The aim of present study is examining the relation among mental health, aggression, type a characteristic and driving habits. Because of this, the researchers asked from 110 answerable in accident men to complete the Manchester Behavior Driving, Type A Characteristic, Ahvaz Aggression and General Health Questionnaires.4Then the data analyzed by, Pearson correlation and regression analysis in a stepwise method. The results showed that there is a significant relation among Mental Health, Personality Type and Aggression & Driving Behaviors. Also the regression analysis in a stepwise method showed that Aggression and Mental Health variables could predict tastes’ dangerous behaviors, although Type a Characteristic couldn’t predict driving behavior.Notice that dangerous driving would make many irreparable problems for society and also for people, the suggestion in here is a good management by police. They can put psychological consultation program for people how want to get there driving license or want to extend it or even during a regular time. For driving (private or public). In this way, all invading drivers or dangerous one who need to be educated about driving behavior will put in this kind of consultation programs.