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Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is a powerful and commonly-used tool for investigating the underlying variable structure of an urban phenomenon. EFA is commonly employed to reduce many variables into a smaller set of dimensions, hoping to extract dimensions which will explain a good portion of the variance in the original data. Despite the widespread use of EFA, researchers often make questionable decisions when conducting these analyses. Appropriate use of EFA requires a series of thoughtful analytical decisions on the appropriateness of data for EFA, sufficiency of sample size, best extraction techniques to be used, the decision about the number of factors to extract and interpret, the appropriateness of particular rotation techniques, and the calculation method for the factor scores. This article reviews the major design and analytical decisions that must be made when conducting an EFA. The following six steps are proposed for an EFA application in urban and regional research area:1. Selection of variables/indicatorsVariable selection should be guided by theory and/or the findings from the past research.2. Controlling the adequacy of the data for EFAThe researcher must decide how large the sample must be. This is a necessary consideration to obtain a stable factor structure. KMO and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity check the adequacy of the data for EFA.3. Deciding the method and the number of factors to extractThere are several factor analysis extraction methods to choose from. The PCA is generally used for factor extraction. However, it is suggested that if data are relatively normally distributed, maximum likelihood is the best choice and if the assumption of multivariate normality is severely violated, then it is suggested to use the principal factor methods. After extraction the researcher must decide how many factors to retain for rotation. Both over-extraction and under-extraction of factors retained for rotation can have harmful effects on the results. The default in most statistical software packages is to retain all factors with eigenvalues greater than 1. Another test for factor retention is the scree test. The number of factors chosen should be such that they explain at least 60 percent of the data variation.4. Selecting a factor rotation methodThe goal of rotation is to simplify and clarify the data structure. There are two extraction methods: orthogonal and oblique. Orthogonal rotations produce factors that are uncorrelated; oblique methods allow the factors to correlate.5. Interpreting and naming the factorsInterpretation involves the researcher examining which variables are attributable to a factor, and giving that factor a name. Usually, at least two or three variables must load on a factor so it can be given a meaningful interpretation. The naming of factors is a subjective, theoretical, and inductive process. Therefore, the researcher should be very familiar with the issue at hand.6. Computing the factor scoresFinally, factor scores are computed for the extracted factors.In this paper, after reviewing the EFA processes and procedures, a real application of the method in assessing the social sustainability at community level.

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One of the concern of urban societies in this era is the reading of family's security and composure in their occupancy. It is easily intelligible that security influence on estate value and environmental quality in various neighborhood of city. Within various neighborhoods of city, the informal settlements often account one of the criminal or insecurity centers because of special economic, social and physical features. In previous research of urban security, the environmental interventions and actions have a special place in preventive approaches. In despite of successful experiences of environmental security, but there is conflict and ambiguity on solutions of pundits (especially in viewpoints of Oscar Newman and Bill Hillier), that this research look at these ambiguities. This research has done with Analytical-Interpretation method and based on documentary studies and hypothesis test on the case study. At first, theoretical basics obtained through library studies. In the next step, in order to analyze the spatial configuration of neighborhoods, the Linier map of Hamedan is extracted based on mass and empty spaces (including Streets and Squares) by Depth Map Software. After preparation of Linier Map, the various parameters of spatial configuration such as Local Integration, Global Integration, Connectivity, and Mean Depth have been extracted for Hamedan and its five informal settlements include Hesar, Khezr, Dizaj, Mazdaghineh and Manouchehri. On the other hand, in order to test the relationship of spatial configuration parameters and security, 30 sub-neighborhoods (areas with a radius of 200 meters) have been selected in informal settlements; and then two main dilemmas include “Drug Addiction” and "Dispute & Aggression" are specified through presence in neighborhoods and interview with residents and some familiar jobs about the sub-neighborhoods situation (like Real Estate Consultants, Taxi Services, and Local Polices). So we asked the people to assign a score of 0 to 100 for each sub-neighborhood based on their recognition of Drug Addiction and Dispute & Aggression. After collecting all comments, the values that differed greatly from the rest, are eliminated and then average of comments are calculated. After that, the relationship of spatial configuration and two security dilemmas have been investigated and analyzed by SPSS software. In this study, the spatial configuration parameters are considered as an independent variable and Security dilemmas as a dependent variable. At the end, according to relationships have an adequate significant and correlation, we made suggestions. According to this research, the parameters of Mean Depth with Drug Addiction, and the parameter of Connectivity with Dispute & Aggression have the most connection. While the results of this study confirm the previous comments about the relationship between spatial configuration and security, it proves two fundamental points. First, the different security dilemmas (and types of crimes) should study separately for analyzing the relationship of environment and security, because each one is influenced by the environment differently. Second, it can be same harm influence for neighborhoods when we limit the entering strangers to the neighborhoods and when we don’t control the entering strangers to them.

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Studying the failure and ineffectiveness of urban development plans in Iran has been considered by many researchers. In the meantime, the decisions of urban managers cannot be denied in strengthening these challenges. If we look closer to the matter of them, it seems that "ethics" is a point that is sometimes not explained properly or is sometimes forgotten. At the same time, the shortage of models and codified ethical principles allows each person to take action that is perhaps the best in his view but is not ethically optimal. So this research aimed to offer an ethical decision-making framework for urban managers in developing plans. The framework divided the ethical decision-making to procedural and substantive approaches. The substantive-oriented approach is focused on analyzing the context and procedural approach is focused on the ethical decision-making process. To study this framework, "Comprehensive Plan of Abasbad Lands (ratified in 2005)" was chosen as a case study and its processes, from procurement to implementation, were analyzed by the substantive view. Due to the emphasis of study on the role of urban managers, its implementation process also was analyzed from the procedural approach viewpoint.The research method is mixed-method; in other words, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The research method was simultaneous type that it carries out qualitative and quantitive methods simultaneously and both with the same purpose. In fact, the common goal of both methods has been a response to the single theoretical framework. In quantitative part, survey and questionnaire were used for data collection. The Directed content analysis method has been used in qualitative part to analyze the open questions of the questionnaire, documents, laws, etc. To achieve valid results of statistical sampling, the snowball technique was used. The study population included all experts, scholars and urban managers dealing with the plan and total of 23 questionnaires were received. Quantitative data analysis used nonparametric statistics, such as Friedman test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Kruskal-Wallis test.Substantive analysis of ethical decision-making in the processes of procurement to implement plan shows that as the process moves from procurement into the implement, it gets farther from ethical content and this difference is more pronounced for the project implementation. For the procedural dimension of ethical decision-making that particularly addresses the implementation of the project, it was shown that as procedures get closer to ethical decision implementation, its desirability is reduced. The results lead to the analysis of challenges that urban managers are facing. Some of the main challenges of ethical decision-making in preparation and approval processes can be stated in the ineffectiveness of the urban management system and the impact of individual factors. Also, challenges facing the implementation process include duality in the nature of land management, external pressure against the ethics and imbalance to provide both private and public interests. Another notable result of this study is a high convergence of responders and lack of impact of their personal positions, which leads to higher reliability of the overall results of the study.

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In recent centuries the relationship of man and the environment of the most important points of interest for researchers in the fields of architecture and behavioral sciences to the extent that today the bilateral relationship between humans and the environment and its impact on quality of life is no secret and environmental psychology is the result of interaction between the two aforementioned knowledge. Recognizing and taking into account the principles based on the basic needs of people, enhance the sense of space and satisfaction of their needs is real. The aim of this study was to evaluate the different architectural periods due to basic human needs housing, including traditional, contemporary and traditional contemporary; in this regard, the interpreter architecture, proposed by Abraham Maslow's principles as fundamental needs of quality-centric measurement is taken. The research is descriptive-analytic and Delphi technique is used.The architectural components of housing morphology in the explored houses are categorized into factors like: physical form, spatial configuration and spatial elements. One of the main detectable spatial specifications of the studied habitations is the combination of three spatial elements of close space, open space and semi- closed space. Each of these elements used to be vitally experienced through practices of routine life and the ways of living among different residents. Different living activities such as cooking, praying, visiting and public works take place in combination of spatial structure.Therefore, spatial properties of built environment give rise to the dynamic and adaptable capacity of accommodating the practices of routine life in these habitations. In addition, according to the results of interviews, courtyard, Tanaby and corridor are the spatial setting of social communications between family and neighborhoods. In this regard, the life cycle takes place in consecutive movements between open, close spaces and semi- closed. Semi- closed spaces like corridors, Ivan and close spaces like rooms, Tanaby and open spaces like courtyards are generally multi-functional in terms of being highly adaptable for meeting family or individual needs that have changed over time periods. It is noteworthy, unfortunately over time some efficient and particular elements have been removed of Ardabil houses. Spaces like Sandykh-Khanna (element like closets and cabinetsin the wall for putting stuff) and Arakasma (folding doors) were solutions used in the traditional inhabitants. but today these spaces have been removed. Spatial configuration of the studied houses is readable from the physical properties, morphological features and space usage. The common formal patterns can be classified into four main categories as the "I" shape and "I-I" shape and "L" shape and “U” shape configurations.Data analysis was performed using Spss software and to evaluate the desirability of Ardebil in private housing patterns each need and ultimately results have been derived by statistical tables. The results showed no significant differences in the response to the basic needs of housing patterns have been studied in three periods. So that in relation to the meet the fundamental needs of people in the city of Ardabil housing patterns over time, the downward spiral is observed.

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People communicate with their surrounding environment in different ways. Emotional interaction is one of these ways which can involve positive feelings such as place attachment, belonging to place and so on. On the other hand negative emotional interaction leads to dissatisfaction or sometimes aversion to places which may result in psychological inconveniences. Home is one of the most important places which we interact in our daily lives. Home attachment is defined as positive emotional relationship between home and its dwellers. By creating this relationship, home becomes an anchor for its dwellers. Therefore people feel safe, satisfied and tranquil at their homes.In its ideal meaning, home involves various contents such as haven, territory, place of privacy, safety and freedom, symbol of social status and so on. Establishing home attachment depends on Presence of some special attributes at home which act as Prerequisites of this relationship. Absence or weakness of these attributes in many contemporary houses has led to dissatisfactory emotional relationships between people and their homes. Therefore people do not feel attached to their homes and it is not easy for them to find peace and calmness there. Continuing this procedure, results in people's separation of their homes which leads to descent of dwelling quality. This research aims to find the factors which raise the positive emotional relationship between people and their homes and therefore is seeking to find the answer to the question that "Among various attributes and meanings of home, which are more important in establishing home attachment?"In order to answer the above question, a qualitative approach is selected. The method employed is the "causal process" which is a useful method in constructing theories in various aspects of science. After finding concepts which seem linkable in the two subjects (home and place attachment), a logical causal link is made between them in order to construct statements based on these concepts. The causal relationship of concepts in every statement is discoursed through logical argumentation. Making connection between these statements leads to forming processes which link meanings of home to home attachment. Four causal processes are constructed by this method which are combined together in order to make the causal process model of home attachment. This model reveals the aspects and meanings supplement to home which act as Prerequisites of home attachment. Results show that among various attributes of home the followings can cause home attachment and therefore are determinative in establishing this kind of relationship: being home as a haven, as a symbol of social status, as a context for positive emotional relationships and as a context for satisfying human needs. Planning to enrich home of these attributes, will increases the opportunity to create home attachment for its dwellers. This enrichment can be planned in social and physical schemes. Environmental designers and planners are in charge of the physical ones and should create physical solutions to improve these meanings at home. In this case creating homes which ease dwellers' attachment is more probable.

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The prevalence of chronic health problems, both in mental and physical dimensions, are on the rise in today's society. In the meantime, public health as an indicator of social capital is an important issue in furtherance of societies' objectives. The neighborhood physical and social environment in various aspects could define the health-related behaviors and might lead to inequalities in mental health and wellbeing of residents in different structures. The aim of current research is to investigate the factors influencing the mental health and wellbeing of residents, also assessing the relationship between health and neighborhood's environment in residential areas with different spatial structures in terms of density and public open spaces. The methodological approach conducting the research is mixed method. The sampling strategy in choosing site, qualitative and quantitative part of the research is respectively "purposive sampling", "snowballing sampling" and "stratified sampling". The researchers classify the Roshdiyeh neighborhood in three different spatial configurations, "inscribed semi-private open space (low density)", "escribed semi-private open space (medium density)", "inscribed semi-public open space (high density)"; and also the relationship between variables have been assessed in terms of four social scales as follows: individual scale, innermost scale, local scale and immediate local surrounding scale. The first phase of the research has been allocated to quantitative- objective assessment of the neighborhood’s physical environment by Built Environment Audit tool, in which the blocks of the neighborhood have been divided into 205 segments. In the second phase the lived experiences of residents have been emerged by applying the Data-based Analysis Style.The third phase evaluates the influential effects of variables on mental disorders and wellbeing by using multivariate linear regression analysis; Also, in order to find the means that are significantly different between three residential types, Tukey test in conjunction with post-hoc analysis have been used. The evidences demonstrate that respectively the residents of inscribed semi-private open space (low density), escribed semi-private open space (medium density) and inscribed semi-public open space (high density) blocks significantly experience less psychological distress. According to the total adjusted R squares, the individual scale (age, gender, income) has the greatest effect on the wellbeing of residents (sAR2 0.419) and the innermost scale has the least effect on wellbeing (sAR2 0.076). while the innermost scale (management of shared spaces, safety, collective identity, social inequalities) has the influential determination on mental disorders (sAR2 0.158) and the immediate local surrounding have a weak role in determining mental disorders (sAR2 0.013). so it can be concluded that consideration of the flexible aspects of the neighborhood’s social and physical environment, at different spatial scales, could lead to improved mental health. Thus, by exploring the confounding factors that are likely to affect mental health and wellbeing of residents could result in improved interaction between various variables. So the interaction of structures and agency is an important issue in articulating the knowledge about the neighborhood’s effect on health inequalities. At the end, external and internal structures have different effects on mental health and wellbeing of residents in various spatial configurations.

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The architecture of the mansion of Dar-al-Hokomeh Mofakham, as one of the prominent monuments of the city of Bojnourd during Qajar era architecture, enjoys the richness of traditional Iranian architecture both in terms of function and aesthetics. In the midst, the architecture of this building has not been deprived of cultural, social, historical and artistic factors of its own age.Furthermore, the objective representation of this impact is more tangible and visible in the architectural details of the sturucture of Mofakham mansion, including its design, plan, art decorations, etc. However, unfortunately, this issue has not been considered as the focus study and concern of architects in identifying and recognizing different rich architectural aspects in the structure of this edifice. In this regard, investigating the traditional Iranian architecture and its evolution in Qajar period as well as recognizing the overall architecture of the aforementioned building is so considerable. The present article makes attempts to explore the effects of traditional architecture of Qajar era on the structure of Dar-al-Hokomeh Mofakham mansion, especially in the two aesthetic and functional areas. The investigation of the aesthetic areas deals with the aesthetic criteria of Mofakham mansion in the historical context of Ghajar era. As a rule, these criteria were consistent on and based upon needs of its own time, among which we can mention to the following: the use of symmetry in elongation of the edifice, the use of colored tiles, mainly turquoise, azure blue and yellow, the application of different styles in tiling of the column capitals, particularly the tiling of roof above the porches.Thus, according to the stated purpose, hypothesis of this research shows that, it seems that, traditional architecture and at the same time Western Qajar era architecture has been impact on Mofakham building in various aspects (functional and aesthetic building).Methodologically speaking, the present study is kind of descriptive-analytic research whose data is considered to be analyzed in a comparative study between the characteristics of the mansion of Dar-al-Hokomeh Mofakham in Bojnourd and the architecture of Qajar era. The method of data collection in the present study is in the form of documentary and field study. Iranian art and architecture during Qajar era were under the influence of the currents of modernization and development which found out a more pronounced and different appearance. However, these achievements entered more into the body and spirit of the architecture of the time, in buildings and mansions. The overall findings of the present study indicate that, in spite of the influence of Western architecture, the architecture of Qajar period, more or less, succeeded to improve and promote the old architectural patterns and bring about innovations in functional and aesthetic aspects. In a way that in spite of some Western architectural influences in this period, the architecture of this building is still based on fundamental principles of Iranian-Islamic architecture, such as the principle of interiority, intimacy, etc. and with consideration of Iranian traditional arts such as decorative brickwork, tiling and construction of spring house and sash window, etc.

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Stained glass windows are among the elements that have high decorative aspects in Iranian traditional homes. One of the ways to increase the lifetime of welcoming an artwork is breathe and live in the atmosphere of the traditions that have been prominent in the test of time. The main purpose of the present study is decoding the knowledge and skill of the architects of the architectural arrays through the monitoring of the frequency and distribution of color, especially the red color in the stained glass windows.The statistical population of the present study is 121 existing stained glass windows of the city of Tabriz that include all the ones used in different locations and historical periods. In order to limit the study, the Qajar period and residential use were the primary criteria for screening the statistical society. Regarding the purpose of the article, the crown pattern, which has the ability to calibrate and overlap, was used to discover the type of distribution.After determining the purpose, introducing the theoretical background and the experimental data (recognition of components and elements) on sash wood, the method and framework of the research, sample size, analytical method, findings and conclusions, while referring to the different colors used in stained glass windows, the present research tried to study the order, position, abundance and distribution of red color compared to other colors used in stained glass windows in Qajar houses in Tabriz and attempted to answer some questions such as:- Which color used in the stained glass windows has the highest percentage of presence?- Compared to the other colors, how is red color positioned in stained glass windows of Qajar architecture?To answer these questions, photographs were taken from a sample of 22 crown head of stained glass windows in Qajar houses in Tabriz, and then, using the AutoCAD and Photoshop software, the colors and proportions of the windows were examined. The research methodology was descriptive-analytic. The theoretical foundations of this research were based on library information and the collection of written documents in the field of color and stained glass windows.According to our results, compared to other colors (such as blue, green, orange and yellow) the color red, ranked the highest in terms of presence in the window crown light-passing surface (i.e., the visible transmittance surface). In terms of importance, color red also won the race with an abundance equal to 86.2%. Comparison of color distribution patterns across the Stained glass window crowns revealed that color red had a particularly regular and rhythmic distribution. Considering these results, we concluded that deployment of colors in the arrangement of Stained glass window transmittance area was not random, but was based on a hidden proportional order. Furthermore, it was found that the masters in an intuitive or attainted way were aware of the red color and have utilized hidden principles in using it. They knew how to use it so that it would look attractive and appealing while avoiding its excessive use.

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