Background and Objectives: One of the main issues in water quality management is the determination of thermal layering followed by nutritional levels in reservoirs of dams and other water structures. Determination of thermal stratification is done using qualitative models. To select a water quality model, there should be an exchange between the complexity of the model, the reliability, the cost of operation and the time available. Determining the parameters of a nutritional index such as total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentration in the lake, the average and maximum chlorophyll a concentration, and the amount of dry algae using these equations requires the least qualitative data and less time and cost compared to complicated computer modeling. In the current study, water quality of Mahabad dam reservoir located in West Azarbaijan province was investigated using CE-QUAL-W2 model, which is an efficient software for the analysis and qualitative analysis of water reservoirs and lakes. According to the results, the Mahabad Dam reservoir has a roughly strong summer stratification, which begins in late April and reaches its peak in August, with the onset of autumn and a decrease in the amount of incoming radiation to the stratified reservoir, leads to mixing so that in December, the complete mixing takes place in the reservoir. In terms of the Total Soluble Solids (TDS) level, it can be stated that the trend towards depth changes is rising, so that the maximum concentration is throughout the year at the bottom of the reservoir. The changes in dissolved oxygen relative to the depth of water in the reservoir are also reducing; these changes start from June and continue until last summer so that the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the substrate reaches zero during this time of year, which eventually produces unpleasant color and odor in the reservoir. Materials and Methods: Mahabad storage dam is a dike dam on the Mahabad River, west of Mahabad city in the West Azerbaijan province. Mahabad Dam has a trifling capacity of 197 million cubic meters and 172 million cubic meters of useful capacity. In addition to supplying drinking water to Mahabad, more than 12 thousand hectares of agricultural land in the city are under its coverage. The dam also has a hydroelectric power plant. Construction began in 1968 and the dam was completed in 1970. In this research, a two-dimensional CE-QUAL-W2 model was used to simulate nutritional (eutrophic) in Mahabad Dam. Then, the geometry of Mahabad Dam reservoir was introduced to the model. For this purpose, it was produced cross-sectional profiles along the reservoir's line at specified intervals and obtained information by measuring the profiles at depths of two meters using the topographic maps of the dam reservoir and the AUTOCAD software, collecting data entered to depth gauge. To investigate the sensitivity analysis, the following items were used: 1. Windscreen coefficient (WSC) 2. Light-to-water penetration coefficient (EXH2O) 3. Temperature Sedimentation Coefficient (TSED) 4. Solar absorption coefficient (BETA) 5. Viscosity coefficient of vortex Horizontal (AX); Horizontal Swing Diffuser (DX); Friction Coating Friction (FRICC). Results: The results were summarized as follows after the accomplished research. The coefficient of wind cover during the layering process has a significant effect on the temperature variations in the sublayer. As the wind influences on the lake, thermal inequality moves toward mixing. During the complete mixing of the reservoir with an increasing coefficient, the temperature of the water decreases to 4 degrees Celsius. But, the effect of this parameter during the mixing of the reservoir is not significant. The thermal difference between sublayer and the top layer is 2 to 3 degrees Celsius. Since the mixing season occurs in cold seasons from year to year, so the light, the high parameter will not affect the increase in reservoir water temperature. Therefore, the effect of the parameter can be ignored during the mixing phase. As the BETA coefficient increases, the reservoir flows goes toward mixing. Since this coefficient does not place a noticeable error in the thermal profile. The results of calibration of the model with respect to the thermal profile show that applying suitable coefficients for sensitive and effective parameters can be used to better the environmental conditions governing the region, including hydrological, hydraulic and meteorological conditions effective into the software environment. It is effective and can play a significant role in the better implementation of output and observational data. With the escalation of thermal layering, salinity layering also occurs, and the peak of this layer occurs simultaneously with the thermal layering in August, and after that, as the summer progressively decreases the degree of salinity and ultimately the reservoir will be fully mixed in terms of salinity in the first autumn. Conclusion: In this study, the CE-QUAL-W2 model was used to simulate the eutrophication in Mahabad Dam reservoir. The results show that the reservoir of Mahabad Dam has a summer layering cycle, so that by end April, with increasing air temperature, the thermal layers were gradually found in the reservoir and peaked in the middle of summer. By passing the summer season and entering the cold seasons, the layered formation is gradually adjusted so that it occurs completely in the reservoir in December. Mahabad Dam is located in a cold climate so that winter temperatures fall below 4 ° C. Therefore, winter layering (inverse layering) is expected to occur in the reservoir. Also, the amount of variation in concentration (TDS) at depth is influenced by the thermal layering in the reservoir and the process of its variation is the reversal of temperature variations. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in water (DO) is also expected to decrease as the depth increases during layering.