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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 61)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to amendment of The project dams requires many credits for watershed management. Locating studies and prioritizes critical areas are Necessary before the dams must be done accurately and comprehensively. Accurately identify erosion areas in the sub watershed is essential and appropriate measures, including structural, non-structural subject or a combination of them can reduce the severity of the damage caused by erosion and sedimentation. Accordingly the following watershed basins in the execution of construction activities, determine priorities and policy requirements are, the most importance. In this study, 11 effective measures of the performance of Dams stone - mortar in the area identify. Weight by Expert Choice software, and implement dam priority sub watershed stone - mortar by the TOPS IS. According to the results of effective criteria for locating Dams stone–mortar, the criteria erosion, including sedimentation, and discharge in particular is the most importance with the weight of 0.132, 0.103 and 0.1. Finally the watershed dams to carry stone-mortar TOPSIS methods were prioritized. The results show that the erosion of the basin S 1 with 61.14 ton/ha in the first one and sub-basin S3-n is the last one for the implementation of stone-mortar dams. The administrative priority of structures is important in allocating targeted credits for the watershed step.

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    1 (61)
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Considering the climatic situation in the province of Esfahan, where water is a restricting factor in agricultural development saffron is a plant befitting for growing in arid and semiarid ereas.This is due to the fact that saffron requires no water in hibernation, on the the other hand the season of its growth synchronized With rainfull in Iran. These research aims to study the fundamental climatic and environmental elements affecting the growth of saffron using the Rating Model in gis software. The ereas which are suitable for the growth of saffron specify. Such elements as temperature, rainfull and relative humidity in statistic period 1993-2008 calculated by calculate.xlxs using excel software and then the maps related to elevation and slope resulted by them as well as the maps of landform and underground water raster resources provided point date of water corporation in the province of Esfahan were all investigated add analysed. In Rating Model, on the basis of the effect of map classes in the growth of saffron were scored and then all layers were also scored by useing weighted sum in gis software. Then they were composited and finally a map demonstrating. The intelligence of area for production and planting saffron was made. The results of this research in the indicate that climatic situation among others plays more vital role in the growth of saffron. In final map appropriates areas for planting saffron in the province of Esfahan includes eastern and north-eastern zones which covers 15.6 percent of total area in the province.

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    1 (61)
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1-Introduction Trend detection is an active area of interest for both hydrology and climatology in order to investigate climate changes scenario and improve climate impact research (Saidi et al., 2013). The assumption of stationary seems to be invalid as a result of anthropogenic influence and the natural variability of the climate system (Karpouzos et al., 2010). One of the most significant consequences of global warming due to increase in greenhouse gases would be an increase in magnitude and frequency of extreme precipitation events (Joshi and Rajeevan, 2006). In the global warming scenario, climate models generally predict an increase in large precipitation events (Houghtonet al 2001). Climate simulations indicate that a warmer climate could result in an increase in the proportion of precipitation occurring in extreme events (Karl et al., 1995). It seems to be generally accepted that the expected climatic changes are not necessarily associated with a higher intensity of extreme values, but rather with a higher frequency of the occurrence of extreme values. There are many indices for examining the extreme rainfall events (Peterson et al. 2001). The joint working group on climate change detection of World Meteorological Organization (WMO-CCL) and the research program on Climate Variability and Prediction CLIVAR (Peterson et al., 2001) recommended 15 indices on extreme rainfall. These indices are similar to indices that recommended by Expert Team of Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). In this study the percentile thresholds indices including 90, 95 and 99 have been applied. The aim of this study is changes of extreme precipitation frequency in Iran. 2- Data and Methods In order to doing this research, interpolated daily precipitation from Asfazari data base during 1/1/1340 to 11/10/1383(15992 days) has been used. One data base with dimension 15992×7187 created. For each calendar days of year calculated 90, 95 and 99 percentiles over pixels. Three new matrixes have been created with dimension 366´7187. If daily precipitation amount over each pixels during study period was equal or over the three mentioned percentile considered as extreme precipitation. The frequency of extreme days on the each pixel separately counted for every months of year. The significance of trend evaluated by non parametric Mann Kendal test at 95% confidence level. 3- Results and Discussion The result of this study showed that trend of extreme precipitation occurrence over Iran is significant. In general the extension of negative trend of extreme precipitation occurrence is more than positive trend in semi warm seasons of year. The contrast observed for the cold months (December, January and March). In July, the trend of extreme precipitation occurrence frequency over the north parts of Iran is positive. The extensive negative trend observed during September while for the positive trend observed in December and January. General we can say that trend over elevation especially on Zagros mountain range is positive while over low lands trend is negative in yearly scale. Frequency of extreme precipitation is increasing over southwestern and western parts of country in November and March. It seems to that in spatial view increase and decrease of extreme precipitation occurrence is well agreement with increase and decrease of precipitation over Iran. This is clear in the Southwest part of Iran especially. The distribution of precipitation over Iran is controlled by the interaction of the tropical air mass (Sudan Low), the Monsoon, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean low pressures, the Siberian high pressure and the western passenger high pressures. It seems that changes in intensity of mentioned synoptic systems during recent decades are the reason for the variability in extreme precipitation occurrence over Iran.

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    1 (61)
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1-Introduction One of the factors that affect the climate of arid and semi-arid areas is dust storm. Numerical models are new methods for evaluation of dust storms which can also be used for forecasting dust storms. The goal of this research was to utilize air mass back trajectory and mesoscale meteorological model analyses to investigate the wind patterns in Iran leading to synoptic-scale dust outbreaks impacting the west and center of this region. Back trajectories from a receptor site should assist in determining the air masses and dust transport patterns into the area of study to help better understand and forecast the formation and direction of motion of dust plumes. Synoptic-scale desert dust outbreaks are initiated by speciic weather conditions that depend on the nature and strength of large-scale wind systems over the region. Weather patterns that lead to dust outbreaks can be simulated using computer models that support a wide range of simulations related to the long-range transport, dispersion, and deposition of aerosols. Also, identify the source of infection is the first step in the process of determining an effective strategy for controlling pollution. One way to find the sources of pollution is back trajectory this means that the back trajectories from the receiver site can be used to specify the source locations. A coupling of meteorological and trajectory models is common method in studies of dust storms. In this study, we evaluated one off intense dust event that affected most of Iran. We used two numerical models, Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and HYbrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model…….

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    1 (61)
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Landslides susceptibility maps are one of the most important essential tools for planners and decision makers environmental especially in mountainous areas. Analytic network process (ANP) is including model for landslide susceptibility mapping. This model in addition preserving capabilities and advantages available in the AHP model, Overcomes the disadvantages related to it and therefore the its use of compared to the AHP increased in recent years and has been replaced it. In this study landslide susceptibility zonation done using ANP model in chellichay catchment (Golestan province in Iran). To do this is used the 10 natural and anthropogenic parameters (such as lithology, distance to fault, distance to river, drainage density, slope, aspect, landuse, vegetation density (NDVI) and distance to roads). Pairwise comparisons, data preparation and implementation of the model performed with using of tools such as super decision, Arc map and ENVI software. The final map obtained from the model were classified in five risk classes And evaluated using landslides occurred in the area. The results of the evaluation showed that 70% of the landslides occurred in the area are located in high and very high risk classes. According to the model demonstrates appropriate capability to predict the landslide susceptibility.

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    1 (61)
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1-Introduction With the rise of population, the preserved areas have been destroyed by humans. Bakhtegan Lake and the National park and preserved area around it as part of Neyriz Pond are no exceptions and are facing a host of hazards. The presence of humans and their activities is the most significant type of invasion and hazard in preserved areas since their presence simultaneously with urbanization has led to invasion of preserved areas. Urbanization is a dynamic and complex process with many entities involved each of which has different behavioral patterns that include the physical, social and economic factors. Given the complexity and haphazard fast-paced development in cities, using models in city planning is considered inevitable. This necessitates assessment of ecologic potencies of the territory prior to land intervention, to be used as a basis together with economic and social needs to determine appropriate expansion method. 2- Methodology According to research purposes, data and information layers slope,distance from the city, distance from the village, elevation, distance from the river,geology, soil, distance from the road and land use were assigned as effective parameters to physical development. After providing information’s mentioned above and determining kind of their relation with the physical development membership function for each of the parameters. After applying membership function to layers in Arc GIS software, all layers have values between zeros to one, then layers entered to fuzzy model…..

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (61)
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Explaining the flood, drought and agriculture products reduction rate phenomena are the aspects that are to be studied are recorded with respect to the climate changes. For the purpose studying the great floods and explaining the reason there of the Madarsu basin in the east of Caspian Sea is so located. This research is usages temperature, precipitation, and discharge in basin, sunspots frequency and multi-times Landsat5 images. The method involves Man-Kendal test finding for data trending, the regression model for downscaling sunspots data and temperature, precipitation and discharge data and fuzzy and least-square method to devolve the drawings of the zone arable land use. The trending available by change, annual precipitation, rain day and over flow rate frequency. Downscaling of these elements with sunspots indicate a reasonable correlation between these changes with the sun spots. In fact the sunspots in their 11.5 years have explained these changes and have posed the climate changes phenomenon in the Madarsu basin with challenge. The arable land use change analyses indicate great woodland and pasture land coverage destruction of about 600km2.This change in land use is caused by the great flooding in Madarsu basin. The result show that Dominate the economy, natural resources, has changed land use in Madarsu basin. So with passive defense planning and operations based on Land use planning and watershed management to reduce flood damage.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism potantials are considered of unique capitals of each country and region, that, their identification, classification and planning, has high importance for tourism development. Nowadays, urban life, has become a superior life, inrecent decades urbanizaton have had high growth in Iran,tht, ratio of this growth varios in different parts of the country. Bushehr is one of the provinces in which over 60% of the population live in cities, because, its cities often have high tourism potantials. Bushehr city is the center of Bushehr province, with numerous tourism potantials is tourism, historic and economic field. the purpose of this research is to identify tourism potantils of coastal city, Bushehr, and using them in stable urban ecpansion. Determining potential , weaknesses, opportunitis and thearts. according to SWOT model in way presentation, strategy for tourism devlopment in the coastal city of Bushehr has investigated. Also using TOPSIS model ranking and level of tourism potential Bushehr Bushehr took 8 species of respondents, the results showed The appropriate people close to a factor of .5347 The first priority, Beautiful sandy beach near a factor of .5339 Second priority and rituals - traditional near a factor of .3436 Priority placed third in attracting tourists to the city are impressive.

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Introduction The importance of environmental capabilities has made rural practitioners to study the potentials of each and every location. Some researchers have come to believe that agriculture is the main player in rural development (Koutsouris, 2000). Therefore, identifying appropriate agricultural lands using scientific methods such feasibility study can enhance effective land use policy and thus improve environmental resources. In other words, efficient use of agricultural lands depends on identifying farm lands that are most suitable for cultivation. Recently, Kermanshah Township with rich water resources and highly fertile soil has attracted rural development practitioners. Since agricultural site selection has a major role in agricultural development, the main purpose of this investigation was to conduct a location study in order to identify the most appropriate location for agricultural activities in Kermanshah Township…..

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Introduction: One of the most important challenges in climatic studies of Iran is the lack of access to long-term climatic data for all regions; among such regions, one can point to Dena region. This region is in in the central Zagros, parts of Isfahan province, ChaharMahal and Bakhtiari, Fars province and Kohkiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province. The longest reported climatic report of the weather stations of the region is less than 30 years. On the other hand, dendroclimatology field provides information on temperature and rainfall of past periods through addressing climatic effects existing in annual rings of trees. This attempts aims to reconstruct minimum monthly temperature of the past 131 years of Dena region based on the growth style of annual growth rings of Quercus Persica…..

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1-Entroduction: Expounding the development of countries related to human structures settled in geographical space has caused different theoretical discussions. Iran has a diverse society in terms of human and physical properties, so multidimensional development is considered. This paper is intended to expound the relation between the regional development of Iran and human structures settled in geographical space. Human structures include ethnic groups settled across the borders of Iran. Theoretical framework of the paper is based on the “modernization in societies” and “critical approach to the development”. Based on theoretical principles, modernization in developing societies with ignoring environmental requirements has caused one-linear development, weakness for multilateral development and human participation. These countries need reformed modernization to their society’s development. Critical approach to the development criticizes society’s inequality in terms of development and lack of human participation in society’s evolutions and emphasizes human forces for development. By synthesizing the two approaches, the paper considers the two approaches. Affected by the synthesized approach, the multilateral development in its all economic, political and cultural- social facets, and also considering humanistic development and regard to human layers of society is considered….

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1-Introduction: Soil erosion is a major environmental problem that has devastating effects on natural and ecosystem. Although soil erosion has existed throughout history, but in recent years has intensified related to inappropriate land use. So, due to the damages caused by the increase of deposition in rivers, watershed management planning in area scale (slope) and linear (channel) to reduce the soil erosion are applicable. Also the project evaluation for before, during and after the implementation, according to the project objectives and environmental effects on watershed and its outside to verify the effectiveness of watershed management programs is essential….

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Flooding is a natural phenomenon that like another natural disaster has inevitable destructive effects. Based on physical geography of our country and the accident full in some areas, in some cases adverse effects of floods have been caused irreparable damages. Based on physical geography of our country, in some cases adverse effects of floods have been caused irreparable damages. Much of the country's human centers is positioned in mountainous areas and has semi-arid and dry weather that often caused sudden flooding rains. This situation makes runoff immediately after a rainfall and cased flood-prone areas. Annual flood damage to agricultural resources and people's financial status is very notable.South Khorasan province because of its Semi-arid and dry climate, has erratic and flooding rains that increase the flooding potentials. Also human activities and ecological imbalance considerably increases the amount of flooding damages. The study of South Khorasan Province from flood zoning and determination of at risk human and economic centers and infrastructure is important and can increase awareness and leads to problem-solving.

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Introduction: Today, extra tropical cyclones are recognized not only for the important influence they exert on midlatitude weather conditions but also for their integral role in the earth’s climate system. (Gary luckmann, 2012). Extra tropical cyclones are fundamental meteorological features and play a key role in a broad range of weather phenomena. They are a central component maintaining the global atmospheric energy, moisture, and momentum budgets. They are on the one hand responsible for an important part of our water supply, and on the other are intimately linked with many natural hazards affecting the middle and high latitudes (wind damage, precipitation-related flooding, storm surges, and marine storminess). Thus, it is important to provide for society an accurate diagnosis of cyclone activity, which includes a baseline climatology of extra tropical storms (e.g., Hoskins and Hodges 2002)…..

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