Peace is a rare and precious thing that is among the most fundamental human needs and plays an important role in the happiness and health of individuals and society. Feeling peaceful is a major characteristic of every healthy human being as one can obtain growth and perfection in light of peace and calm. The Holy Quran, as the book of guidance for humanity, provides the best prescription for achieving peace. This paper seeks to describe true peace and correct man's understanding of it on the one hand, and investigate the factors that contribute to creation and establishment of peace in heart based on divine teachings. To understand the true meaning of peace, one should bear in mind its distinction from comfort. Also, based on the teachings of the Quran, peace is achieved through paying attention to both material and spiritual needs and if there is a conflict between the two, spiritual needs should be given primacy due to the priority of the spirit. There are different words and phrases in the Quran that include the meaning of peace. They include Tathbit, Fuad, Thabat, Rabt-e Qalb, Sukn, and Sakina. A look into these words in the verses of the Quran reveals that the only origin and source of giving peace to hearts is relation with God, the Almighty. In view of the Quran, there are different factors involved in creation and establishment of peace. They include: faith, Zikr (recitation of prayers), correcting one's view of the world, Tawakkul, (putting one's trust in God), thankfulness, Taqwa (God-fearing), and performing religious rites.