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هویت شهر

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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هویت شهر

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هویت شهر

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هویت شهر

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Yazd is one of the most famous cities in Iran, and perhaps in the world, because of its special characteristic in urban design and architecture. Historical district of this city, according to the city’s cultural background and based on its climate features, is an example of specific structure and compact form of a city. While the form of development in the past was interactive with the climate and environment conditions, today, the development pattern of Yazd is converted to dispersal mode and unbalanced growth pattern; this pattern have made lots of urban form in different zone of the city. The purpose of this paper is to investigate construction density with respect to population density, distance to central business district, to the sub-centers, population density, land price, urban block area and cost of public transition in Yazd. Multiple regression analysis is used as the research method.Simple sampling method is used To select districts. So, at first, six district selected (Fahadan and Sheikhdad as central districts; Sare.dorah and Maskan.o.shahrsazi as middle districts; Azadshahr and Safa.eeye as outer and developing districts). After selecting the sample districts, the sample size from each settlement had to be identified.Stratified random sampling (Proportional allocation) is used to do this process and totally, 72 sample extract and study for this research.Construction density is seen as a dependent variable (Because the principle is that wherever physical development has occurred, the construction density increases) and the others as independent variables of the analysis. According to the results of the analysis, construction density of the neighborhoods is a function of distance to central business district, distance to the sub-centers, urban block area and price of land (with negative correlation coefficient) and population density (with positive correlation coefficient). There is no relationship between the construction density and cost of public transition. So, it can be interpreted that construction density increases by reducing the distance to the city center. This fact lonely explains the spread of physical structure in city of Yazd. Also, the negative correlation coefficient between construction density and distance to the sub-centers shows the distributing of compact districts in sprawl urban areas. The positive correlation coefficient between construction density and population density shows that somewhere population density increases, the construction density increases too. As considering that the average area of city block from the center to the periphery increases in city of Yazd, it can be said that the construction density decreases from center to periphery.The negative correlation coefficient between construction density and land price is one of the Interesting and distinctive results in this study. This finding shows that if the city spreads in periphery lands, the land prices in this area will increased. On the other hand, land demand in the periphery of Yazd is promoting and Residents of the city of Yazd, in contrast with intensive development in the past time, are now more willingness to live in detached houses. It is the sign of the increasing occurrence of urban sprawl in Yazd.

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With a brief look to Iranian contemporary architecture, it is found that better samples are existed in this period architecture, which could be known dependent to a special course in Iranian architecture- not in a complete respondence with western architecture - according to the type of indexes and elements of criticism of architecture.This article involved analysing existent allegories in context of this built samples and then recognition of their architectural attitudes es and providing existence of special tendencies, corresponding to western contemporary architecture or independent tendencies explain, formulation and compile them.Such a discussion could not be without deficiency because of its recency and lack of sufficient information and needful resources. While explaining the attitudes of this group could evaluate value and importance of each work about the state historical context, which will result in recognition of architectural society of the said attitudes and also professional self confident.Iranian contemporary architecture, although in first view relates on architectural evolutions of the European countries, American architectural evolutions and even experiences of the third world and Asian countries in this case, but it is a completely independent phenomenon in its navigate, not only about its historical attitude but also about general nature and encountering manner, is unique and difference.Equally valued image of constructional phenomenon and cultural events, related to Iranian contemporary architecture zone with other architectures in the world between Iranian architects has been breaking out as approximately unawareness and may be emotionally and fashionably. Recognition of real condition of Iranian contemporary architecture is necessary moreover to determination direction of architectural future path, but because of different matters, providing a pattern as its path during the studied period seems difficult as a result of the following reasons: surface recognition of the state’s architects of Iranian contemporary architecture and also unpredicted entering of modern architecture with a history fighting structure, economical bourgeoisie of some of the entities or persons with weakness of rules and regulations, executive organization, supervising on constructional activities. Thus, if the contemporary architecture was accounted as its global concept, Iranian contemporary architecture’s methodology seems to be incomparable with recognized works of the world because of few remarkable and original works. So, if Iranian contemporary architecture was studied in a more realistic level, we could analyze and study them by so matic study tools. These works, not only because of their natural values, but also for their role in architectural evolution and reflecting methodological and aesthetical characteristics in the said historical period, are focused.From among the builted works in the last three decades, there are some attitudes that are capable of growth of a kind of architecture, connected to global course and also in conformity with the state’s society characteristics, culture characteristics and climate qualification. This path shall be followed towards development and evolution of the approaches to the architecture and space and then towards a conceptual approach of it. Applying the current experiences in these stages and accurate study of them could be useful in this matter.

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This paper defines an important meaning named " place attachment " and its relation to designing for environmental designers. Although many researchers and environemntal designers have studied meaning and its influence in human's daily life, place attachment and its essential elements has not been clarified in designing yet. Based on environmental meaning of model, proposed by Canter and Gustafson, place attachment is an outline of interaction between person, others and environment. This meaning has been used in environmental designing quite often.Literature review shows the variety of terms are used in this regard that cause confusion for planners and designers with no clear understanding about. The aim of this research is to find the concept of place attachment and its factors in architecture and environmental design. According to the place model, proposed by Relph and Canter, place is the outline of interaction between physical elements, activities and meanings. So place attachment as meaning of place has direct relation to these three elements of place. In order to define this meaning, related literature was reviewed from epistomological and ontological perspective. From the epistomological one, two major viewpoints include: phenomenologist and environmental psychologist. Since place attachment is an emotional bond between person and a special place for phenomenologist, experience and human perception have main roles in this approach. Relph, as a phenomenologist, defines a dialect between inside and outside as an important element in creating place attachment. Tuan, the other phenomenologist, name this sense as "Topophila"-an emotional bond between a person and a special place. Norberg Schultz, inspired by Hussel and Heidegger's ideas, proposed the existential space as the goal of human's life and determined 3 factors of this space: Morphology, Topology and Tipology. This properties show themself in designing by physical distinction and legibility. In environmental psychology, place attachment has been studied from three perspective: cognitive approach, social approach and emotional one. Althogh most of researches concentrate on social one in this field, but the role of physical setting has been emphasized a lot. In this field, affordance of physical elements in executing the activities are important.From ontological approach, place attachment is one of human's primary needs. This sense has two major dimensions: Physical and Social that according researches social attachment is stonger than physical one.Findings of this paper show that place attachment is one of the most important criteria in determining human environment relationship and creating qualitative living places. Three major elements of place attachment are defined: personal attribute, social elements and physical setting. The most important finding of this paper, in architecture and environmental design, is that the properties of form (shape, dimension, color and scale) and the organization of physical elements which based on social purposes, have the main roles in creating this sense. At the end, a model of influential factors which shows the relationship and involvement of main elements of place attachment, was proposed. The conceptual and practical model of this paper could be used by designers and researchers in creating more qualitative living environments.

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This research is based on explaining criteria effects on contemporary architectural publications in Iran and arguing that if there has be no criticism, there would be no real value specified for artistic work and if transition process of art has not been argued, culture and art would stagnate.Therefore regarding to the importance of architectural criteria as a social necessity and a leading subject to an important development of the society itself, including both artists and their supporters, it is a minor factor to improve them both.At this point of view, showing interest in architectural criticism as a multidimensional artwork-expressed by art, technique, culture, society and function, it is a basic indispensable need for every society.In contemporary architectural history, there have been many struggles by architects and critics due to develop this issue which has been led to an appearance of new styles and methods in contemporary architecture and philosophy.For instance Le Corbusier in his monograph named "toward architecture" criticizes classical architecture and demonstrates a draft on modern architectural standards and indexes. Furthermore Robert Ventury in his monograph named "complexity and contrast in architecture" while criticizing modern architectural principles, he clarifies standards and indexes for postmodern architecture. On the other hand, an architectural criterion is a missing subject in the literature of Iranian contemporary architecture and it seems that there have been not adequate researches made on this subject.This research has been concentrated on this question that what the effects of criteria are in contemporary architectural publications in Iran. The considerable theory is that criteria have had a limited impact on the establishment of Iranian contemporary architecture and this had led to a decrease of architectural quality.Therefore the analysis of content is made on architectural criticisms in related publications during 1946-2001 by studying qualitative information in this research. Making an efficient selection of essays for a proper use specially the classification of architectural publications had been seemed necessary in this research.At last eleven publications which are mentioned as followed had been chosen for analyzing: 1.Architect publication (1946) 2.New architecture publication (1960) 3.Art and architecture publication (1968) 4. Architecture and urban planning publication (1989) 5. Soffe publication (1990) 6. Fine arts publication (1995) 7. Abadi publication (1996) 8.Architect publication (1998) 9.Ravagh publication (1998) 10.Architecture and culture (1999) 11.Iran architecture publications (2000).At the end all mentioned reviews (240 editions) were studied and essays which were based on contemporary architectural criticism have been selected.This research is mainly based on an especial study that is related to interpretational, fundamental and deductive approach with an conclusive argument which is based on experimental accomplishment in cooperation with the pre-research theory and with analytic method support and finally has led to a content analysis which has been made in a specific period of time.As a conclusion and relying on statistics which has been extracted from Iranian architectural publications, it seems that criticism has a very low effect on leading Iranian contemporary architecture toward furtherance and their slants.

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Ever- increasing growth the number of motor vehicles in urban routes and lack of coordinated development of infrastructures and fixed installations of urban traffic have intensified traffic problem in down towns of cities. One of the facilities that are urgently needed is sufficient space for parking of cars. Ignoring the parking issue has created problems in daily trips of citizens, traffic jam, marginal stops, and severe pollution of air. These problems demand continuous endeavor and effective needed measures. Proper place finding of public parking lots will promote their efficiency and will minimize number of marginal parks. Now that the central areas of the metropolis of the country is highly concentrated, proper place finding for public parking space with strong means and methods is a must because it will solve the problems related to parking and will meet relevant needs. Considering above points, the present study has been made for finding suitable places for public parking spaces in district 3 of Karaj metropolitan.In this research, the strong capabilities and analytical functions of Geographical Information System (GIS) have been used.To be correct and accurate in localization is a very important object in order to have a perfect project. To active this we should use Geographic Information System as a powerful management and data analyzing tools. Although these days, different decision making methods are developed, which will help to designer and decision makers in order to get an exact and fine decision. If these methods apply to analyzing GIS, we could use a great deal of important knowledge from experts to get a better understanding of analyzing. As a matter of fact using of different methods for decision making and expertize will help to expanding abilities to getting a good localizing decision. In general localizing of public parking lot areas in most of places in Iran will evaluate in a traditional way, which will cause to end up having impractical parking lot areas. Even in some cases traffic problems are unavoidable.In this research, first we should find effective criteria, that by doing this we will use experts knowledge and questionnaires. Then after choosing effective criteria, layers of these criteria are made in software in GIS. The deal is the layers should get standardize to a particular way, it means an expectable way to combine different layers; in this study are two binary and fuzzy methods. The weighting of each criteria and sub-criteria will give us an idea of properness with concern to using one of the weighting methods. Obviously we use expertise knowledge in these cases. In this study the criteria are weighted in Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP). And then for making spatial analysis the weights are applied to the layers made from the criteria in GIS software pieces. The most important part of this research is combining the proper information layers. Finally, using classical Boolean methods and Overlay methods as well as Ordered Weighted Average (OWA) and Weighted Liner Combination (WLC) Fuzzy method, the suitable places are determined.

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The research and topical purpose of this thesis is first to determine the characteristics of in-between space, then to recognize these spaces in the context of the architecture and finally to identify their role in the spatial organization of urban and architectural elements. One of the major problems in the fabric of most cities in the world, is the crisis in the identity of urban and architecture. The physical display of the identify crisis in the cities is the spatial separation of the architectural and urban elements, in the particular and whole scales. As to the claim of this thesis, an ignorance of the connective and in-between spaces is an important and impressive factor in the physical identity crisis of the historical fabrics.To obtain the mentioned objectives and to prove the hypothesis of the thesis, a phenomenological approach and historical analysis method are used to analyze the content of the texts. The theoretical basis of the thesis is founded on the researches on the various aspects of the space and on the concepts which are influential on setting limiting borders and defining the architectural spaces and consequently the in-between spaces which are analyzed according to the structural content analysis as well as analysis-comparison.Due to its nature, the in-between space has some various spatial and meaningful characteristics. This quality has caused the in-between characteristics to be expressed in terms of three forms of formal-physical, meaning functional and connective-geometrical. Therefore, the relation and interaction of the functions require a third space between the interior and exterior spaces (in & out). Moreover the conceptual focus, the functional interaction and the formal distinguish, imply a fencing of the interior space through a threshold which allows a relation and connection with the outer space. This threshold not only determines and controls the domain and ownership, but it also plays the role of reception, interpretation, improvise and change of the information. The threshold as a distinguishing, connecting and relating factor through the transition field, intervenes in the space organization. This impact can well be observed through determining of the formation features and elements, the pattern of relationship and the discipline dominant over the relations in terms of some organizational principles such as spatial hierarchy.The obtained results suggest that the in-between space due to its constructive objectives takes on an equivocal nature. It becomes both the process and the product. Thus, it contributes to the formation process in order that a unified whole should emerge; it also helps simultaneously the concepts be classified and take orientation.Therefore, in a rotational movement the in-between space influences the spatial organization through its impact on the basics and principles. On the other hand, through its spatial features such as space relations, the spatial organization is influential in the development and evolution of the in-between spaces. The result emphasizes on the comprehensibility of the in-between spaces in the various urban and architectural scales, and consequently it puts emphasis on the significance of the in-between spaces as the major factors in the spatial organization.

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The hasty urbanism of twentieth century has been followed by various types of pollutions and present environmental changes that within this process, cities were both faulty and damaged. During the last years, the urban theoreticians and designers have thought of finding or identifying the possible sustainability backgrounds and sustainable developments in executable smaller scale, i. e. development of communities among which not only are regarded as refuges or shelters but also consists of a net of supports and social opportunities for a series of widespread leisure time, cultural and economic activities. A sustainable community seeks the increasing of social interaction and people involvement in affairs. Ecological approach toward the designing of residential spaces will originate novel views in the urban literature of twenty first century.Such a process strives for the settlement of an interaction among the human and nature-built residential complexes.It has been decided to seek in this article the answer to this problem that what criterions have been adopted toward the primary paradigms of community designing in modern cities or the redevelopment of the Brown fields and are theses paradigms in congruency with the concepts of sustainability. This is a documentary study of theories of primary paradigms, a comparative study of first and second half of the twentieth century which implies that the adopted process for the creation of the self-reliant residential complexes to form and settle the social institution has endured within the second half. Primary models of community have designed in the first half of the twentieth century which its idea was to create the residential complexes to shape and settle the social institution in an urban environment. Two conceptual models of this period were considered as the most common scales of community design up to the Second World War. They presented two different ways which were followed by one general goal and that were coming back to a self-dependent community. Primary models of community design in the second half of twentieth century Physical dispersion of cities social structure downfall, insecurity of the community unsuitable use of the earth and quality decline of urban environment are part of city problems within this period. Mutual function of these paradigms with protection of ecosystems brings up the paradigms based on sustainable development.It seems that sustainable concepts have been gone from the urban village movement and are completed by new urbanism model and the related models which have been manifested within the models of eco village and smart growth. The sustainable able scales are used in the models of eco village and smart growth and have direct relationship with the sustainable community principle. Energy index is one these scales based on the optimized used of fossil fuels and its replacement by type of renewable energies. Smart growth paradigms are combined with the principles of sustainability and are occasionally mingled with them. Considering the attitude toward globalization represent the adaptations of the community designing paradigms of the twenty-first century in the contemporary movements of eco village and energy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1986

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Visual aspect is one of those lots of aspects which influence neighborhood quality. Visibility is an important factor of environmental and urban quality. This study is concentrated to find whether the visual quality of housing and urban open space in the neighborhoods is influenced with urban form and its objective is to find the relationship between open space form of the neighborhood unique fabric, its organic pathways, a linear main access which divides this fabric to two parts and visibility. So open space visibility of neighborhood in old fabric of Bushehr and their isovist properties have been analyzed in a correlational research. The case study was a neighborhood public space in spatial configuration located in Bushehr that is surrounded by urban development and sea. Compact urban space, squares, long and narrow streets shape this fabric. One of the characteristics of this morphology is its composition as a set of rather long and narrow streets with number of squares different in shape.This study shows that isovist tool is applicable in analyzing visual quality in urban fabric. In this research two forms of urban open space has been analyzed to evaluate visibility using Syntax2D. Six isovist measures in grid and two paths have been studied that correlations between these measures have been compared with each other in two paths.Findings show that area and perimeter indices have the highest correlation. In organic path these two indices have highest value reaching Enghelab Avenue that divides this fabric in two parts and also these measures are higher in local squares than long and narrow streets. On the other hand these indices remain unchanged in linear path. Drift index that studies the longest possible line of sight raises dramatically reaching Enghelab Avenue while it almost stabilizes inside the organic path. Turning to linear path, this index is the highest at the ends and the lowest in the middle of the path. Occlusive index that is the proportion of the perimeter on the solid boundary of the environment Shows fluctuation in organic path unlike linear path. While Compactness index that shows how close the observers feels themselves to the environment shows notable variations in organic path having a steady graph in linear path.Circularity index that is the square of the perimeter to area as is influenced by details in space shows significant changes in organic path while it is nearly stabilized in linear path. It can be said as a result that urban form has relationship with its visibility; meaning that the organic path creates a variety of isovist indexes unlike linear path that divides the neighborhood fabric in two parts. Furthermore, the analysis shows that squares which are the place of social interactions are more compact than the streets of the neighborhood as they define non physical geometries and variety in the spatial experiences is achieved moving within them. Finally the study shows that the form of neighborhood open space plays an important role in its high visual quality and the quality of housing.

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Rural tourism has recently been identified as one of the key programs to support domestic marketing efforts, consequently rural tourism focuses on participating in a nonurban lifestyle which can be a variant of ecotourism.Hospitality of the villagers is a factor which can improve the tourism of the same village. Since agriculture is getting much more mechanized, less manual labor is required. As a result, economic pressure on some villages ends up to exodus of the young people to metropolitan areas.Rural tourism consists of leisure activities carried out in rural areas and includes different types of tourism activities as ecotourism. It allows the creation of alternative resources of income in the non-agricultural sector for rural dwellers. The additional income which is gained from rural tourism can contribute to the revival of lost folk art and handicrafts. It is an ideal and natural method of rural and urban economical exchange. Moreover, the nature of tourism is especially well-suited to small-scale rural enterprises. Many remote areas are ideal locations for naturebased activities like hunting, fishing or ecotourism activities such as hiking and rafting.In addition to outgrowth of the direct sales to visitors, many indirect advantages are acquired through tourism; the quality of life can be influenced by financing the facilities as well. Metropolitan residents are also attracted to special events intended to tourists in villages. Many potential industries prefer locations that provide high quality services and recreational resources. Becoming a permanent residence happens if the community appears to be pleasant to visitors.Hence, this paper aims not merely to examine the effects of tourism on the development of the rural areas, rather tries to present appropriate strategies to make progress on developing these regions, and finally it adopts the optimum developing pattern. In order to achieve the preconceived goals, the field work and library study are done.Common and official questionnaires are the two kinds which are taken from these 2 different residents and the data are analyzed by taking advantages of SPSS and EXEL software. The statistical test (Factor Analysis and Alpha) have proved the validity and reliability of the research. Examining the hypothesis of the research done by statistical test of kendel, Gama and Person, indicate the view points of people about the effect of tourism on 16 indicators of economical, social, cultural and environmental. Within the results 65 percent of common people conceive that the social and cultural elements are the most important ones contrary to 75 percent of officials who thinks that the environmental elements are the most effective and significant factors to extend tourism. SWOT analysis indicates that there are 16 points of strength counter the 20 shortcoming in this village. Shortcomings such as limitations of the case study highlights the necessity of the adequate policies in order to dispel the weaknesses and threats by taking advantages of saving graces and opportunities of the same village. Results point out that the environmental and ecological attractions have the priority in the development of tourism as well.

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Apartments and big complexes are the most basic performance in the architectural area of the 20th century and in this regard people and their inhabitants. behavior are the most basic factor. the meaning of each architectural work is subject to the extent it provides the relief, relaxation, and satisfaction of people and also to the extent it would meet their needs (Alexander, 1994), a residential habitations shall be able to provide the necessary conditions for individual growth of all members of the family from the youngest to the most elderly one; that is, each of the family members shall be able to find a suitable space and the necessary private territory for fulfilling activities and achieving their physical and mental relaxation and tranquility based on their individual mental needs and interests; In addition, a given residential space shall be able to provide a necessary environment for holding family-bound relations and establishing unity among them in order to protect and strengthen the system of family as a whole. First, an analysis on how the acquiescence is made in a residential center considered. In fact, what are the variables and features influencing a person .acquiescence of a residential center? And consequently, this question arises that what behavioral impacts the acquiescence or dissatisfaction of a residential center have on an individual. Finally, these issues led to formation of this hypothesis: "acquiescence of an environment can bring about the positive effects on the relations between people there". A residential complex or a living space shall have two efficacy: first is the physical aspect; that is, creating an environment with easy access to suitable facilities, desirable heat degree, suitable pressure, humidity, airflow, or suitable light, etc.; second is meeting people’s moral needs i.e. creating suitable spaces with life style, type of culture, and social customs and etiquettes; If these two conditions are considered as fully as possible, they can bring a sense of desirability and resultantly lead to providing some degrees of people’s acquiescence. Some residential complexes in Tehran including Ekbatan, Behjatabad, and Farhangian Residential Complexes were studied in order to test the veracity and truth of the relevant hypothesis and then, the information was collected and analyzed in a package of SPSS software by means of a questionnaire in the form of 2520 statistical data. The results achieved suggest a strong correlation between the acquiescence rate of a complex and its impact on people’s relations and correspondences This research has been conducted for analysis of acquiescence rate of a residential haitations and its impact on the people’s relationships with the aim of 1- recognizing the variables effective on acquiescence, 2- analyzing the acquiescence rate of an environment and 3- disclosing the relationship between the satisfaction rate of an environment and the impact of that environment on the people’s behaviors. This research is a fundamental and applied one attempting to take a step, even little, Hoviat Shahr Vol. 5 No. 8 Spring and Summer 2011 for increasing the quality of life in our beloved country, Iran, by disclosing the effective variables on acquiescence and their impacts on interpersonal relationships in the residential habitations.

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