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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the major problems of urban areas is natural disasters which threatens the life of many urban residents. As the statistical reports show, it imposes more than 150000 deaths and over 140 billion dollars of financial damages as annual average world wide especially in developing countries. Iran is among the most hazardous prone area of the world by experiencing many destructive earthquakes notably Boeenzahra 1963 and Bam 2001. This paper aims to analyze and investigate the aspects of prevention of earthquake crisis in the seventeen neighborhoods of Babol. The research, which is based on descriptive and analytical method, means to analyze the different physical and demographical characteristics of the city which contribute to the earthquake vulnerability and also to examine the equipment of aid agencies and fire stations. The comparative method was applied for conclusion and determining the level of vulnerability. Observation and questionnaires have been the main tools of the research. Moreover, SWOT technique was used to present strategies and necessary measures and then the timing table was constructed to guide urban authorities. The results revealed that neighborhoods of 2, 4, 9, and 10 had the highest level of earthquake vulnerability; the neighborhoods 7 and 8 showed a lower physical vulnerability level. The study concluded that there is an urgent need to review the detail plan and also housing renovation especially in the old parts of the city. Creating two new sites for emergency aids and rescue could prevent and mitigate the level of human casualties and financial losses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Investigating the application of city lands means the way the application, distribution, maintenance, local-spatial organization of the activities and city functions are analyzed on the basis of the needs and requirements of the civil society. Nowadays, paying attention to the inappropriate development of the cities and the imbalance of the current applications, on the one hand, and moving toward qualitative improvement of the citizenship, organizing and optimizing the application of lands in the cities, on the other hand, are among significant issues in this field.In this research, the application of the land in Nur Abad Mamasani has been analyzed both analytically and theoretically; moreover, the theoretical viewpoints and the applied procedures of the application analysis of the civil lands, both in Iran and the world, have also been analyzed. Therefore, Nur Abad Mamasani is an example of such cities which suffer from the inappropriate development, exploiting the fertilized agricultural lands, asymmetrical distribution of the services, absence of facilities and services in the city. This study aims at organizing, balancing and improving the quality of the civil life in the cities.In this research, the problems and the application deficits have been discussed both quantitatively and qualitatively, using descriptive, analytical and survey method; furthermore, the social, economical, natural situations of the city have been considered and analyzed using the GIS. The findings indicate that with regard to the inappropriate situation of the city application, solutions and methods such as the government's paying attention to the rural areas to prevent immigration to cities, determining the city development zone to prevent destroying the fertilized agricultural lands, modifying rural contexts which are included in the city servicing zone to facilitate easy transportation, transferring equipments such as cemetery, slaughterhouse from the inside of the city to the outside, transferring the inappropriate applications to the outside of the city are all appropriate approaches toward balancing the service contribution and preventing the widespread growth of the city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Users' attitude about recreational spaces is one of the most important criteria in urban planning. Different situations of the dwellers and social groups in the cities bring about different needs and requirements that should be considered in planning. Knowing these needs and requirements will be a great help for urban planners. It seems that in planning for recreational spaces in Tehran "people's attitudes" has been completely ignored. This lack of attention can be considered as the lost circle in the chain of planning process. One of the main goals of this analysis is to evaluate the factors influencing peoples' attitude on distribution, variety and …of recreational land use. To achieve such a goal, mathematical methods have been used. In this research, Robert's Model for evaluating the needs for recreational spaces has been used. This model analyzes the relations between all the factors related to people and facilities. Research methodology is a descriptive survey type by using the resources documents. In this study, three different regions were chosen as research areas. Then Cochrane formula was used to estimate the size of sample community. Meanwhile to evaluate the citizens' viewpoint, a questionnaire was prepared. Based on the facts and figures of this research, variables such as age, education, the quality of services and optimal location of recreational land use show correlation with the needs for recreational spaces. It means that these variables have the power to predict the needs for recreational land use. Education has the greatest effect comparing with the other variables. In other words, the more educated people in one region, the greater need is for recreational land use. The results and findings of the research show that in Tehran the traditional patterns of spending leisure times are changing rapidly and in its modern forms it will face with great challenges. Therefore, the authorities and urban managers should take this into consideration and make a serious effort to promote the recreational land use standards in this city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Value is defined as a thing that attracts the attention of society and is the basic motivation of activity and social trends. Internalized values conduct the individual in social orientations and help him to recognize where, when and how to behave. The aim of this study is to understand rural youngsters' most important social values.The main methods in this study were ‘documentary’ and ‘survey’. The data collected was carried out through interview with 545 rural youths who were selected by employing multiple stage sampling method. The data shows that %65/8 rural youths are universalists. 83.3% of the interviewees state that the gender of their children does not make any difference to them. %55/7 of the interviewees have very low interests for living in rural areas. Since 34.6% of respondents categorize themselves as lower class, there is a significant difference between their class self-concept and their ideal class; 75% believe there is a low justice in society. 92.8% of rural people emphasize their nationality as being Iranians. They have little trust in their friends. The motivation for advancement among the youths is higher than average. Their satisfaction with life, their educational level, their climatic conditions and their exposure to mass media directly affect their social values. The data also show their age, gender, marital status, economical situation, their connection to urban areas and the potential availability of urban facilities could indirectly affect their social values.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism is a mystery whose development needs adequate cognition and knowledge of economical, social and cultural details in each region. Chabahar is located in extreme Southeast of Iran and in an original environment away from commotion of busy and populous cities in country. According to its environmental features such as cultural and human attractions, neighborhood with countries around the Persian Gulf—like India, Afghanistan, Pakistan-and the advantage of benefiting from a commercial-industrial free zone, this city can become an important tourism pole in country and the region by applying scientific management and scheduling. The outcomes resulted from this research indicate that Chabahar with 228 tourism attractions (74 natural, 44 cultural-historical, 110 manmade) can be one of the important tourism bases in the country. However, the SWOT model analysis shows that this city, despite having potency to become a sample tourism region, has some fundamental preventives in achieving this purpose such as multiplicity of determinants and management problems, shortage of sub-bases and absence of adequate publicity. In spite of that, existence of job making basis, foreign income and sub base investiture with precedence 0.4, 0.28, 0.18 respectively, are the most important opportunities, and existence of historical signs, athletic-social attractions, sand beaches and natural attractions are considerable and exciting points. Moreover, the possibility of development and renovation of management institution, of improving advertisement, cooperation and consultation between administers of free zone and organizations related to tourism and people and development of ecotourism are some of the most important trends for tourism development in this region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5009

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Small workshop industries, in one way, by their undeniable role in effective occupations in cities and due to close bond with other economical parts, have a remarkable role over urban development and can be useful in national development.By using documentary, questionnaire and field data, in this article, profiting index of total produce elements in small workshop industries in Khoramdasht Boom-ehen (2007-2009) situated in metropolitan Tehran has been calculated. Then, by parametric and in parametric statistical ways, spss software and survey studies, its influence on urban development indices has been analyzed.We have used (kubduglass)’s product model to analyze industry profiting data. The findings show that “small workshop industries of boom-e-hen have had suitable economical profits." The results show that there is a positive and meaningful relation between profiting workshop industries and developmental indices such as earning, earning satisfaction, profiting index, amount of using accommodations and some of developmental indices for occupants. At the end of the article, some techniques of functional improvements in small industries have been presented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1253

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The present paper explores migration phenomenon and its impacts on the immigrating households to Tehran city. The aim of the study is to determine the extent of economic, social and cultural changes among the immigrants. Through this study, the scale/rate of affectability of migrants is determined in terms of different social, ethical, welfare and attitudinal frames as compared with those of the natives.The empirical part of the research includes 400 sample households consisting of 200 migrants to Tehran city and 200 natives in the city of Tehran as an evidence group within normal resident households in districts 3, 6 and 12 in Tehran city, who should necessarily have children of 10 years of age and above. The results of the research, based on double-variable analyses of test of Kendall’s taub shows that there is a meaningful relationship between social mobility and social status of the migrants. Similarly, it is concluded that there is a meaningful difference between the change of ethical status of the migrants and those of the natives. In the course of path analysis, the rate of impacts of variables on change of status of the migrant, and consequently the re-appraisal of the migrant, and finally its impact on the tendency of reverse migration and on the tendency to stay have been studied.Clarification of the hypotheses has been achieved through functional and classical theories of migration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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