Soil is of the main naturall resources of countries that by erosion reduce the land resources and caused great damage to life and property. So today, with the current trend, Soil erosion has become a major environmental problem, to follow, biological and planing systems, especially local communities in less develop Societies faced with fundamental challenges. Accordingly, soil erosion and sediment study, especially, considering the influence of multiple environmental variables, and with a sestematic approach at the Watershed level is essential. With this approach in this study, soil erosion hazard assessment and mapping is done. The research methodology combines methods including library, field Work and the use of quantitive models has been the process of research, to evaluate the role of variables and increase accuracy, EPM quantitative model based on a statistical basis, as well as in the GIS environment, it has been used. Results indicate that the Bane Watershed, with the annual special erosion and sediment, respectively, 1241, 744 m3/ Km2/year, is situated in averge level of erosion. Check zoning map also indicates erosion zones with low and moderate erosion is 68%. However, it is also quite obvious evidence of high erosion zones. Notable point, high potential of the Bane Watershed, to change the class of erosion and sediment, Especially in recent years, due to, Bane development of the tourism market, in the following, physical development Bane and changes in land use, with the aim of creating recretional spaces or agricultural development. So, sustainable Watershed approach in relation to development projects along with the educational process and promote essential.