Rivers through production, movement and storage of sediments are one of the most important factors that are modifying the earth’s surface. Historically, some rivers selected as the boundary lines between the countries and have acquired additional importance. Rivers channel, particularly alluvial bed rivers are continuously changing and this can cause many problems. In this study, lateral movement of the Aras River, 15 km away from west of Aslanduz city to exit of the river in Iran’s border, are investigated in two time periods, 2000 and 2014. This river has a great importance in relation to water supply in the northwestern parts of the country. Moreover, in the large distances, forms Iran boundary line with the countries of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Therefore, research on the lateral changes of river becomes necessary. Topographic maps with scale of 1: 50, 000, digital elevation model (DEM) with 27 m resolution, and satellite imagery (Landsat 7 ETM+satellite sensor& Landsat 8 OLI satellite sensor) are most important materials in this research. Studied channel reach of Aras River for two time periods, 2000 and 2014 were extracted by processing satellite images. Then, channel based on morphology and changes trend was divided into 21 transects, and quantitative indicators were calculated for each transect. To analyze the river plan form, were used central angle and sinuosity coefficient. Finally, the average of channel migration rate was calculated during the past 14 years. Comparison of the central angle and sinuosity coefficient values of the river channel within each transect for the periods 2000 and 2014 represents an increasing trend for most of the transects, which indicates river meanders are active. In fact, large quantities and unusual migration rate in some transects related to the avulsion. Most likely, the avulsion caused by the river flooding, especially in the spring and disturbances due to the confluences. In some cases, combined these factors associated with interventions variables such as effects of confluences has caused the channel movement is very significant, and the unusual. Finally, it can be said that although channels have been changed continuously by lateral migration, cutoffs, and avulsion, But in 2014 compared to 2000, little change has occurred in the channel platform, and decrease or increase the number of bends, central angle and sinuosity coefficient are the result of natural function of meandering rivers. Therefore, the study river is close to dynamic equilibrium.