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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

    55 (دوره جدید 11)
  • Issue: 

    2 (پیاپی 42)
  • Pages: 

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پیمان صلح سال 674 پیش از میلاد میان ایلام و آشور، در تاریخ روابط این دو دولت، پیمانی منحصربه فرد محسوب می شود؛ زیرا تنها پیمان دوستاﻧ ﮥ میان دو دولت است که با اطمینان از آن سخن می گویند. متن و مفاد این پیمان به جا نمانده است؛ اما اشاره های آمده در نامه ها، پیشگویی ها و سالنامه های آشوری، وجود آن را اثبات می کند. پیش از این، عوامل زمینه ساز این معاهده و نقض آن، موضوع پژوهش ها نبوده است و از طرفی، این معاهده چرخشی آشکار در سیاست های دو طرف را نشان می دهد؛ بنابراین در این پژوهش تلاش شده است این مسائل بررسی شود. از آنجایی که برای بررسی این معاهده اسناد ایلامی در اختیار نبود، تکیه ی اصلی بر نوشته های میانرودانی است. بر اساس این اسناد، در سده هفتم پیش از میلاد با ورود سکاها و کیمریان و قدرت گرفتن اقوام ایرانی که پیش از این وارد فلات شده بودند، فلات ایران شاهد تغییرات چشمگیری بود. اقوام ایرانی در ائتلاف هایی که با سکاها و کیمریان تازه وارد شکل دادند، مرزهای شمالی ایلام و مرزهای شرقی آشور را پی درپی تهدید می کردند. از طرفی، ایلام در مرزهای شرقی خود نیز با پارسیان روبه رو بود که براساس اسناد آشوری، مشکلاتی برای این دولت ایجاد کرده بودند؛ بنابراین ایلام و آشور که در این موقعیت در معرض تهدید دشمنی مشترک بودند با انعقاد این پیمان به متحد هم در مقابل آن بدل شدند؛ اما این پیمان در سال 664 پیش از میلاد با ﺣ ﻤ ﻠ ﮥ ایلام به بابل نقض شد. علت های این نقض را باید در پایبندنبودن کامل دو طرف به معاهده، چنددستگی و آشفتگی در طبقه ی حاکمه ایلام، اشتراک منافع اقتصادی با مناطق جنوبی میانرودان و رضایت نداشتن از ﺳ ﻠ ﻄ ﮥ آشور بر این مناطق دانست که این منافع را با تهدید مواجه کرده بود.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

    54 (NEW VOL 11)
  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
  • Pages: 

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After the invasion of German and Soviet Union to Poland in the course of World War II, half of Polish territory was occupied by Soviet Union and thousands of people deported to labor camps in Siberia. But the unforeseen German attack on the Soviet Union changed the fate of the Polish prisoners. Following a council that was held among the Allied Forces, the Soviet government agreed to send a number of Polish prisoners to Iran. Polish refugees lived in some of Iran's cities, including Isfahan, for more than three years. The unexpected arrival of Polish immigrants created some health and livelihood difficulties for the residents of the city, but gradually, a mutual relationship was established between them, and the Polish settlers succeeded in influencing the clothing and recreation of the people of Isfahan. They played an important role in introducing and transferring Iranian culture and art to Poland. Due to the large number of polish refugees in the Isfahan and their socio-cultural relations with the people of this city, the purpose of current study was to investigate these relations during a period from 1321 to 1324/1942 to 1945 with a descriptive approach and based on documentary, librarian, press and oral history. With this approach, the questions raised by the article are: How has the Polish immigrants affected the expansion of cultural relations between Iran and Poland? What social consequences did the settlement of Polish migrants in Isfahan have?

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

    54 (NEW VOL 11)
  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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The interpretation of principle 82 of the constitutional amendment was one of the challenging resolutions of the Reza Shah era, which, by violating the principle of separation of powers, gave the government the power to change judges. After the resignation of Reza Shah, the bill was subject to various legal and political challenges. This research, with the aim of analyzing the ups and downs that the aforementioned interpretation via using a descriptive-analytical approach and documentary and library method has tried to answer the main question that: what factors contributed to the implementation of the interpretation of principle 82 of the constitutional amendment? It is assumed that the political power structure after the World War II and the desire to concentrate power in the government have been effective factors in the interpretation of this principle of the constitution. The results of the research show that before the abolition of the interpretation of the above principle, it was necessary to implement complicated and difficult adjustments, and without them, the abrogation of the above interpretation would lead to negative results. On the other hand, it was not possible to undertake the necessary reforms in the unstable atmosphere of the early period of Pahlavi II, so the abolition of the interpretation was delayed for several years. In 1952, this interpretation was completely abolished, but in the years 1955 and 1956, for political reasons, two other laws were introduced. The first law moderated this interpretation and the second indirectly revived it.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

    54 (NEW VOL 11)
  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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The peace treaty of 674 BC between Elam and Assyria is a unique treaty in the history of relations between these two states since this treaty is the only friendly treaty that one can speak of it with certainty. The context of this treaty has not left, but there are references to it in Assyrian letters, prophecies and royal inscriptions that can affirm its existence. The reasons for its conclusion and violation have not been examined before and since this treaty shows a clear turning point in the policies of two sides, we will survey these reasons in this research. In studying this treaty, we have no Elamite evidence, so our emphasis is on the Mesopotamian sources. According to these sources, in the seventh century BC, Iranian plateau by the arrival of Scythians and Cimmerians and rise to power of Iranian peoples who entered the plateau before this time, experienced dramatic changes. The coalitions between peoples who were residing in the plateau, especially Iranian people and these newcomers against Assyrian expansionist policies in addition to threatening eastern borders of the Assyrian territory, put northern borders of Elam in danger. Furthermore, Elam had troubles with Persians in its eastern regions. So Elam and Assyria, who were exposed to a common enemy, by concluding this treaty became allies. Nevertheless, this treaty was violated in 664 BC by Elam’ s attack on the Assyrian territory. Causes such as lack of complete adherence to the treaty from both parties, factionalism among the ruling class in Elam, shared economic interests between Elam and southern Mesopotamia, and resentment against the Assyrian control over these regions that put their economic interests in jeopardy, will be examined as what prepared the setting for violating the peace treaty.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

    54 (NEW VOL 11)
  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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Among the existing chordophones, the harp (in Persian, Chang) had a special position in ancient civilizations. No investigation has yet been conducted on the history of harp and its development in different periods; however, in this regard, historical sources and archeological data provide valuable information for researchers. Musical instruments, especially harp, have not been invented and developed during one civilization. Due to cultural similarities of Ancient Near East civilizations and their supremacy over these civilizations, the development of this musical instrument may be effected by various factors such as environmental, geographical, cultural, and etc. The harp has been mentioned in texts dated to Sassanid era like Bundahiš n, Husraw ī Kawā dā n ud Rē dag-ē , and Draxt Ī Ā sū rī g, as well as in sculptures, mosaics, silverware, figurines, and seals. The harp was originated in ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, Sumer, and Elam, and was developed in Sassanid era. It can be evidenced by the resemblance of some types of Sumerian and Elamite harps to Sassanid harps. According to Pahlavi texts, Van or Vin is a kind of harp which was widely used in Sassanid era. This research is a descriptive-analytical one. Library research was used to gather relevant data based on archaeological findings and documents. The aims of this research were to compare Sassanid harps to the eras before it, and to identify its structure. The definition and description of the harp in this study is based on its appearance in archaeological evidence and Organology literature.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

    54 (NEW VOL 11)
  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

  • Views: 

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Ban on exile during the Qajar period was used to evacuate the influential person from the center. Princes and Bureaucrats were from these exiles. Exile during the contentious period of constitutional struggles between constitutionalists and constitutional opposition was used to defeat the rival. Other groups of exiles were those from the First World War, opponents of 1919 contract and the 1921 coup. The purpose of this article is to examine and analyze the characteristics of exile from the Minor Autocracy to the 1921 coup. The method used in this research is historical analysis, and the tools were archival documents and main sources. The study seeks to answer the main question that: what are features of exile from the Minor Autocracy to the end of the Qajar period? The findings of this research show that the exile climate, remoteness from the center, the control of the exiles, the exodus of the exile group and the diversity of the social groups of the exiles, as well as preventive exile, are specific components of exile in this period. Deportation abroad as well as the interference of Russian and British governments in the exile of Iranian citizens began in this period.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

    54 (NEW VOL 11)
  • Issue: 

    2 (42)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

  • Views: 

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The establishment of museum in the modern age as a multidimensional and multifunctional institution indicated a fundamental change in the epistemic system of mankind. Its formation was based on special cultural, political, and social foundations. Designating a site for keeping antique objects or museums, which aimed at making Iranians familiar with European museums and discoveries of ancient artifacts, dates back to the age of Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar. Hoping to build a museum, Nasir al-Din Shah allocated a site for keeping and exhibiting valuable historical artifacts, but this attempt failed to be kept on any longer. As Iranians became familiar with new ideas and the importance of the museum and ancient works, the idea of establishing a museum was pursued by the elites gathered in the Society for National Monuments. And, finally, with the formation of the modern Pahlavi government, the building of the Museum of Ancient Persia began on the western side of Mashgh Square, at the heart of the capital. Using a historical-analytical method, this paper aims to investigate the reasons and the most important functions of Museum of Ancient Persia in the context of the Pahlavi State. The achievements of the research indicate that the establishment of museum in Iran was deeply associated with the idea of nationalism. Although the establishment of this institution was a dream that Constitutionalist intellectuals cherished, it was operationalized and fulfilled by Pahlavi. Despite functions such as collection, preservation, protection and exhibition, the most important goal and demand of the Pahlavi State was to provide learnings and studies, creating identity and legitimizing this institution, so they decided to rebuild and reproduce some narrations of ancient history that supported the ideology of the Pahlavi State.

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