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urban planning has been done by different approaches but, a major procedure can be seen that is conversion of Top-down planning idea to Bottom-up planning idea that needs participation and cooperation of people in planning. This idea can be seen frequently in contemporary renovation plans in Iran too. In that regard, one of the most important factors in urban renovation plans is being supported by residents and encouraging them to cooperate. Achieving this goal can affect the renovation process and make economic benefits. Cooperation in urban renovation plans leads to sustainability and stability in urban fabric and its users. Cooperation and trying to improve living area can create stronger identity and sense of belonging between people and their neighbor that tends to improved life quality beside reduced renovation costs. But, how to encourage the residents to cooperate is a goal that this paper tries to reach on the base of game theory and understanding cooperators behavior. Game theory provides general mathematical techniques for analyzing situations in which two or more individuals make decisions that will influence one another`s welfare. In this way, this paper discusses the game theory and the prisoner’s dilemma game, and using a tow section model of this game to shows the way people cooperate in tow section cooperation and also shows possible conditions for cooperation. In the next step, it studies two experiences in this field: First, the renovation plan for the central part of Mashhad as one of the most important renovation plans in Iran which considered the residents’ satisfaction and participation as one of its main goals, although it almost failed to encourage them to cooperate. And the second, the renovationplan for Oudlajan bazaar in Tehran as a plan that succeeds to encourage residents to cooperate. Then it compares the results of these two cases and the results of prisoner`s dilemma model to find the best way to encourage people for cooperation. The comparison shows that The prisoner`s dilemma model is closer to the Oudlajan experience (the relatively successful case). The results shows that a complete cooperation needs a shared space that people and government can interact and play their roles in there, and also shows that the most encouraging factor for people to cooperate is to provide their benefits in cooperation process, But it should be noted that there are some factors, like using social mechanisms that can reduce the impact of economy factor somewhat. It shows that involving people from the beginning (decision making), let them trust well because, there is no risk in this section. People in a cooperation need time to make a decision and they use different strategies in this way that almost is based on other cooperators decisions and their experiences. A cooperation process should be done in different sections and the last section should not be demonstrated to people. It should be noted that none of the experiences used game theory as a basic theory for their planning process.

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after modern age, car dominance on the urban spaces has reduced the walkability and sense of place for pedestrians. Non pedestrians, somehow, are travelling in placeless cities as well. The ways that people appear and behave in streets, plazas and other urban places are now challengeable. The concept and meaning of the place is changed by inappropriate articulation of pedestrian and non-pedestrian and consequently the physical, social and perceptual values of the place are threatened. The main research question in this article is about the correlation between walkability and the sense of place. Which qualitative indicators and criteria can be adopted for walkability evaluation based on the sense of place? The research methodology is qualitative and exploratory. First, the extensive principals of walkability and sense of place in urban design are reviewed. Then walkability principals are sorted based on the aspects of the sense of place. Indicators for improving the sense of place, then, are highlighted. The aspects of the sense of place are, first, categorized into 3 components including Physical, Perceptual and Behavioral aspects, based on Punter’s ideas. Then, these are matched with eight layers of urban design proposed by Carmona including: Spatial, Morphological, Contextual, Visual, Perceptual, Social, Functional and Sustainability. One more layer is added, based on Jon Gehl’s contribution about people behaviors. For each of three aspects and 9 layers a series of urban design literature is studied and the key concepts and theories are analyzed. Meanwhile the walkability issues are matched with each level. The key findings of this article indicate that there is a strong relation between walkability and the sense of place. Assessment of the walkability should consider three broad aspects of the place including physical, perceptual and behavioral. The balance between these three aspects might also be measured in a quantitative research. Some indicators for walkability appraisal in this article are: natural features and climatic comfort, spatial variety and enclosure, dimensions, articulation to the surrounding, visual variety, memories, safety and security, people interaction, variety and permeability of land uses and finally the efficient of optional people behaviors. Applying these indicators, the walkability of the existing places as well as the sense of the place can be assessed. As the indicators coming out of this research are qualitative, therefore they remain so dynamic that means other researchers might improve or adjust it for specific target. There are also another factors including the number of people using the passage, local intentions and visions, type of vehicles, etc that can be classified into the studied layers. With the criteria resulting from this research, it is also possible to quantify the measurement for walkability. However, for the measurement, it is recommended to evaluate the area under the supervision of expert panel. Generally, in order to improve the sense of the place, the design of the pedestrian way should consider not only perceptual and behavioral but also ecological, spatial, morphological, contextual, visual and functional aspects of the walkability. Improving walkability will normally improve the sense of the place.

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land use planning is a key and challengable issue in the process of urban comprehencive plans, determining many aspects of future expansion and development of cities. A projected land use table in urban development plans seems a quantitative figure, showing per capita land uses. However, it must have been the results of various studies on population, cultural, social, economic, environmental and physical subjects. Since the issue of per capita land use planning is a base for various urban activities, analysis of this issue is important in a study on land uses analysis. The major aims for determination of per capita land use are to response to the locational and spatial society needs, in the process of rapid urbanization. Per capita land uses are quantitative illustrations of policies, methods and models for land uses, land subdivision, spatial distribution of activities and zonning. It is a key factor affecting construction and population densities, development level, urban design, and city vision. In the process of comprehensive plans provision in Iran, it has been tried to determine per capita land uses in a rational way. However, it has been mainly on the basis of the western literature, or individual and personal perceptions of planners, lacking theoretical and analytical bases. A major challenge in relation to per capita land uses in Iran can be its inconsistencies with various conditions of Iranian cities regarding population, culture, social, economy, environment and climate. In this regard, the relation between per capita land use and city cize is perhaps one of the most important issue to be examined. This is an important subject in Iran, because of Iranain urban hierarcy and city cize situation. The aim of this research is the analysis of per capita land uses in Iranian urban comprehensive plans. The literature on this issue was reviewed and conceptual framework of the sudy was formed. The research method of the study was based on both quantitative and qualitative methods. The relation between per capita land uses and city size was examined and analysed in 40 Iranian urban comprehensive plans. Sampling model and selection of cities was based on two factors, population size and and climate region. For this, 17 samples with less than 100000 population, 8 samples with population between 100000 to 200000, 10 samples with population between 200000 to 500000, 2 samples with population between 1 to 2 millions, and 3 samples with population over 1 million were selected. For correlation relations between city size and per capita, statistical moddeling was used. In the analysis of correlation relations, several softwares were used, including SPSS, Excel, Linear, Logarithmic, Inverse, Quadratic, Cubic, Compound, Power, Growth, and Logistic. Correlations between city size and various land uses were as follow: -0.346 for residential, -0.068 for commercial, -0.317 for educational, -0.198 for higher education, -0.320 for health and clinics, -0.127 for sport, 0.028 for parks and green spaces, -0.368 for cultural and religous spaces. Regression and correlation relations showed that there has not been a rational and scientific method for determination of per capita land uses in the selected urban comprehensive plans.

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jaame, mosque of Gaz is located seventeen kilometers to the north of Esfahan in one of the ancient areas known as Borkhar. According to the texts and documents of the third and forth Hijri centuries, business was brisk in this area during the Seljuq and Safavid eras. Gaz as the center of this area has been important before and after Islam. Jaame, mosque of Gaz is considered as a monument of Seljuq era by most of the researchers. Despite having special architectural and decorative features, it has not yet been studied precisely and comprehensively. Recent renovations of this mosque which consisted of removing some parts added in the contemporary era have uncovered a few spaces, decorations, and shapes. These findings have provided new information on chronology and developmental stages of this monument. This descriptive, comparative, and analytic field research aims at presenting new chronological perspectives and developmental stages, as well as architectural, decorative, and stylistic features of this mosque. The findings of the present research indicate that this monument was originally a "columned type mosque" built in Buyid era. Nothing can be said about the details of its plan and design with certainty. However, the prevalence of "columned type mosques" in Iran in that era among which Jaame mosques of Esfahan, Ardestan, and Na' iin were typical examples, as well as the arrangement of remaining columns in this monument indicate that there were probably a courtyard in the center with some porticos around it, and a columned sanctuary in the south side. Some of the special features of this era mosques are polyhedral columns and stucco decorations in form of simple decorative ivies as well as other decorative ivies in form of multi-petal flowers. According to prior geographic texts there used to be many mosques in Borkhar area at that time, most of which had orators and minbars. Undoubtedly, Jaame, mosque of Gaz was one of them. Later, in Seljuq era a minaret was added and just like Jaame, mosques of Esfahan and Ardestan four arcades were added to each side of the courtyard. Therefore, it was changed to a four- arcade mosque. It is most likely that the four arcades were built simultaneously. Jaame, mosque of Gaz was different from other four- arcade mosques of Seljuq era in terms of special stylistic features. So that, the whole space of each side of the courtyard was surrounded by one arcade, also unlike the usual trend of the Seljuq era mosques especially those in Esfahan area, there was no independent dome chamber. Although the non- existence of a dome chamber in four- arcade mosques was not unusual in later periods of the Iranian architecture, no mosque with the same features as the Jaame, mosque of Gaz has been registered. There is no clear information about how constructions were made in mosques and how new parts were added to them. In Safavid era skillful architects fixed the mosque, built some new parts, and added to its decorations. This was ordered by Safavid kings. Renovations and constructions in this monument have been in progress since Qajar era until today.

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since the middle of 1980 the main focus of urban management is on the community potential making, improve the institutional-organizational approach and movement from a centralize management to a community base management. So it is needed to use from community potentials and redefine the designation of urban management players in community level to shape and implement a new method of urban management; as community-based management. It is so related to define the social capital concept and its functional base in local level to find how it can help the community-based management indeed. It is important that community base management work appropriate to improve the potentials of development. So establishing a performance appraisal system to evaluate it, may lead to better output. The social capital point of view when is defined in community, citizen is defined as a "capital" and it means the opportunity of doing task and participate volunteering to improve the function. In order to improve effectiveness and efficiency in local scale as named "community", it is important to do evaluate the community base management function. In other word tend to the role of "community" as "the basis of citizens interaction" and "the community- base management "as" the cooperator and guider of citizen potential and capitals" to defense the urban challenges it is needed to use social capital. Then to reach the point, it is needed to improve the basis of knowledge, trust, coherent and citizen participation and use social capital in community. The research goal is to evaluate the performance of community management by focus in indicators of social capital in 7 community of district 1 from region 21 Tehran. It does make a great attention from people of those residential places that are far from Tehran to participate in. This way we can ask that how social capital can improve "community base management" level? In this article we are trying to define community-based management, social capital and evaluate the function of community management by focus in indicators of social capital. The methodology for doing this research is descriptive and analytic as well as surveying method. Regarding the type, this research can be categorized as a functional one and it is a covariance research. According to the results of this survey, there is direct relationship between community-based management and social capital in district 1 of region 21.the top rate in cognition social capital for knowledge refers to the community- based management attempts to do information around the communities. Therefore, improve the level of social capital can help to improve the level of best function in community base management. So the suggestion emphasis on improving the efficiency and effectiveness in community base level by redefining the management structures, increase the level of citizen participation by defining new activities, improving the honesty, trust, knowledge, coherent by means of preparing places to get together more and make more events in local level and set out the report on how community is managing and what is needed to be better is needed.

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the present study investigates the influence of the shape and design of open spaces in residential complexes on the environmental response rate. According to the related literature, quality of open space between buildings in residential complexes, the so-called outdoor environment, has a positive relationship with residents` satisfaction and the desirability of residential projects. In this study, the environmental responsiveness is considered to be one of environmental factors affecting the desirability, which can influence residents' quality of life and satisfaction from residential complexes. Environmental Responsiveness is, offering different responses to the physiological and psychological needs of different users through environment. The concept of environmental responsiveness includes several variables that can be evaluated through the measurement of different environmental factors. The theoretical framework of the study suggests that, a responsive outdoor environment includes the principal components of flexibility, legibility and quality of visual effects. The flexibility component consists of two criteria of environment modification and behavior adaptation. Each of legibility and visual components can be measured and assessed by three criteria. The criteria which make the legibility measurable are ease of orientation, clear definition of activity borders and visual accessibility. Visual effect component is measured by three criteria of proportionality and harmony, visual integration and façade appealing. In this study, by using survey research methods, evaluation of 360 residents of residential complexes to response rate of three different "linear", "single" and "middle open space" projects in the city of Hamadan was carried out. In order to understand the significant difference between the averages of the studied projects, the Chi-square test was used. The survey findings show that only in four standards of clear definition of socio- physical boundaries of activity, visual integrity, proportion and harmony and façade appealing in three residential projects studied, the differences are significant. In the other four criteria, namely environmental modification, behavioral adaptation, easy navigation and visual accessibility there were seen no significant differences in three residential projects. In other words, the environmental responsive rates of the three projects are significantly different from each other in the visual quality of the components. Imam Reza quarter residents with middle open space design evaluated a better visual quality of the outdoor environment, than respondents if other residential open space types. In the middle open space design, because of the concentration of the building blocks around a central space, the integrity of visual perception is obtained more than other form of designs. In total, according to the findings, it could be argued that the quality of visual effects is significantly influenced by the shape of space. However, the impact of the designed space on two dimensions of flexibility and legibility is not significant. Environmental responsiveness in the two components is achieved with equipment, facilitation of certain activities and social relations in the environment. Therefore, it can be concluded that the outdoor responsiveness, is not dependent on only the form of space and the outdoor environment itself, but is influenced by all the factors and elements forming the residential environments.

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long with the rest of the world, recently, some projects named "urban design projects" has been provided and is running in different parts of Iran, especially in Tehran. These projects aim to improve the quality of our urban environment and urban spaces. In the early 80s of Hejri Shamsi, city managers and citizens expressed more interest in these projects. In fact, our approach is changing to concentrate more on quality than quantity in urban projects. Urban design involves the arrangement and design of buildings, public spaces, transport systems, services, and amenities. On the other hand, Urban design is about making connections between people and places, movement and urban form, nature and the built fabric. Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity. The main issue of this study is to evaluate the implementation of urban design projects, as an urban development plans. The present study attempted to identify criteria that affect the implementation of urban design projects in Iran and to compare their success together and attempted to evaluate the implementation rate of Iran urban design projects identify, and prioritize the criteria and effective indicators in this process. Therefore, several documents and relevant literature were reviewed to initially develop a theoretical framework and then, identify primary criteria and indicators using analytical- comparative methods, reviewing documents, and related opinions of other scholars. These criteria and indicators were made precise and fulfilled through an interview with experts so as to localize and conform to Iran’s context. After considering experts ideas, and also adjustment and localization for Iran, TOPSIS technique based on the implementation plan was carried out to rank their implementation. The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is a multi-criteria decision analysis method, which was originally developed by Hwang and Yoon in 1981with further developments by Yoon in 1987and Hwang, Lai and Liu in 1993. TOPSIS is based on the concept that the chosen alternative should have the shortest geometric distance from the positive ideal solution and the longest geometric distance from the negative ideal solution. It is a method of compensatory aggregation that compares a set of alternatives by identifying weights for each criterion, normalising scores for each criterion and calculating the geometric distance between each alternative and the ideal alternative, which is the best score in each criterion. An assumption of TOPSIS is that the criteria are monotonically increasing or decreasing. Normalisation is usually required as the parameters or criteria are often of incongruous dimensions in multi-criteria problems. The findings of the selected projects were ranked based on the organization and development of the project as the top project was Hassan Abad organizing and restoration project, and the weakest was reconstruction of TAJRISH bazaar based on implementation approach. This would indicate that the criteria and indicators for urban design projects implementation in reconstruction of TAJRISH bazaar Project has not been well attentioned.

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human habitats are full of memories that the inhbitants remember from their comman pasts. These memories are sometimes individual or personal but, sometimes, they have a collective nature. Removing memories and discontinuity with the past has resulted in ignoring some of these common memories and causing some memorable places to be demolished or drastically changed; which is dramatically widespread throughout the country. This paper aims to investigate about the role of collective memory in urban regeneration and tries to probe into how collective memories can be used in order to revitalize a deteriorated urban fabric. Adopting an analytical-descriptive research method, the concepts of collective memory and urban regeneration is theoretically studied in this paper. According to this study, "sense of attachment to place", "social coherence" and "sense of place" are mentioned as psychological, social and environmental functions of collective memory and then through these functions the effects of collective memory on the economic, social, environmental, physical-spatial, administrational and cultural dimensions of urban regeneration are proved. Then through a descriptive-comparative approach, the correctness of the study findings is tested by comparing with a flourishing accomplished case study (urban regeneration of Bronzeville neighbourhood, Chicago) and an unsuccessful case study (historical area of Lahijan_which is not paid attention as much as the ecotouristic area of the city), providing a comparative analysis. According to the studies of this paper, in Bronzeville experience, an urban regeneration has been implemented, using and bolding collective memories and improving social participation in the neighbourhood. In doing so, some thematic projects like "Eyes on Walls urban arts", "Mosaic Art", "the Great Migration sculpture", "Bronze Map of Bronzeville", "23 Benches", and so on has been run and helped urban management to attract social participation for revitalizing the neighbourhood. The strong linkage between these projects and collective memories of the inhabitants, and on the other hand, spending time, budjet and energy by them to do these projects, has been led to "sense of attachment" and "social coherence". Additionally, improving the quality of urban places through performing the mentioned projects, using local artists and labours, has been resulted in redefining "sense of place" in bronzeville. Historical urban places of Lahijan is the unsuccessful case study which is investigated in this paper. Lahijan is one of historical cities in the north of Iran which has seven historical neighbourhood and some memorable monuments (Chahar-Padshah shrine, Akbariye Mosque, Jameh Mosque, Golshan Public Bath, …). There are some old rituals or religious ceremonies like Chehel Menbar that the inhabitants of historical area believe and perform them. As a result, based on Bronzeville experience and the paper’s theoretical framework, some specific solutions which is neglected in the decisions of Lahijan urban management were proposed in order to use collective memory for historical area regeneration.Using public arts (mural paintings, graffitis, portraits, sculptures, …) appropriate to the context of historical area, using local artists' works of art, preserving local ceremonies and ritulas, performing memorable ceremonial dramas like Taziyeh, … in the historical public places are some of these proposed solutions.

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