40 samples (in two group of 20) were selected as test groups and placed into the 2 mT and 35 Hz magnetic field The blood samples, then, with 20 samples of control groups cultured for chromosomal analysis of lymphocytes cells. Of 40 rats, 30 rats, in two group of 15, were also placed into the same magnetic field, and cultured with 10 control rats for chromosomal analysis of lymphocytes cells. The analysis results of 5373 met aphasic cells from human blood (3573 test cells and 1800 control cells) showed that there was no significant differences among the percentages of chromosomal aberrations of control (0.16%), 30 and 60 minutes test (0.224%, 0.296%) groups respectively (P30>0.28,P60>0.15). There were no chromosomal aberrations in 3089 met aphasic lymphocytes of rats (2389 test cells and 700 control cells).

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The purpose of this study is to assess the microleakage in CL V Amalgam restoration lined with and without varnishes and dentine bonding agents. In this study, two varishes (Kimia and Copalite) and two dentin bonding agents (Syntac and Excite) were used. 70 fresh human premolars were selected for this study. These samples were randomly divided to five groups (four group of 15 teeth and one group of 10 teeth as negative control group). Then class V cavities were prepared on the buccul surface of teeth and four liners were applied before amalgam filling. The teeth were thermocycled for 700 cycles and then were immersed in 2% methylene blue for 24 hours. After immersion, the teeth were sectioned by a diamond disk The degree of dye penetration was assessed with a stereo microscope. (* 40). For detecting the amount of microleakage a grading scale was used as follows: Grade zero: No dye penetration was detected. Grade one: Dye was involved about half of buccolingual walls of box. Grade two: Dye was involved whole of buccolingual walls of box, but it wasn't involved axial wall. Grade three: Dye was involved both buccolingual and axial walls. Microscopic evaluation and Kkruskal Wallis test showed that Excite group had the least microleakage while the most microleakage was seen in Copalite group and there was a significant difference between these two groups.

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To study mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) fauna in Guilan province (Caspian sea littoral, North of Iran), an investigation was carried out during April to December 2000. The whole set of 2478 adult specimens from 64 habitats and 6656 larvae from 127 larval breeding places was collected. Three species of the genus Culiseta were identified as follow: 1- Cs. longiareolata 2- Cs. morsitans 3- Cs. Annulata. In this study Cs. morsitans and its subgenus (Culicella) were reportedfor the first time in Iran. In this article the distribution and percentage of the frequency of the genus Culiseta in Guilan province were discussed.

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Postoperative nausea and vomiting is an unpleasant, distressing, and exhausting experience for patient. This is more common and severe in tympanomastoid surgery. The role of dexamethasone prevention of this complication is unclear and during recent years much attention has been paid to it. In order to evaluate prophylactic effect of dexamethasone on postoperative nausea and vomiting after mastoidectomy, a clinical trial study was performed. In this study eighty two patients were selected. The patients were randomly divided in two groups, 41 as case group and 41 as control group. Both groups were undergone mastoidectomy surgery. Case group received dexamethasone in intravenous route after intubations. Comparison of nausea and vomiting was done in two groups. Incidence of those complications decreased from 61% in control group to 36.6% in case group respectively (p<0.02). Also the number afnausea and vomiting decreases form 1.22±1.4 to 54±1.1 (P<0.02) and complete response was 34.1% ver. 14.6 (P<0.007) .Therefore we recommend use of dexamethasone for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting just before operation in mastoidectomy.

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In this cross sectional anonymous study, blood samples of 285 dentists and Physicians were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag), hepatitis B envelope Ag (HBe Ag), antibodies to: hepatitis B suface (anti-HBs), hepatitis B core Ag (anti-HBc) and hepatitis B envelope Ag (anti-HBe) by ELISA-3 and antibody to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) by ELISA-3 and immunoblotting tests. The results suggested a low prevalence of HBs Ag, anti HBc and anti HCV (1.1% 5.6%, 2.1% respectively). None of the cases was positive for HBe Ag. Prevalence of immunity (anti HBs) was 63%. The median age was 41.16 years ±8.82 including 189 male and 96 female. All of the HBV carriers were married males, 30-39 years of age Exposure rate to HBV was significantly associated with number of years in practice, (≥10 years), infrequent or lack of use of gloves, face masks or eye shields and lack of vaccination (P<0.05). There was no significant ,relation between HBV exposure and other variables such as: type of practice, general and/or high risk patients load, history of surgery, blood transfusion, multiple needle stick or sharp injuries, previous isease (except hepatitis B) and drug consumption. Seropositivity of HCV was related to age ≤40 years), previous blood transfusion, geographic location and type of practice (dentists), and length of professional activity (<10 years) (P<0.05). We concluded that to reduce the occupational exposure of HBV and HCV, universal precautions must be rigorously adhered to when' physicians and dentists carry out procedures on their patients. Annual testing of health care workers and vaccination of non immune cases is necessary with sustained commitment. Recent study exists that exclusively addresses these problems in physicians and dentists in this province of Iran.

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View 719

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β-lactamases are enzymes which inactivate the β-lactam antibacterial agents and are one of the major causes of resistance against these drugs. Recently there are reports on the isolation of bacteria which does not produce β-lactamase, but are resistant to penicillin's. In the present study, β-laclamase production was determined using iodometric method on 150 ampicillin resistance Escherichia coli isolates from urinary tract infections (UTI) and fecal samples. These strains were resistance to both ampicillin and the combination of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. They were identified as non- β -ladamase producers by iodometric method. Minimum inhibitory concentration for ampicillin in these strains was> 512 µg/ml. This is. The first report on the identification of ampicillin resistance β-lactamase negative E. coli in Iran.

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Internal hernia represents only a small fraction of the patients with intestinal obstruction, however 50% of paraduodenal hernia present as an acute intestinal obstruction. The case is a 28-year old man with presentation of complete bowel obstruction. Diagnosis confirmed through physical examination and abdominal radiography. Laparatomy was performed during which total herniation of small intestine into a retroperitoneal space through a defect on left mesocolon was noted A left paraduodenal hernia was diagnosed The hernia was repaired by reduction and closure of the mesenteric defect.

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