Story is a useful means to convey human aspirations, experiences, thoughts, rites, traditions and values. The Quran uses stories when it intends to fix a truth in the reader’s mind or remove a falsehood from his mind. But this by no means prevents artistic features of storytelling from appearing in Quran’s stories. In the Quran’s stories, conveying religious ideas and using an artistic style are both considered important. This paper, paying attention to the concepts and fundamental principles emphasized today in storytelling and drama, tries to identify and categorize the images and features in Surah Yusuf related to place, time, dreaming and character as much as possible. The method used is description-analytical based on the images taken from the text of the Surah.According to the findings of the research, some of the main artistic-literary features of Surah Yusuf include: presenting a clear and precise picture of the society, place, and time of the story, creativity in creating and developing the characters and human natures, presenting different portrays of a character, dialogue, describing incidents, complication, crisis making, denouement, and creating expectations. These features act in coordination as the story unfolds and help to realize its objectives. The results of the research also showed that there are common points in the contemporary story- writing principles and the story-telling in the Quran in terms of narration, style, structure and use of artistic and literary nuances and techniques.