Identifying the exaggeration current of Ghalis in the minor occultation regarding Mahdi and his role in introducing the exaggerationists is particularly important. This identification has several uses in addition to familiarizing the people who exaggerate with an atmosphere of Imam's challenging and struggle towards them. Studies of the period of minor occultation show that after the introduction of extremists, they are portrayed as a very dangerous and harmful in Fegh sources, as well as anecdotal, historical and ideological evidence. During this period alone, several extremists emerged known as Ibn Nusayr Numeiri, Hussein Ibn Mansur al-Hallaj, Muhammad Ibn Ali Shalmaghany, Mohammed bin Ali bin Bilal, Ahmed bin Hilal Abartayi and their believers followers in the community who ebleived in Tafviz (transfer of authority of Imam to other people which is a deviation). Some of extremists of this period are influenced by one of the most dangerous former Ghalis, who was Aboal Khattab. The Imam of the time, either under his own signature or through his representative Nawab and his lawyers introduced these extremists and denied his Dispensation of Hujjah and refuted the Ghalis of this period and ideas associated with them.