The purpose of this research was to design and to test a model of some outcomes of challenge stressors and hindrance stressors. Outcome variables include turnover intention, psychological health, organizational citizenship behaviors, task performance and organization-based self-esteem. The participants consisted of 257 employees of INSIG who were selected by stratified random sampling method. Of these employees, 91.8% were male and average age was 32 years. The instruments which used in this study were challenge/hindrance stress scale (LePine, LePine, & Jackson, 2004), depression anxiety stress scales (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995), turnover intention scale (Camman, Fichman, Jenkins, & Klesh, 1979), short form of health survey (Ware, Kosinski, & Keller, 1996), job performance scale (Williams & Anderson, 1991) and organizational-based selfesteem scale (Pierce, Gardner, & Dunham, 1989). Fitness of the proposed model was examined through structural equation modeling (SEM), using AMOS-21 software package. The indirect effects were tested using the bootstrap procedure. Findings indicated that the proposed model fit the data properly. Better fit and more meaningful results obtained by omitting 3 nonsignificant paths and using AMOS modification indices. The results confirmed 14 research direct hypotheses and 4 indirect hypotheses. The results also showed that challenge stressors have positive significant effect and hindrance stressors have negative significant effect on organizational citizenship behaviors, task performance and organization-based self-esteem. Positive significant effect of hindrance stressors on turnover intention and anxiety and negative significant effect of these stressors on psychological health also confirmed. In addition, findings showed that anxiety has positive significant effect on turnover intention and negative significant effect on psychological health, organizational citizenship behaviors, task performance and organization-based self-esteem. The results of indirect effects showed that hindrance stressors have indirect effect on psychological health, organizational citizenship behaviors, task performance and organization-based self-esteem through anxiety.