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While risk reduction has been mainly addressed by seismologists and engineers by now, the total impact of earthquake greatly depends on urban planning factors. The effects of planning can be considered in the socio economic and physical aspects. Urban planning may have a dominant role in various earthquake phases: at the time of earthquake, rescue, and emergency, as well as temporary and permanent settlements. There is a strong relationship between the level of planning and the effects of a disaster on the community. Urban planning with the purpose of vulnerability reduction has to recognize vulnerability causes for every physical city elements. Seismic pathology of communication networks, especially urban roads, as one of the main physical elements of city, is a key issue. Initially, urban roads should play key roles in the provision of access to suitable open spaces and escape. The main purpose of this research is to analysis and recognize the factors affecting urban roads vulnerability and to determine their effects. In the context of urban planning criteria, special criteria are selected for evaluation of urban roads vulnerability. In this process, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method, as well as GIS, SPSS and Export Choice software were utilized. As the case study of the research, Karmandan neighborhood, located in the central established area of Karaj City, some 30 kilometers west of Tehran, the capital, was selected. Some information and data were collected through existed and approved plans for the case study area. However, the main data were collected through field survey, conducted during the research in the city of Karaj. Using previous research and studies, 10 criteria were selected for evaluation the roads vulnerability, including: 1-hierarchical accessibility, 2-degree of roads enclosure, 3-the quality of roads wall, 4 type of roads (dead end or open end), 5 material types used in roads, 6 land use of allotments located in roads, 7-the gradient of roads, 8-location and characteristics of urban infrastructures, 9-internal angle of roads, and 10-population density related to roads. The findings of the research showed that three criteria are the premier factors affecting vulnerability of urban roads, including population density related to urban roads network, the location and characteristics of urban infrastructures, and the gradient of roads. Two other criteria are less important, including hierarchical accessibility and internal angle of roads. The results of correlation analysis showed that it is not possible to determine the level of threshold for the mentioned scales. The reasons for this are: correlation among scales, data overlapping and direct and reverse effects of scales on each other, and seismic vulnerability of urban roads. Vulnerability of urban roads is not the effect of one factor, but it is the consequence of various factors. It seems that the model introduced by this research, benefiting from simultaneously analyzed criteria and factors, can be a fair and efficient method for evaluation of the vulnerability of urban roads. By using this method, priorities may be determined in action plans to prevent seismic vulnerability, as well as pre implementation evaluation in new urban development projects.

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In the contemporary era, Subway terminals are known as examples of dynamic public spaces in today’s urban context, in all over the world. Therefore, these constructions, that are recognized as above ground appearance of subway networks in different parts of inner and sometimes outer city areas, are the places of social encounters, predicted and unexpected happenings and various behavioral patterns. In other words, social dimension is one of the most important aspects of these spaces. As far as there is no comprehensive study on social dimension of subway terminals, also due to an inefficient social performance of Iranian subway stations in recent years, the main aim of this research is to provide a social assessment framework for the study of these public spaces. According to the first aim, another purpose is to evaluate the social aspects of Shahid Soltani subway terminal, which is known as one of the most crowded public areas in city of Karaj, by using this certain framework. In order to cover the main purposes, by using the descriptive – analytical method, first the concept of subway station as an urban space has been studied. Then by comparing various opinions regarding social aspects, the most important social criteria of these certain spaces, which are: safety and security, vitality and attractiveness, accessibility and justice, partnership and stewardship, health and education and identity, have been presented. Afterward by using these criteria, four successful case studies around the world, have been evaluated and key indicators, in accordance with each criteria, have been achieved. Based on the results of theories and successful case studies, which include 6 social criteria and 42 indicators, social dimension assessment framework for subway terminal has been proposed . According to the proposed framework, an assessment checklist and content of the questionnaire have been prepared . By using this checklist and filling out the 40 questionnaires, social dimension of Shahid Soltani subway terminal has been evaluated. Due to analyzing the social aspects of Shahid Soltani station, by combining opinions of both authors and users, strength and weakness points of this space, have been identified. The result of this analysis has shown that, the Shahid Soltani subway terminal severely suffers from lack of three out of six main social criteria, which are accessibility and justice, partnership and stewardship, health and educational factors. They are the most problematic factors in this public space. In addition to mentioned issues, this station also suffers from lack of three other criteria, which are safety and security, identity and functional attractiveness. The only strength of this space is the physical attractiveness, which is the result of green spaces usage in terminal open space and the uniform physical setting of terminal concourse. On the whole, the findings show that, despite the importance of Shahid Soltani subway terminal as a transitional and interchange space in city of Karaj and its important role as a city entrance, due to the lack of social qualities, this station has failed to fulfill its purpose as a successful public space.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Renovation of Urban deteriorated fabrics and the need for active public participation in the process of providing plans and implementations are among the most important topics in urban studies. Urban regeneration is a planned demolition for the purposes of reducing physical blight, social disorders and improving the overall quality of life in cities. Thus the design solutions could be more thoughtful, elaborate and with careful analysis of all relevant variables, various courses of actions, possible impacts, and eventually with less mistakes. Thus urban regeneration plans needs public and private involvements. Theoretical studies in public participations and their applications in experiencing urban renewal projects, conducted to the evolution of a new approach in «urban renewal» concepts that is «urban regeneration», with the emphasis on revitalizing damaged fabrics by public participation. The application of public participation in urban renewal has been begun since 1385 in the country by preparation of Tarhe Manzare (Shari Urban Landscape Plans). One of the main objectives of these plans is to involve resident`s participation in the process of the renovation of deteriorated fabrics. In the format of «Special detailed renewal plans», many of such plans are prepared and approved by Tehran renovation and renewal organization. One of the initial landscape plans is Atabak neighborhood in south east of Tehran. This paper investigates the status of participation in the urban landscape plans by studying the case study of Atabak neighborhood plan and tries to provide an appropriate process for participatory urban regeneration. To achieve the research objectives, different methods were used, such as content analysis of the description of the urban landscape plan contract, group interviews and field observations. In order to examine issues related to public participation in renovation of neighborhoods, meetings with residents and their representatives have been performed. Two main questions were raised in the interviews: satisfaction with the project, and the main problems facing the project. The interviewees were also encouraged to mention any other factor associated with their satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) of the area. The large amount of data was then reduced into smaller number of analytical units by applying coding and then pattern coding. The results show that the experience of community participation as an integral part of this project has not considered and performed well, and thus Atabak plan resulted in the fragmentation of traditional spatial context of neighborhood, defenseless and abandoned places and spaces, departure of local residents from neighborhood, and thus the public's distrust on urban management. The evaluation and analysis of the Atabak project confirms that Manzar Shari plans lack appropriate process of public/private collaboration and thus they lead to problems in the process of implementation and the eventual failure of the product. The performed planning process has resulted in financial losses and various problems for the locale and the city as a whole. Based on the evaluation, the defects and shortcomings of the project, and reviewing current theoretical basis regarding urban regeneration, attempt has been made to propose the appropriate process for the participatory regeneration plans.

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There is always a meaning concealed behind functional aspects of any physical structure. This covert meaning is tranfered to the user or observer of the phenomena and forms his perception. Studying the perception of the visitors towards the visited structure is considered useful in several research fields. In tourism context, visitors’ perception towards visited destination is obliged as a significant guideline for tourism planners and marketers. It determines tourists’ preferences. It influences their behavior during all trip stages from pre-travel steps to post-travel ones. In a more holistic view, tourists’ perceptions toward the destination which is called tourist destination image not only is a pull factor for choosing the destination and purchasing the trip but also during the travel time it effects on tourists’ satisfaction level. After returning home the same image has evident impacts on remembering the trip memories and finally it might cause the first visitors to revisit the site once again. The concept has been defined as the expression of all objective knowledge, impressions, prejudice, imaginations, emotion and thoughts an individual or group might have of a particular place. In this context, destination’s built environment, architecture, buildings and monuments which are one of the main cultural attractions of any place, could make up tourist destination image. This study, examines the relationship between Iranian-Islamic architecture and post-visitors European’s image towards destination Iran. To narrow down, the research has been focused on Safavid buildings of Isfahan, a well-known Iran’s tourist destination. We are going to measure distinct aspects of the image via a model proposed by Echtner and Ritchie in 1993. This model not only conceptualizes but also provides a proper outline for measuring the image concept in a full structured way. Thus, this model compared to other pertinent presented outlines is more integrated and consequently conveys more applicable results. To assess the visitors’ perception on visited buildings, the study consists of two main phases: determining experts’ points of view and tourists’ perceptions. Sample size of the first phase survey is fifteen and it asks for academians in the field of Islamic architecture towards remarkable features of Safavid monuments. This phase is completely picture-based. Respondents shall rank the 100 taken pictures of related scenes in terms of the degree of beauty. The second phase includes both open-ended and close-ended questions as well as 12 selected pictures from the last phase. The results of the study indicate that Iranian- Islamic architecture has a noticeable effect on European tourists’ image. According to the findings, Naghsh-e –Jahan Square and Sheik Lotfollah Mosque are the most conspicuous and memorable places in European’s functional perception. Responses show that most of the repliers have expressed their affective image about Iranian-Islamic architecture by the words referring to wonder, admiration and spirituality. They assumed “space” and “use of geometry” as the most noteworthy physical components in this architecture style. Findings demonstrates that Iranian-Islamic Architecture, in general can be regarded as one the main elements of image creating and brand building for destination Iran in tourism marketing strategies.

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The hastening increase in the population of the cities, lack of urban infrastructures, shifting the land use and the consequent vanish of ecologically valuable lands in the countries, industrial pollutions,illegal settlement in the suburbs and other human activities which have influenced the growth of cities in Iran too, make it necessary to study and analyze the growth of Rasht(The capital of the Gilan Province in the vicinity of Caspian sea which is one of the large cities in Iran) Urban growth and its driving factors are important topics in recent urban research analysis. Several physical, economical and social factors influence the urban growth while they have nonlinear and complex relation. The goal of this study is to define and recognize the urban growth system, affecting factors on urban growth, quantize the relation between the urban growth and the driving factors and analyze the spatial growth patterns according to historical land use change for the city of Rasht, assuming that some special driving factors and local patterns which are consistent with geographic, economic, physical and social structure of the city, have influenced its growth. Since the factors of urban growth are unique for a given case and past studies were not concentrated on comparative analysis of urban growth, the present research focuses on determining the most important factors affecting city growth through modeling and compare the common and divers points of urban growth in Rasht with other studies. For this purpose, by reviewing the theoretical concepts associated with urban growth, quantative and measurable criteria are developed as proper frameworks to study the influencing factors on the city growth. This paper describes the urban growth model through “logistic regression” which based on the theories of urban growth, contributes to determination of growth mechanisms at different time phases and recognition of driving factors and introduces two series of influencing factors on Rasht urban growth: 1) factors with favorable effects including: slope(%), distance from nearest markets, farm lands and less populated areas. 2) factors with unfavorable effects including: distance from main roads, residential areas and industrial centers, lands covered with trees (forest) and areas with expensive lands. Finally it was found that the specifications of physical growth pattern of Rasht depended not only on the existing situation of the pattern, but on the factors influencing it as well. The most important driving factor of Rasht urban growth is its “Roads” which could be most observed in the south along the Rasht-Tehran road toward the industrial town. It shows that the mutual effect pattern of land use _ transportation will play an important role in the future planning of the city. Also unlike the forests, farm lands are progressively changing into town lands that should be prevented through feasible and practicable planning and investigating the political and managing factors. The results of this research could be suitable means to analyze and compare pattern and factors influencing on urban growth of Rasht with other large cities of Iran to be utilized by urban planners and managers.

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The present paper first with a look to the today's architecture demonstrate that on one hand in the field of opinion in education and architecture view, there is no constant and clear standard and on the other hand what exists in the field of action, increase this disturbance and disorder. Among the solution adopted in the field of action are: imitation and repetition of traditional (past) architecture, past escaping, distinction originality, creating wonder, and expressing your own selfish in the architecture. The results of these solutions are: acceptance of change, multiplicity, and plurality or in the opposite side creating unity through integrating (fixing) the shape of architecture and importance of this aspect without paying attention to its meanings. Thus, these solutions are not only efficient in organizing the architecture but also had irreversible damages to it. This is so that we can consider the existence of deep ambiguity in the nature of «constant and variable matters» as one of the causes of nowadays disorder in architecture in our country. Awareness of this issue makes the thinking about nature and the fact of «constant and variable matters», being an essential issue. This paper seeks to demonstrate the necessity and importance of accuracy in both constant and variable matters as two main concepts in architecture, and its methods are by observing the current situation of architecture, reflecting expert’s opinions, deduction, and argument. This article first tries to show that this accuracy has been very important in both fields, and demonstrates that its absence has created lots of problems, by considering and describing current situation of architecture. On the one hand, there is no constant, same, and clear criterion in architecture view in the field of education, and in architecture criticism or competitions. In addition, most often people act as their arbitrary and their wants. On the other hand, what exists in the practical applicable architecture is a source and reason of confusion and disorder, which results in no criterion or standard. On the other hand with the aid of paper's worldview which is ruling worldview, we understand that the way of clarifying the ambiguity in the field of constant and variable is not the thought of manner of traditional architecture. Also immediacy addressing of modern, same, or different forms of architecture doesn't work. The solution to the problem begins with thinking about the nature of constant and variable matters in the human life and since the architecture is the body of life, the importance, and the relevance to human life is important to help understanding the constant and variable matters in this life architecture. Thinking about the nature of life with the view of ruling worldview shows that all humans have constant order that in reliance to «temperament» and based on God's unchanging «tradition», is without time and space. So we can define an order for the architecture in response to humans «temperament» and based on the real meanings of objects in the universe is constant. This architecture can be variable and constant under a certain domain in the order of forms.

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«Introduction to Contemporary Architecture» is a required two unit course which is currently being taught to undergraduate students of architecture in Iranian universities. Wide ranges of methods are being used by its instructors around the country. However the teaching methods are usually based on two following main tends, 1- On one hand, a group of instructors recognize this course as a «conceptual» and «theoretical» course, which is totally different from architectural history courses. This group regards the mentioned course as one of the basic theoretical courses in teaching undergraduate level of architecture. From this group''s point of view, «Introduction to Contemporary Architecture» should criticize the modern world while endeavoring to find solutions for its deficiencies such as identity crisis and so on. They believe that in scope of the mentioned course, the instructor should try to teach fundamental concepts of contemporary architecture. 2- On the other hand, another group of instructors regard the course of «Introduction to Contemporary Architecture» as a «kenning» course, which is based on architectural history courses. They believe the aim ofthis course to beteaching the undergraduate students of architecture about contemporary architectural events, as well as new buildings and their architects. From their point of view, the description designed for this course, should be based on quantitative knowledge of the architectural projects and introduction to examples of contemporary architecture. It can be perceived that both groups have enough proofs for their opinion and are not able to convince each other. Accordingly, the issue seems to be in the quantity of units that have been considered for the course of «Introduction to Contemporary Architecture». The dissidence on the historical periods being taught by the second group is another issue between the instructors of this course. Their chosen period is often based on their personal perception of the word «contemporary», Some of them consider the events of current century, some others proceed the architecture in 20th century and early 21st, and the rest of them consider a vast era, starting from Gothic until the architecture of today. Surprisingly, the missing point of all above mentioned groups'' points of view seems to be the “Contemporary Architecture of Iran”. This subject is apparently essential to be taught to Iranian undergraduate architecture students. «Contemporary Architecture of Iran” which is mentioned in the syllabus of the course of »Introduction to Contemporary Architecture«, is usually ignored by its instructors. In addition, this subject is not even considered as a required or even elective course for undergraduate students of architecture in Iran. This study is proceeded to examine the teaching methods of the course of »Introduction to Contemporary Architecture«, among Iranian universities and compare it to the similar courses which are being taught at some well-known universities around the world. The research is going to analyze the quality of syllabus and quantity of number of units considered for this course. Consequently, this study is aimed to promote the current situation of theoretical courses in teaching undergraduate level of architecture in Iranian universities.

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since the government, following the Shi’ie doctrine, paid special attention to art and architecture, the School of Isfahan found the opportunity to manifest the Shi’ite beliefs in architecture. The rare combination of art, Shi’ism and illumination gave this era a unique identity, which manifested itself more or less in the Isfahan school of art and architecture. Shia influence in the political and mental system for the first time in this era, provided the best situation for mental growth and merger of intellectual and religious currents based on Shia ideology. This paper deals with one of the principles governing the organization of art and architecture with the aim of re-examining the role of thought currents dominant at the Safavid era in architecture. The principle of hierarchy in architecture represents the effort to express the concept of transition and the gradual cognitive process. In traditional arts, this has been known as one of the basic principles. The mosque represents the most salient manifestation of this principle in architecture, which is related to the cognitive aspects of space. In particular, the entrance of the mosque as a place linking the worldly and the heavenly finds a celestial dimension, which prepares the person, through a cognitive process, for a transition from the material to the spiritual. The most salient instance of this principle in the architecture of mosques is the intelligent increase of spatial ranks. In this paper pursuing the principle of hierarchy in Iranian-Islamic thought, Mola Sadra Shirazi and illumination sheikh Sohrevardi ideas -that influences in art and architecture of this era- were investigated the evolution of these ideas in the design of mosques as a finest traditional art. With access the basic connection between this principle and Shiite, mystical and illumination though, were obtained the noticeable field for deeper analysis of the samples. A comparison of the facades of the mosques built in the era under study, the era when the school of Isfahan emerged, with previous facades, shows the following results: 1-A considerable increase of spatial ranks in the facades of the mosques built in the Safavid era, a characteristic which continues in a number of succeeding mosques As one of the most important results of this study. 2-A new method developed in the making of the entrance space of the mosques built in this era, used for the first time in the entrance space of the Shah Mosque in Isfahan. 3-The School of Isfahan has drawn the attention to the transition from without to within. The increase of the entrance ranks of the mosques explains the process of preparing the person coming to the mosque to say prayers to transit from the material to the spiritual. 4-The hierarchy principle, a major principle of architecture in the Shi’ite world, employed in the creation of architectural space is closely tied to the Shi’ite doctrine and the related concepts. A re-examination of this principle and intelligent application of it in modern architecture with no doubt would promote the structure and semiotics of architecture.

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