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Grounded methodology does not study the way of application of theories to the problems under study, but follows the way of development of scientific theories. Every theory in the process of its formation and historical evolution enjoys some epistemic principles as well as non-epistemic grounds. Although epistemic principles are involved in the evolution of the theories, they have an essential logical relationship with the theory as well. However, the existential non-epistemic foundations, although are known through a logical method, do not have a logical relationship with scientific theories. The existential epistemic and non-epistemic factors are the ones meeting each other in the field of culture and this is why the understanding of their relations with scientific theories is tantamount to the understanding of the relationship between theory and culture.The present paper through studying the relationship between theory and culture will try to study the consequences of transfer of theories from one culture to another.This paper has an introduction and three sections:In the first section, attempts have been made to study the logical and epistemic aspects of scientific theories, different kinds of foundations of a theory, the path that the foundations pave for the theory, the method in which the theory is used and the fields in which the theory is active.In the second section, the way of entry of a theory into the field of culture is studied. Attempts have been made to identify the epistemic existential and non-epistemic existential grounds of a theory as well as interaction of a theory with its cultural environment.In the third section, the situation of scientific theories in fundamental cultural interactions is discussed. The indigenous and exogenous theories and the way of transfer of a theory from one culture to another is also discussed in this section.

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The issues of reason and religion are among the most important human problems, preoccupying man’s thought for centuries. Reason here refers to the instrumental and planning reason, demonstrative reason and rational achievements. Religion refers to a set of doctrines that provides interaction between the world and the hereafter or between the terrestrial and celestial worlds in order to ensure guidance and felicity. Different viewpoints about the relationship between reason and religion have left their impacts on the Islamic culture. Culture refers to a set of beliefs, moralities and rituals. This paper advocates planning and moderate rationalism that plays an important role in realization of Islamic culture. Each approach, i.e. maximal rationalism, critical rationalism, fideism as well as the approach advocating contradiction between reason and religion produce their own kind of culture.

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Different kinds of religiosity emerge in the interaction between religion and culture. Various factors are involved in the formation of cultural religiosity, including geographical and historical conditions, environment, habitus and media. The present paper is an attempt to conceptualize the typology of four main forms of cultural religiosity: the religiosity of culturally lower stratum, religiosity of culturally middle stratum, religiosity of intellectuals and religiosity of religious scholars. The main factor distinguishing the intellectuals and religious scholars from the other two strata is their possession of reasoning in religiosity, while the way of dealing with reason leads to the gap between intellectuals and religious scholars.

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One of the needs of strategic studies at the country level is identification of currents and events that unfold in the regional countries or in the Muslim world and due to requirements stemming from adjacency as well as the ideal of cooperation with the Muslim world, Iran inevitably encounters them. On the other hand, one of the common problems of the Muslim world is encountering the cultural consequences of globalization. Taking into account the relationship between three levels of description, analysis and strategy in research and the necessity of studying issues on the basis of methods, the present study is an attempt to provide answers to the following questions: what are the definitions of the Arab thinkers of globalization? What are the main cultural problems of the Arab thinkers? What are their strategies? Arab thinkers normally look at globalization issues within the framework of confrontation between Islam and the West, Arabs and Westerners and East and West (or North and South). While the engine of globalization in the West is economic and materialistic tools and motivations, in the Arab world, it is a cultural issue. Also, Arab thinkers identify globalization with the following five categories: 1- the formation factors and actors; 2- objectives and ideals;3- results and consequences; 4- philosophy of formation; and 5- the nature of changes originated from modern technology. In most of these areas a passive picture of the Arab world is depicted, while by having a glimpse of some of their solutions it becomes clear that the Arab thinkers are not uninformed of the solutions to their problems. However, in most cases, they have been unable to produce a realistic literature capable of critically studying the "correct and incorrect cognition" in the world of Islam and the Arab world. It is something which is required for the realization of such plans as cooperation and empathy among Arabs, economic growth and realization of sustainable comprehensive development.

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The present study consists of three stages. In the first stage, which was the exploratory stage of the study, 190 students of Health, Medicine, and Rehabilitation Faculties of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) participated on modified death, life, and certainty scenario. Results of this stage indicated a 73% risk-averse in positive conditions and a 68% risk-seeker in negative conditions. The finding indicated that this version of the scenario could be associated with Iranian subjects. In the second stage, 361 students of the Engineering Faculty of Tehran University each one in one of the eight groups, in causal-comparative research, filled out one of the eight modified versions of the death, life and certainty questionnaire. The results of this stage indicated that the framing effect has a direct relationship with "the importance of the sacrifice fate for the test subject". In other words, the framing effect reveals itself when "emotional involvement" occurs among test subjects for the "fate of the endangered prospects". In addition, based on the results of the second stage, the student culture provides them with fairly different value components. Based on these results, the students can be considered as a minority group, in which the factors involving acculturation can be studied. Therefore, the third stage of the study was conducted for this purpose. In this stage, 155 students of the Engineering Faculty of Tehran University, in correlation research, participated in the study by filling out the researcher-made questionnaire. The results of this stage indicate a significant relationship between the origins of acculturation (i.e. family and religion), stressors, and psychological adaptation in the society. The factors related to family and religion components can be used to increase the psychological adaptation of the students. Since psychological and societal adaptations are overlapping and adjacent constructs, the results of this study can be used to promote the level of acculturation and social adaptation of the students.

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The present paper is an attempt to study the following question: What are the impacts of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran on the formation of the current Islamic awakening and preparation of grounds for the modern Islamic civilization? Through a documental study and descriptive-analytical approach the following results have been found: the starting point of any constructive development is awakening and the Islamic Revolution is the continuation of Islamic awaking and is its second wave. Since the Islamic Revolution has a civilizational generation and survival, the prospect of the political system stemming from this revolution in its fourth decade will be civilization-building. Due to moving towards building a civilization and its achievements in the individual, domestic, regional and global arenas, Islamic Republic of Iran has prepared the grounds for the continuation of the third wave of the Islamic awakening. Therefore, a triangular relationship exists between civilization-building of the Islamic Revolution, the system based on it and the Islamic awakening which is inspired by its ramification and the survival of the Islamic Revolution itself. Under the present global circumstances at this historical juncture, today’s Islamic awakening, which is inspired by the awakening of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, by relying on the civilization-building capacities of the fourth decade of the Islamic Revolution, can strengthen and fulfill the increasing demand of the Muslim world for a modern Islamic civilization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Privacy enjoys a special place in legal and ethical systems of Islam. In fact, man’s dignity and credibility in the individual sphere as well as among those living with him in the public sphere enjoy a high status before God. In order for the society to be free from conflict and contradiction and to move towards social consensus, God the Almighty, through revelation to His Prophet, has asked human beings to observe people’s privacy through ethical instructions and religious commandments. This paper is an attempt to investigate questions in relations to the value and significance of privacy in real and virtual atmospheres and also to discuss the viewpoints of Islam about safeguarding of privacy on the basis of human dignity, reverence of believer, and universality of permission. Also attempts have been made to reread ethical concepts by shedding light on the ethical norms of privacy in the field of users and managers of cyberspace.

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