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Imamate and research about Imamate has a special place in 'Kalam' discipline, the discipline of seeking theological knowledge through debate and argument. It extracts, explains and set the doctrinal concepts and teachings with the help of Islamic texts, and establishes them according to different methods and approaches within as well as beyond religion and responds to the opposing views and clarifies protestant doubts. There has been discussions about Imamate from the first centuries of Islam, which been raised as the difference between Shia and Sunni. Shia scholars have written books to defend this important belief in early centuries, as the opponents have written works in rejection of Imamate. In addition to doubts spread by the Khawarij movements, Sunnism, Kasraviism, Wahabiism, the position of Imamate in Quran and Hadith also reveals and reinforces the necessity of addressing research on the doctrine of Imamate. The religious texts reveal that Imamate has been a fundamental principle of Islam.Topics in Imamate in both the general and particular would range in three explanatory, proving and defensive. The defensive topics of Imamate also come in four categories of questions. Epistemic position of Imamate is one of the debates be considered in studying Imamate. The question is whether Imamate is a main issue or one of the finer points of religion and whether it is a theological or juridical issue. Islamic thinkers have raised perspective into this issue that will be explained in detail.

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"Khasf - e- Byda" which the multiplicity and variety of resources about it is a sign of its importance and attemts of the early writers, is certain signs of emergence of Imam Mehdi that Shiite authentic communities have reported its related Hadith and also reliable Sunni  sources have also discussed about it. Its amplitude is drawn to the jurisprudential debates. The meaning of "Khsf Byda" lies in the fact that Sufiani troops moved with intention of the killing of Imam Mahdi from Mecca to Medina but in the middle of the road they went down into the earth in the land of Byda miraculously. The miraculous realisation of this event shows that the will of God supersedes to save Mahdi as the last messiah even with the intervention of supernatural forces.

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Any social system require a quiet atmosphere away from any conflict and tension for its stability and dynamics to be able to achieve its goals. The major areas that require progress is impossible without them. One of its fields is national unity and social cohesion in society. So now, all political systems in the world strive to achieve convergence and consolidation in their communities with the correct understanding of this fact. We believe that Mahdavi government and society will also excel human societies in this virtue and is creating the social cohesion among societies is one of the strategies after the emergence of Imam. To reach this consensus, he will work the methods and strategies and a model for communities that can be worthy for the societies who want to have a converging nation. Solutions such as spreading a unified worldview and religion and multidimensional development of social justice, development of kindness, promoting intellectual and cultural level of society with this strategies and of course with a systematic and inspirational leadership can be models to follow for the government and society that sets the scene for emergence; This hold for both trying to fulfil conditions and contexts of the emergence of the saviour and for improving the status and the organization of the existing social system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research presents a detailed analysis of the nature of moral system of religion and then conducts a case study on two pivotal foundations in a Mahdavi government which are moral excellence and pursuit of justice.Moral excellence is mixed with the unity of human minds which materialize through providing a general context of growth and excellence.In case of pursuit of justice, after considering the nature of knowledge about justice, it will be proved that the meaning of justice is the medial route and its interpretation to the Straight Path.Some of the most important functions of moral excellence and pursuit of justice will also be studied in the era of the emergence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Belief in Apocalypse is an integral part of all religious teachings and even human-made schools, in a way that no response to the issue of Apocalypse leaves human mind restless left behind in the valley of astonishment and does not bring rest and calm as the results of faith in religions and schools o thought. Hence the belief is the common teaching of all religions schools. According to this, the school of Christian Zionism is not exempt from this rule, and even among the existing religions, has emphasied most on the role of apocalypse. so that interpretation of the other teachings of this school is only possible based on an understanding of its approach to Apocalypse. This research briefly introduceso the School of Christian Zionism and explains the role of apocalypse in Christian Zionism.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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From Early on, the idea of utopia has always been in the minds of all thinkers and philosophers such as Plato, Farabi, Khaje Nasir, Sheikh Eshragh, etc. On that basis, citizens who are value oriented and fine can live to expand and develop spirituality, and achieve peace and purity for growth and excellence of humanity. Each of the above thinkers, according to their intellectual horizons, have put a plan or proposed a model.What is ideal way and the way human beings flourish and where? How men can build a utopia where their capabilities and talents come to be actualized and human life gets full of good will and peace and purity, far from any conflict and injustice? Solution to these questions are varied in many different schools of thought there. But the key question of this article and is in ontology "Mahdavi Utopia" as realised in the ideas of the divine philosopher Sadra Shirazi.This articles taps on what has been untapped in Mulla Sadra's thought sphere, a missing link of many researchers which has been hidden from the view which requires detailed discussion and has briefly done in this paper. At first, we must consider what is the meaning of the vision of perfect human as a part of society and how is her or his evolutionary phase to connect to the active intellect. Then, it should be pointed what a good community and good traits and characteristics and traits of utopia are and mention the attributes of the governors of that utopian society.

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The history of research about the lauded beings in Hafez poetry and trying to match its historic character and interpret his poetry goes back to the tenth century. This article tries to protect the re-investigate the true nature of his desire through the following lyric of his:The one person who has sweetness of the world with himThe fair eye, the laughing lip, the joyous heart is with himThe main issue of research is whether it can be established from the signs of the desired person described in the poetry, that the promised Mahdi would match the characteristics. Findings are based on the achievements of science principles and methods of text interpretation and the interpretation of literary hermeneutics and interpretor-orineted approach. Adaptation of the historical characters in his reference is impossible in many cases due to quality and the inherent ambiguity and opacity of many poems of Hafez. However, the nature of interpretation in the undeniable signs and gestures the sonnets as the central idea in the plan of Hafiz on the one hand and aligns with the crux of Mahdism thought on the other hand. It is not very inaccessible to assume a relation between the real face of a desired person drawn by Hafez with a desired historical character.

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