Golestan province is one of the main tobacco growing regions in the country. Tobacco Streak Virus (TSV) is a destructive pathogen on tobacco that has a wide host range and occurs worldwide. In order to serological detection of TSV at 13 region of Golestan province, 500 infected samples belong to 8 families; Chenopodiacae, Amaranthaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Malvaceae, Poaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Asteraceae with leaf distortion, stunting, mosaic, yellowing, necrosis and terminal bud blight symptoms, were collected and tested by the DASELISA method using specific polyclonal antibody. The results showed 78 positive reactions out of 500 samples in ELISA tests. The infection of peanut, dahlia, tobacco, mung bean, common bean, soybean, pepper and potato was positive to TSV, and negative for other plants in ELISA test. Some of ELISA positive samples were selected and their extracts in phosphate buffer 0.1M, pH 7.4 containing mercaptoethanol was mechanically inoculated on indicator plants, tobacco, fat-hen and tomato. TSV infection was confirmed by ELISA on indicator plants. The mechanical inoculation of different isolates of 8 mentioned hosts on tobacco and tomato, caused similar symptoms.