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Meaning is a basic and key concept in Architecture, which due to its widespread use and its generality, needs recognition from architectural viewpoint. Since not all aspects and perspectives of architectural ontology have been studied well and also according to the high appliance of the word «meaning» and its extensive fundamental and appliance and also since it is highly applied in all conversations and different fields particularly architecture; it can be concluded that semantic concept of meaning is the most basic necessity in recognition of this word. Therefore, it is tried to semantically study meaning in this essay based on the valid Persian and English dictionaries. According to the history of meaning, the study can be started from philosophy of Greece and it can be followed regarding philosophers of middle ages up to recent philosophers because the philosophy deals with meaning as a conceptual research. Since one of the most important principles of language is defined as «to scrutinize meaning and how to realize and understand them». It is tried to introduce the theories that leads to philosophy of language in this research like the theories which are suggested by recent philosophers like Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein in the field of language. Consequently, the nature of meaning has been analyzed in the framework of semantic theory. Interpretation, in fact, is understanding meaning; for this purpose, interpretation is conducted through analysis of formal and conceptual patterns and is concluded in importance of findings for interpretation of the text. What is important in interpretation and is considered in the theories of hermeneutic scientifics and makes the interpretation useful is studying the two main issues in the process of understanding: First issue is our ability to understand the text as an interpreter. No interpreter can understand something just from nothing and then forms it. Everybody who wants to know more about a subject has a general understanding. The meaning of building is studied within its context. There is a relation between the denotation of text on meaning with denotative rules or semantic knowledge but the tool which makes denotation useful is interpretation which is conducted through hermeneutics and it is done by the interpreter. The semantic knowledge refers to the language but interpretation means what which is done by the person who understands the text and makes the denotation the source of effect that is the result of semantic knowledge. Therefore, interpretation means understanding meaning and essence of each text. Second is our familiarity with possibilities and data of language. This point is approved by the language level of interpretation because text can convey information and become meaningful only by use of interpretation. It is important to know that no text can convey the information unless with a familiar language for other person. Therefore, in order to convey the information of text properly by interpretation, a proper language should be found. Finally, according to the mentioned information in semantic and hermeneutic fields, the process of understanding meaning in architecture is declared as conclusion.

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Timeworn is one of the most important issues related to urban environment that is causing the disorganization, unbalancing, uncoordinated and unstylish appearance. Timeworn is a factor that helps to remove the public memories and deteriorate the real urban life and form it. This factor is decreasing by a high velocity the life cycle of the monument to its end. Deterioration of buildings and neighborhoods will occur when the services provided by the city texture is unequal to the current needs. For revival, this inequality needs to be resolved. Renovating will occur when the urban space, neighborhood or the building have functional and contemporary aspects affected by timeworn that has caused a decrease of its purpose. Renovation of the neighborhood or urban spaces will consists of different tasks such beside the protection of the building, neighborhood or old city area will also modernize and result in improved outcome. It is necessary, in attention to the previous experience, before these historical buildings or spaces are in critical state with politics and appropriate planning and the execution of scientifically and logical work and the selection of methodologies and with the follow up of specific target that will give life to these historical cities. Urban regeneration is one of the renovation requests. Regeneration and renovation of the historical texture of towns is one of the methods of intervention in towns with historical textures and old buildings that means continuous and conscious act for modernization, prevention from erosion and wear, longevity of historical buildings and textures of the towns, which are carried out aiming at a new function as appropriate to the needs of the daily life.The purpose of this study is explanation of the components being paid attention in renovation and regeneration of the old urban textures. This article, besides reviewing the role of identification in urban development, is also looking at different aspects of urban textures revival and also how to confront with critical characteristics issues. To achieve the target, this investigation, determine parts of the revival in renovating the timeworn textures.The purpose of this article:- Highlighting the most important parts in revival of urban deteriorated city texture.- Investigation of solutions to establish the urban old city texture.Research Hypothesis:Identification and understanding of city textures and deteriorated valuable city textures and the efforts for protection,regeneration and renovation will result in preservation of hidden values in current cities. For achieving these goals,attention to characteristics is compulsory.Research Methodology:The research methodology, considering exploration of urban regeneration’s meaning is descriptive – analytical and the method of collecting data is field work and documentation. Using a questionnaire, the paradigm of “Analysis of The Significance of the regeneration in the urban contexts” is measured.The results show the physical improvement of the town by paying attention to the physical components of the urban indentify. Also, one should attend to creation of cognitive and aesthetic values aiming at providing the readability and upgrading the mental image of the town when innovating the old textures.

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Children are more paid attention in this decade as one of the most important and vulnerable groups of society specially by introducing child friendly city (CFC) theory.Nonethelessare not enough paid attention in some new districts of cities and are less seen playing and activating in public spaces. This neglect of children in planning and designing environment is more intensein cities of Iran while the process is well activated in developed countries in all social, psychological and functional dimension. because of these reasons this paper attempt to recognizing advantages and disadvantages of old and new parts of cities focusing on CFC principles and indicators. The research methodology is primarily descriptive-historically (in gathering indicators and resulting them) and then field survey (considering the indicators in districts). To attaining the referred goals this research hasproceed to collect and considering the principles and indicators of CFC in different scientific sources (including books, papers and scientific reports) and will reach to CFC indicators framework. In factThis indicators framework is produced by gathering all the indicators in a matrix and deducing the most repeated indicators from. these indicators as the main and most important indicators of CFC are: safety and security- access to natural green space- existence of open public spaces with various activities- access to main equipment, facilities and services including educational, health and sportive services- providing suitable public transportation particularly suitable bike and walkable routesparticipation and giving value to children- existence of healthy environment without rubbish and all pollutantsproviding fun and creativity environment for children.then some sub indicators are provided for each indicator to evaluating them more exactly. Each indicator has two sub indicator at least. In this paper two districts are studied and compared. First sepahanshahr that is one of the new towns of Isfahan which its residents have the most variety of cultures and nations in districts of Isfahan. The second district of this study is joobareh which one of the old and historical districts of city with residents who include low income people of city. These two case studies will be assessed and compared by these indicators and sub indicators vie AHP method to attaining child friendly environment. evaluating the impacts of indicators and sub indicators is done by negotiation among 10 urban design student which are aware of this research. At end disadvantages of total urban design and modern urban design will be understood by attaining the final consequence (introducing joobareh as more child-oriented district). In fact it can be resulted that one of the reasons of this result (less point of sepahanshahr about being child friendly oriented) is lacking of livability and friendly environment, a problem which one of its reasons is neglecting the basic needs of children, because absolutely the needs of children are needs of other class of society and perhaps the reason of this matter is total urban designing of this new town, a problem that has not been occurred in joobareh by slow evolution of this district during the centuries.

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The nature of people–environment relationships is reflected in multiple research paradigms of the field, including studies of environmental stress, cognitive mapping, environmental assessment, human spatial behavior, conservation behaviors and ecological psychology. Environment in which man and human life are surrounded, affects the human behaviors, senses and perceptions. In this case, the built physical environment particularly in cities are the most important part of human life spaces. These spaces can affect the citizens’ life in various ways. Some of them grow out of the meaning of places, some of them are dealt with their physical features and some are concerned with the functions of environment. The quality of urban spaces depends on how they are enclosed as much as on their own attributes. This article aims to explore the interrelations between townscapes and social characters of environment. An understanding of the relationship between people and their environment is essential in urban design and planning. It assumes, that environment – people interaction in two way process. People aren’t passive, however they influence and change the environment as it influence and change them. The form and shape of a location can affect on social futures of residents in an area. Experience has shown that the design of the built environment can affect the social life. The term “sense of locality” deals with two concerns, one is sociological and the other psychological. The first has to do with the sense of one’s location, or one’s society’s location, within a larger social unit, and the second with a sense of belonging to a region and a regional culture.This research is going to answer this question: What is the relation between townscape and the sense of locality in an area? It seems that there is a meaningful relation between these variables. The attractive and appropriate townscape is an important element to enhance the sense of locality in an urban community. There is an interrelation between both tow variables. As determining the inhabitants´ socio- cultural effects on urban landscape is too difficult, the authors study the effects of the urban landscape on the sense of locality among citizen in an area. To answer the question of the paper Nãrmak area in Tehran was selected as the case study, since the area is one of the old communities in the city, its especial urban landscape and urban design the authors choose the area. The variables were determined and defined. There were two main variables in this paper. To evaluate the first variable (urban landscape) four indexes were determined. The indexes were: the design type of street and squares in the area, the quantity and quality of green coverage in the community, urban furniture, urban lighting, the coverage of footpath. Then a questionnaire was prepared and data were collected. Finally the responds were analyzed by SPSS. Based on the results, the hypothec of the investigation was accepted. It means, in the area under study there is a meaningful relation between urban landscape and the sense of locality.

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Development is an exponential phenomenon which requires basis changes in cultural and social structures on one hand and economic growth and reducing poverty on the other hand. Imbalance and high concentration are from characteristic of the Third World Countries. These characteristics are the results of polar growth policies according to which some locations are strategic while others are marginal. Urban planning faces with issues such as understanding and analyzing the potentialities as well as the determination of the development level of a given city.One of the major and essential topics in comprehensive planning system is harmonious development issue that is introduced in terms of development of districts of a community. Paying attention to coordinating the areas based on providing them all items of economy, social, facilities, welfare and equipment is of the issues which can pave the way to get to justly distribution of sources to unity all areas with the quantity and quality aims of the outstanding huge national plans and policies. Utilization of quantitative criterions and methods to level the settlements in space systems of urban zones causes to recognize the extent of inequality of settlements from one side and is, from the other side, a criterion to try to decrease and remove the existing inequalities among them.The objective of this paper is to assess and evaluate the entitlement levels of the 22 zones of Tehran metropolitan to get closer to social justice, space development and to reach to regional inequalities regarding the studied indexes.The research method is descriptive and analytic that utilized TOPSIS quantitative model for ranking. The most entitled district regarding development is district 5 with priority coefficient of 0.584 and the least entitled one is district 17 with priority coefficient of 0.256.Finally, considering the social justice criterion and necessity of equal sharing of sources and city services to decrease the social differences between north and south zones of Tehran, we have to devote sources to different areas considering the areas justice. I mean we have to do it in a way that:- The needs of each zone population are met,- Devote most of the budget to the zones with most investment attraction to the areas with the least investment attraction which can guide and control the move of budget into the poor zones in the true way,- By building some worthy applications, in or next to poor zones, decreasing in Capitation level for incompatible uses, and trying to increase the zones quality with making a change in the kind of the city zones usages and providing services, especially the ones which are providing services, especially the ones which are municipal responsibilities to make the same level of progress among different zones,- The setting of appropriate density levels within area,- Adequate existing public transport capacity available or likely to be available within a reasonable development timescale,- The relationship and linkages between the area to be (re) developed and established neighborhoods, including the availability of existing community facilities.

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Nowadays, there is a rapid growth in residential construction in Tehran. Part of the growth is related to providing housing for citizen and reconstruction of old urban fabrics. Yet many difficulties and barriers may arise in the future due to the relative paucity of technical standards. The façade skin is considered as one of the most effective ways in aesthetic elements of the urban landscape. The facade plays a vital role in the distinction between interior and exterior spaces. Additionally, it is one of the most vulnerable elements of structures, when they are subjected to earthquakes. Tehran is placed in the one of the world’s most active seismic belts and has sustained repeated considerable damages due to high magnitude earthquake activities happening in some 150 year cycle. Already 182 years have passed since the last one in 1830. It is feared that a major earthquake in Tehran, a megalopolis of over 8 million inhabitants, situated on among active faults, could well lead to substantial loss of life at some 380, 000 in the worst case scenario and considerable financial damages particularly due to rapid urbanization started in the 1950s.The main objective of this research is to determine the most appropriate facade system for residential buildings in Tehran. Two types of double-skin facades (twin wall or incorporated shuttering wall and light weight 3D sandwich panel) and single-skin facades (insulating concrete form and fiber cement board facade) have been selected based on the available studies of facade systems. Data was gathered through Delphi technique. The Delphi technique is an approach used to gain consensus among a panel of experts. This is normally achieved through a series of rounds where information is fed back to panel members using questionnaires. Four criteria were selected in the research. These criteria are as follows: earthquake resistance, cost and speed of performance, heat insulation and architectural aesthetics. Weights of them were analyzed by analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method and the systems are compared. An AHP is a structured means of modeling the decision at hand. It consists of an overall goal, a group of options or alternatives for reaching the goal, and a group of factors or criteria that relate the alternatives to the goal. Since pair wise comparisons are the keystone of these decision-making processes, correctly quantifying them is the most decisive step in multi-criteria decision-making methods which use qualitative data. Pairwise comparisons are quantified by using a scale. Such a scale is an one –to-one mapping between the set of discrete linguistic choices available to the decision maker and a discrete set of numbers which indicate the importance, or weight of the previous linguistic choices. In the final step of the process, numerical priorities are calculated for each of the decision alternatives. These numbers represent the alternatives’ relative ability to attain the decision goal, so they allow a straight forward consideration of the various courses of action. Accordingly, lightweight 3D sandwich panels suggested as the most appropriate for residential buildings in the earthquake prone areas of Tehran.

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Focusing on producing urban and architectural form and space, this article explores the design process. It reviews several methods of design and narrows them all down to a major method known as “Analogy”. In fact, the article concludes that “Analogy” has been one of the main methods of design for designers. They have mostly tried to find an “Analogy” between the outcome and elements of design including the “site”, “program”, “case studies” and “themes” of the project. This way of design, based on “Analogy”, may vary from direct and objective to indirect and subjective techniques and almost covers all other methods discussed by theoreticians.Researches around design process are mainly emphasized not later than 1945. Encouraged from new scientific methods on one hand, movements emerged through a series of seminars in England during 1960s and 1970s and expansion of creativity techniques on the other hand; the design procedures underwent serious studies.Since creativity is a genuine and better way (Faruque 1984) and a power to find an unconventional and perfect solution for an issue as well as a new look at the realities and a process for breaking pre-assumptions (Guilford, 1967), the subjects expressed in the design method have either faced criticism and/or, the writings in this area are usually presented in a generalize form in order to escape from the cliché making and conventionalism criticism.Even though in the view of some, death knocked the door of design process in 1970s; however, in 1980s, it was revived especially in engineering and industrial design fields.Thus, in order to study the process of producing forms and spaces, first the design procedure and its general dual stages; that is analysis and compositions have been studied and reviewed through the above mentioned backgrounds. In continuation, those methods have been compared in the views of some theorists and successful works of some contemporary architects as well as their design methods have been criticized with the abovementioned methods and subsequently, the design and architecture form production is revised.The main findings of this research show that “Analogy” as evaluation and assessment of final form (composition) with the analytical categories (analysis stage) is one of the main stages and factors in architecture form production, and based on imagination and image of the designer, it could be used in the design procedures directly and objectively or indirectly and subjectively. As an “Analogy” has internal and external degrees, the analysis categories could be distinguished from inner degree (plan and site) to external degrees (case studies and phenomena).In another word, the “Analogy”, in this study, is demonstrated to be Meta-method or one of the main methods of design and other techniques can be easily classified into different levels of “Analogy”, from direct/objective to indirect/subjective ways of “Analogy”. For instance, discussed methods of design in this article such as pragmatic, programmatic, and essence techniques can also be known as direct and objective methods of “Analogy” while canonic, ideal, metaphor methods might be considered as indirect and objective “Analogies”.

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Traditionally only the identity of towns and places that have a certain historical works. But today these places in large cities do not have the old place. So must be identity to the cities in new places. One of the ways that these identities can be created from the use of the identity of urban design and urban spaces, especially spaces in a furniture builder is new. This not only strengthens the identity and survival in the minds of people. But the continuation of sustainable urban identity and enhancing the sense of belonging somewhere.The purpose of this study is research role new spaces in creating sense of place belonging and without belonging place. The other hand achieve to this concept that the design of new spaces in desolate places as much impact on the community to create vitality and sense of belonging place and will result in the identity space. This research using descriptive - explanatory and using data collection methods as librarian and survival had intended to try to identify the role of design in creating a sense of belonging and research urban identity in Nahjolbalagheh park in Tehran city. The survival research in this research is observation and completion of questionnaires. Sample size is 100 cases of Nahjolbalagheh park visitors that the data collected in SPSS software was implemented and analyze hypothesis test was with the use of chi-square, Kendall, and gamma test. This research shows that community-based design space, proper placement of urban elements, the elements of identity construction, furniture and improving the quality of urban environment, including factors that may lead to new urban spaces are spaces in the maker’s identity. These finding shows that should not be sought identity in areas of historic old town. Proper design and use of furniture in a dynamic urban spaces abandoned not only led to the development of social spaces, increasing the level of citizen engagement, a sense of belonging somewhere, peace and comfort is psychological. But also on improving the security space. This study with studying of Nahjolbalagheh park of Tehran city examined the content expressed that how old abandoned space using design tools in new and dynamic space and time resolution of the identity and authentication mechanism be created.Therefore can say to be promoted how much quality and service in space, how well the various elements of the quality of urban spaces and urban design elements in public spaces, especially the new builder of quality and quantity as so attract the people, the use of space, satisfying feeling of space and space and thus increase the shelf-space and space in mind and the space is identity. The purpose of this study is research new space and role of new spaces in creating sense of place and belonging is non-place.Therefore results of studies show that identity and sense of belonging related with style and environment design and improving the quality of the urban landscape, such as furniture, identity and urban culture in the new areas will be strengthened.

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