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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Free radicals can be produced during the respiratory oxidation of different cells. These free radicals can damage to various macromolecules as protein, fat, nucleic acids and … are harmful for body. The natural defence system that can prevent the damage of free radicals and nuteralized them, have tittled under the name total antioxidant capacity (TAC). Se is one main antioxidant part in TAC, because it is one main part in structure of some body antioxidant enzymes. Blood se and TAC probably can change by feeding of different selenium supplement diet in late pregnancy and also may transport from maternal blood to its fetus or by clostrum after calving.In this respect we have determined 90 pregnant dairy cattle (in the same condition of age and number of parturient) and feed them in 3 last pregnancy months by different selenium diets. Then measured blood se and TAC levels in them and in 3 days newborn calves after calving.The results were analysed by tukey anova test and the highest level of blood se and TAC was shown in cattle that feed fermented se diet and in their 3 days newborn calves.

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Coenurosis is caused by Coenurus cerebralis. Coenurosis is the larval stage of Taenia multiceps multiceps. Mature parasite live in canine & canidae gut. Parasite larve stage inclinate mostly to C.N.S specially brain & spinal cord. This study accomplished at 3 months (from may to july) 2008 in 986 slaughted sheeps. The percent sheeps (0.3%) were infected. Coenurosis doesn, t response to treatment, thus priphylaxis is the best way for control of disease. For example, prevention of access in dogs to parasite & pharmaceutical treatment against parasite in dogs can cause control of disease.

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Bovine Leukosis that is established by leukemia virus. An exogenous C-type oncovirus in the Retroviridae family, is one of the diseases that can infect various animal specieses naturally or experimentally. In order to investigate the prevalence of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV), blood samples were taken from 175 Holstein of dairy cattle. Genomic DNA was extracted from 100? L of blood samples. Gel monitoring and spectrophotometric methods were used to determination quantity and quality of DNA. In standard PCR reactions primers gag1 and gag2 amplified a 347 bp fragment from the polymorphic region of BLV gene. Products of amplification were recognized by electrophoresis on 1.4% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. 48 (27.4%) cattle were positive.

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The objectives of the study were to the use of endometrial cytology (EC) to diagnose the relationship between subclinical endometritis (SE) in clinically normal postpartum dairy cows with ovarian cyst and to measure the impact of subclinical endometritis on reproductive performance in the cows. The development of cystic ovaries may be related to postparturient diseases and intrauterine infections. Holstein cows from dairy farm were examined after 40 days in milk (DIM) and clinically normal cows (n=36), based on the absence of abnormal discharge on external inspection, were selected. The reproductive tract of selected cows was evaluated by transrectal palpation and EC. The cysts were determined to be follicular or luteal with ultrasonography according to diameter of follicular wall. Endometrial cytology was performed with lavage of uterus after 50 ml normal saline infusion. The collected solution centrifuged and then a drop of precipitate on a slide was stained with giemsa and examined microscopically for percentage of polymorpho nuclear cells (PMNs). All cows in the study were subsequently followed for reproductive performance data for a minimum of 4 months. Ageneralized linear model was used to derive a case definition of subclinical endometritis, based on factors associated with decreased relative pregnancy rate. Positive EC (?3% PMN) was associated with a significant reduction in the relative pregnancy rate and identified cows with ovarian cyst which have subclinical endometritis. Cows with subclinical endometritis had a relative pregnancy rate of 13% (P=0.002), compared to cows without subclinical endometritis. In conclusion, subclinical endometritis in cows with ovarian cyst, diagnosed by EC, was associated with reduced relative pregnancy rate and there was a possible role of intrauterine infection and inflammation in the pathogenesis of ovarian cyst in postpartum dairy cows.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (20)
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Paramphistomatidae are the most important trematods of rumen and reticulum in ruminants. They elapse their maturity period in rumen and reticulum and have no changes in these organs and risk for host. But, there are larval forms of these trematods in small intestine while generate pathologic changes there. In a survey at Urmia slaughter house carcasses of approximately 2421 sheep were examined of which, 6 cases of ruminal infestation with Paramphistomum and in one case, infection of small intestine and its pathologic changes were observed. In general, infection rate of small intestine diagnosed out of total cases was 0.04%. There was severe congestion and haemorrhage in same small intestine. Microscopic study of this small intestine revealed dilation of intestinal glands, destruction of superficial glands, replacement of fibrin, diffuse infiltration of inflammatory cells and fibrinonecrotic enteritis. Other changes as congestion, haemorrhage and nodules of Ostertagia were observed in total examined small intestines. Statistical analysis of the results was conducted by SPSS software and tstudent test. There was significant difference between pathologic changes, season and ecological situation of the region (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between age, sex and sample pH of examined sheep (p>0.05). According to the results of pathologic changes in small intestine of sheep in order to prevent the sheep in the area to be infected by this parasite and to decrease the damages caused, applying a parasitic control program is recommended.

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    2 (20)
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This study was conducted on 40 adult Ross broiler and native chickens in both sexes. For histological study, uropygial lobes were removed and immediately fixed in 15% neutral formalin for 12-48 hours. The specimens were rinsed in running water, dehydrated in aggraded series of alcohol, cleared in xylol and embedded in paraffin wax; random sections of five micrometers thick were made, mounted on slides and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), Alcian blue (PH=1), Alcian blue (PH=2.5), PAS-Alcian blue, Masson's trichrome, Hart’s, Wilder’s, Sudan black B, oil red O stains. The sections were documented in Olympus microscope, model BX50, described and photography was done. The results showed that the all of the connective tissue fibers, smooth muscles, fat cells, Herbst corpuscles, blood vessels and nerves were present in preen capsule in which collagen fibers are classified into two well defined layers, an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layers. All of the connective tissue fibers and lymphatic aggregates were found in the intertubular intersititium of preen. Amount of capsular connective and adipose tissues in females were higher than male in the both species. The gland's parenchyma comprised of secretory tubules and ducts. The tubules were simple and arranged radially around the central cavity. The tubular epithelial cells are classified into germinative, intermediate, secretory and degenerative layers. Histochemistry showed that each lobe divided into two different zones, an outer sebaceous and an inner glycogen zones. Neither weakly acid mucopolysaccharides nor sulfated mucosubstances were observed in the glands. It was determined in both species that glycogen, glucoconjugated substances and neutral lipids are present in the both zones. Sudanophilic lipids were found only in the both zones in the preen gland of native chickens. Except further amount of adipose tissues in females and absence of sudanophilic lipids in broiler chickens, no histologic differences were observed.

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    2 (20)
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The study was carried out to investigate a heavy outbreak of crustacean parasiteLernaea cyprinacea in fishes from Choghakhor Lagoon in spring and summer 2008 following the report of natives and fishermen on the mortality of fishes in the Lagoon. Sixty five fish from different species were studied which 49 fish (75.38 percent) found to be invaded by Lernaea and 16 fish (24.62 percent) didn’t show any parasitic infection sign. The highest infection rate was observed in Capoeta damascina. The results also showed that there is no significant relation between infection rate with weight and age of fishes. The site specifity of the parasite was also studied and the highest number of parasites were found on the base of pectoral fin and the lowest were observed on the head and operculum and the differences was statistically significant (p<0.05).

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    2 (20)
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The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of melatonin implants in initiating the breeding season and improving reproductive performance in sheep around of urmia. For this purpose, 116 lactating ewes at around of 3-4 months of postpartum were selected. Females were randomly divided into two groups considering their age, weight and postpartum period. Females in group 1 (n=60) received an implant of melatonin (18 mg) melatonin acetate on out surface ear for 40 days. Females in group 2 (n=56) did not received further treatment and were considered as control. After the termination of treatment a few fertile rams were introduced into the flock. Melatonin-treated ewes had their first estrus after ram introduction significantly earlier than did untreated ewes (p<0.05). Fertility or lambing rate for treatment and control groups were 73.3 and 63.3 percent, respectively (p<0.05). The prolificacy and fecundity rate for Melatonin- treated and control groups were 1.34, 1.05 and 1.15, 0.73 respectively (p<0.05). These results revealed that melatonin implant could be useful tool to improved the reproductive performance of ewes in seasonal anoestrus and prior to the normal breeding season.

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    2 (20)
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This experiment was carried out to determine the effects of different levels of protein and probiotic (protexin) on performance, weight of internal organs and biochemical parameters in Ross (308) broiler chicks. In this experiment, 360, one-day old broilers were used in a completely randomized design with a 2×3 factorial arrangement with 3 replicate for a treatment. The diets were formulated according to catalog recommendation with protein levels (90, 100 and 110% of catalog recommendations) and probiotic (0, 200 and 400 ppm, containing 2×109 cfu/g of spores). The results indicated that the 5% decrease of protein level in diet did not affected on feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The different levels of probiotic significantly increased body weight gain compared to control group in starter, grower and 0-42 days (p<0.05), and decreased feed conversion ratio in grower, finisher and 0-42 days (p<0.05). Feed intake did not affected by addition of probiotic. The different levels of probiotic and protein did not change the carcass traits (percentage of carcass, breast, thigh, abdominal fat, relative weight of gizzard, heart, spleen, liver and pancreas). The effect of feeding probiotic and protein levels was not significant on biochemical parameters (total protein, albumin, cholesterol, triglyceride, glubolin, glucose, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein) at 42 days of age (p<0.05). But Serum total protein concentration, was significantly higher in broilers fed 400 ppm probiotic, than those received diet without probiotic (p<0.05). These data suggest that the using of probiotic is helpful in diets containing lower than catalog standard in Ross broiler.

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In order to study and evaluation of production and defecation of Eimerial oocysts in experimental coccidiosis at Arbor Acres broilersn, 20 one-day old male chickens of Arbor Acres strain were chosen and divided accidently into two control and challenge groups. The OPG quantitation test was performed on the chickens feces in both groups on the 10 and 21st days of their breeding period to make sure whether they are infected or not. Then, chickens of challenge group were inuculated with a dosage of 100000 of the mixed oocyst of 4 species including Eimeria maxima, Eimeria tenella, Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria necatrix in 100? solution at the twenty-first day of their breeding period. From the fourth day after Eimerial challenge, samples of the chickens feces were taken from their cages for 10 consecutive days. The number of oocysts were quantitateded by Mac master method. The OPG was zero for the control group on all days of sampling such as we expected, which is indicative of the appropriate qualitative control of the experiment process. In the challenge group, we see increasing process of OPG in days of 4-7 post challenging and the pick level of OPG was seen at seventh day after challenging. From day 8 to 9, decreasing of OPG was happened, this decreasing continue with mild, fast and mild process to day of 13, respectively.

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Serum glucose level considered as a prognostic indicator in a variety of equine diseases such as colic, hypoglycemic conditions, septicemia, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus. Considering the emergency nature of disorders mentioned above, fast and accurate measurement of this parameter is necessary. Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) allows diabetic patients to achieve and maintain specific glycaemic goals. There are several glucometer devices in the market, all of human kind and there’s high competition between companies., several studies has performed to evaluate efficacy of this device in medicine. Unfortunately limited studies has been done in veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to evaluate validity of validation EasyGluco glucometer to measure blood glucose levels and it’s application in equine clinical practice. Fourthy five horses warm blooded healthy and sick horses (horses in the hospital) with different ages were selected.3 ml of blood were collected in the tube containing sodium fluoride anticoagulant. Glucose concentration of capillary and venous blood samples were determined Immediately with glucometer Plasma immediately separated and transferred, on ice to the laboratory & kept at - 20oC until laboratory examination. The level of plasma glucose were determined by photometric method using Pars Azmoon kit. To evaluate repeatability, accuracy and Within run imprecision of Easygluco glucometer, one sample were analyzed for 15 consecutive time at intervals of 15 seconds and CV were determine & were compared with control samples. CV in blood samples taken, low and high controls were 4.1, 3.3 and 4.4 percent respectively in which all were acceptable with NCCLS standards. In order to evaluate the diversion of glucometer results with standard methods, Bland - Altman Plot was performed. Bias levels in venous and capillary glucometer methods with standard methods, respectively, were -9.4 and -34.8. To determine the correlation between the results of the glucometer and laboratory method, correlation coefficient determined. In this study, the correlation coefficient (r) between photometer method and venous blood glucometer device was 0.823. The results of this study revealed lower correlation compare to human studies. It seems that it might be due high level of hematocrite in the horse & human calibrated device. In order to overcome this problem, Correction Factor (CF) should be calculate. CF obtained in this study In this study WAS 1.1. Th results of this study indicates that correction factor should be applied, then after glucometer results can be trusted.

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The aim of this study is to determine the bacterial causative agents and prevalence of subclinical mastitis in buffaloes and quarters of Tabriz Azeri ecotype and assess relationships between intramammary infections (IMI) and Somatic Cell Counts (SCCs). Quarter- based milk samples were collected randomly from 300 buffaloes. After CMT in farms, the samples were sent to lab for somatic cell counts. Also 150 samples were collected for bacterial culture and counts. 13.87% of quarters and 23.66% buffaloes had subclinical mastitis based on CMT, the sensitivity and specifity of CMT for infections with all bacteria and infections with major pathogens were 55% and 67.39%, 70% and 50% respectively. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) were the most common pathogens. Isolated bacteria significantly had no effects on mean SCC of infected quarters based on ANOVA test. But SCC and total bacterial count (TBC) of infected quarters were significantly higher than intact ones (p<0.05) in T test. Based on results of current study prevalence of subclinical mastitis in Azeri ecotype is more like to Anatolian and Murrah buffaloes and CMT has acceptable sensitivity and specifity in diagnosis. The isolated bacteria from infected quarters are mostly as the same as dairy cattle but more probably coli forms are not very important in buffaloes subclinical mastitis.

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Always population increase is assumed one the basic problems of society and population control with chemical drugs are one of the most human concerns. Side effects of use these drugs drive human to use of vegetable drugs. Foeniculum vulgare is one of them witching this current study addressed to survey the effect of its seed alcoholic extract on Epididyms and deferens Epidiymal Sperm Rasevr (ESR). In this study is used the male rat of wistar race 2-3 month aged. (with the approximated weight of 190±10 gr). Animal was classified to four experimental group and one control groups. Four experimental group for 15 days was received the doses of 35, 70, 140, 280 mlit of fennel seed alcoholic extract. At this time was inject the physiology serum to control group intra peritoneal (IP). In 15th day rats in each group have been unconscious with a mixture of 2% zayelzin and 10% ketamine) 100 mg/kg (Then their stomach were swelled. And genital organ Epididyms and deferens were exited and weighted with digital scale. After weighting Epididyms was placed in 1ml solution of physiology serum with the temperature of 37C. Tail of Epididium has been cut and After wear away monotonousness solution from it was been prepared sperms was counted. Comparison between weighting Epididium and deferens have been shown that is a significant decrease difference in 140, 280 mlit experimental group than control group. (p?0.05). But in remainder experimental group as compared with group and between of groups is not a significant difference. (p?0.05). In addition to the results are shown that measure sperm rasevr (ESR) in experimental group with 140, 280 mlit as compared with control group have significant decrease difference. (p?0.05). But in remainder experimental groups as compared with control group and among of groups are not a significant difference in ESR. (p?0.05). Significant decreases in sperms rates for decrease weight of Epididium and deferens and ESR rates are indicator of effect of alcoholic extraction of fennel seed in decrease the activities of male reproduction. It is maybe depended with material of feenel for example Anothol and Comarine and … or also depended with changes of hormonoes. Cheeping and having suitable flavor are some benefits and advantages of this vegetable. It is worthy in order to determination of does that which in produce of sperm was stop entirely and considering its lateral effects require more studies.

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Apart from the nervous system, the digestive system has the maximum opioids receptors which it indicates importance of the opioids in this system. It seems that morphine and other opiods compound have major harmful effects on intestinal tissue. Purpose of this study is to examine of the long-termed use of the morphine on growth and histomorphological structure of digestive system in mice strain Balb/c. Some mice were selected from three age groups (premature, mature and from premature to full mature). One hundred fifty mice (at the age of 21 days) were divided to 12 groups randomly. Groups consisted of six test groups (20 mice in each group), three control groups (5 mice in each group) and three sham groups (5 mice in each group). Control groups were maintained on stock dieted of tap water while sham groups dieted with tap water and sugar (5mg/ml). Test groups also used tap water, sugar and two different dosages of morphine (0.01mg/ml or 0.1mg/ml). Our study showed that in all tests groups, the chronic administration of escalating doses of the morphine caused decrease of the weight of mice. In addition, the long -termed use of morphine caused histological changes in small intestine and colon in all the groups of age. Invasion of mononuclear cell (especially lymphocyte) to mucosa was the most important histological change. In addition, villous height and intensity also decreased. This study suggested that the chronic consumption of opioids causes pathological change in gasterointestinal system.

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