The role of the "Critique of Judgment" in the explanation of empirical causality in the transcendental idealism of Kant, could be considered from two aspect. first is the explanation of meaning of experiential causality in the "Critique of Pure Reason", and another is the explanation of relation between a priori law of experiential causality and a-posteriori laws of experiential causality. Kant in the "Critique of Judgment", with assertion on distinction between a priori, constitutive, and absolutely necessary principle of causation and aposteriori, unnecessary, and experiential causality laws, tries to fill the gap between the two classes of laws by a priori and regulative principle and of purposiveness that mechainism and organism (teleology) are it's applications and so completes his explanation about his transcendental idealism about experiential causality. Kant in the "Critique of Judgment", with assertion on distinction between a priori, constitutive, and absolutely necessary principle of causation and a-posteriori, unnecessary, and experiential causality laws, tries to fill the gap between the two classes of laws by a priori and regulative principle and of purposiveness that mechainism and organism (teleology) are it's applications and so completes his explanation about his transcendental idealism about experiential causality.