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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The main purpose of the study is the analysis of social factors affecting the rate of family disputes in Bushehr. The method adopted was survey method and the information of 400 families were collected using questionnaires and cluster sampling. The ordinal regression method of Kendall (tau-b) and multivariate regression was used in the analysis and hypothesis testing and the following results were obtained: There are significant relationships between communication skills and the rate of family disputes, between the level of education in the family and family disputes, and between the interference of others and family disputes.All the above three hypotheses were confirmed by the results. However, the hypothesis of social status and family disputes were not confirmed.According to the results of the regression, coefficient of determination was (R2=0.378). The coefficient shows that 37.8 percent of family disputes are related to a change in the above-mentioned four variables. Beta coefficient was used regarding the importance and role of independent variables in predicting the dependent variables. The role of each variable compared to the other variable is respectively as follows.They are communication skills of spouses (-0.635), the interference of others in the life of spouses (0.239), family social status (-0.089), and the level of education (0.035).Finally, based on the results it is possible to say with 95 percent confidence that there is a significant relationship between social factors and the rate of family disputes.

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In management and organizational sociology, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has emerged as a new phenomenon: a phenomenon in which they expect the staff as organizational citizens to participate and give services to organizational goals that is beyond their role and official duties.However, this phenomenon like other social cases has been affected by different factors. One of the most influential factors is social capital. In this study, an attempt was made to measure the occurrence of OCB among the staffs of University of Tabriz and to study the effects of different aspects of social capital on OCB.The method of study was survey and measuring instrument was questionnaire. The population consisted of 607 staffs of the University of Tabriz. The samples were 235 people that were chosen by random-class sampling based on the class levels. The results according to the direct and indirect effects as well as the whole independent variables effect on the dependent variables indicated that OCB was mostly affected by institutional trust and social coherence. In addition, the analysis indicated that 25% of variations in the dependent variables have been made by the independent variables.

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The subject of improvement and welfare, similar to many other phenomena in respect to its relation with the multi-dimensional nature of humans and its relation with a general system, need an acceptable knowledge of several related subjects. This study discussed the concept of social welfare using interdisciplinary concepts and the method of survey.In doing so, first, we review the major social policy theories and their approaches to the establishment of social welfare. Highlighting the idea of "active state, we demonstrate how the social welfare can be establish with regard to the mentioned theories. Then, the research indicated that the establishment of social welfare requires a harmony between the state welfare (state welfare programs) and social welfare (social needs of the people). The survey analysis (needs assessment) among Tehran citizens indicate that 60% of respondents regard employment as the most important need in Iran, And given the high unemployment rate in recent years, creating jobs by the state can help the establishment of social welfare by creating a harmony.

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This paper aims to introduce main axioms of Marxian theory of planning, and its development during twentieth century as well as the recent decade, enabling reader to compare it with other theories. Although the practice of planning began in Soviet Union, Marxist writers were not pioneers in developing a distinct theory of planning. Therefore, to grasp the essence of a Marxian approach to planning, one has to follow all important interpretations and analyses that pro-Marx scholars have published on planning in the capitalist or socialist countries, during the aforementioned time span.A historical review demonstrates that neither Marx nor none of his most distinguished disciples inRussian Social Democratic Workers Party, among them Lenin and Trotsky, had ever tried to explain planning as a distinct question per se significantly. However, negation of market mechanism and capitalism, as well as emphasizing on social ownership versus private property, automatically led to state ownership of productive sources and planning for exploiting them. In this stage, planning was considered a matter of routine by socialist thinkers. Therefore, there was no need for theorizing.Nevertheless, as the first bottlenecks and ambiguities appeared, deliberation on planning began. Furthermore, Great Depression of 1930s and destructions of Second World War brought about hot debates on what should be done to overcome capitalist cyclic crises and how capitalist planning could be recognized from socialist one. These questions and many other similar ones made Marxian thinkers, among others, to deliberate on planning as an important process of intervention in economy and society with very important good and bad results.Today, Marxian scholars including neo-Marxists and post-Marxists still consider planning, an absolute necessity of the modern society, but few of them believe that planning should be the only regulating system of economy, and must substitute the market. Furthermore, all of them are against capitalism, claiming that this system is not able to carry on the basic choices of any economy, but few of them still believe that a state-owned means of production and central planning would lead to socialist society.Nowadays, post-Marxists, among them regulation theorists, emphasize on regime of regulation instead of ownership system and believe that by establishing a system that embraces private and cooperative sector, state sector and civil sector (non-profitable endeavors) and a banking system, with more responsibility and responsiveness towards the public, a more equalitarian and suitable condition may come about.

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Isolation, in social science, is withdrawal and deprivation from social interactions. Although it has been an issue for centuries, it has been studied systematically just for the last fifty years. The present paper investigates the quality of university student’s withdrawal and its relation to social trust.Social withdrawal is measured on the basis of three factors: membership in associations and social groups, having social links, and having social relations. The major independent variable is that of social trust, measured by three dimensions of institutional trust, generalized trust and inter-personal trust.The present paper is a survey study and data collection is done through questionnaires distributed among 361 students. The subjects were chosen through proportional stratified sampling. Cronbachs Alpha was used for testing reliability of measuring tools, Pearson correlation coefficient was used for testing hypotheses, Variance analysis was used for comparing average values and regression analysis was used for examining the analytic model. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between social trust and social withdrawal among university students. The resulted correlation coefficient for this variable was -0.294. With a significance level of p=0.000, it is indicative of a negative (and reverse) relationship between these two variables. Therefore, we can claim that social withdrawal of university students is largely influenced by the quality of their social trust.Decrease in their social trust leads to increase in their social withdrawal and vice versa. There is also a negative (and reverse) significant relationship between their economic-social status and their social withdrawal.Multi-variable regression analysis shows that %14 of social withdrawal variance is explained by three variables of generalized trust, parents income and inter-personal trust. Therefore, experimental results of the study seem to confirm theoretical views represented in the theoretical framework.Generally, considering the existing social withdrawal, it is necessary to make appropriate policies for activating and motivating university students so that we can eradicate its causes and, subsequently, prevent its probable social damages.

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Social capital consists of elements such as trust, awareness, cooperation, and network. It is a kind of social product and is a result of social interaction.Unlike physical capital, which decreases due to overuse, social capital grows and strengthens when overused. Since cooperatives are organizations which should be full of trust, cooperation, awareness, unity, and agreement, this study investigates the effects of social capital on the success of production cooperatives of Yazd.This research is descriptive-explanatory. It is also synchronic and applied. The method used is used and it is wide in scope.128 subjects were selected using stratified cluster random sampling, estimated by Cochran formula. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire. The content validity and the reliability were estimated using Cronbach's alpha. The data was analyzed by SPSS program.The findings indicated that, for the subjects, the mean of social trust was 47.46, social norm was 44.11, social awareness was 41.61, and social cooperation was 44.56, which are lower than the average level. In sum, the mean of social capital among the production cooperatives in Yazd was 46.75 and the mean of success of the cooperatives was 38.77 which were lower than the average level. The results revealed that among the different dimensions of social capital, the mean of social awareness was less and the mean of social trust was more than other dimensions. By using Pearson correlation test, it was found that there were a positive and significant correlation between age, education, income, and different dimensions of social capital and the success of the cooperatives. Analyzing the effects of independent variables on the success of cooperatives, multiple regression analyses were done which indicated that only social network and social norm had the greater effects on the success of cooperatives.

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From the perspective of urban scholars and sociologists, trust is the spinal column of local communities and it enhances efficiency of urban neighborhoods and quality of life. Hence, the main aim of present study is exploring and analyzing the relationship between the efficiency of local community of Doulab neighborhood with the level of trust of its dwellers to local and state institutions.The type of the study is applied. Survey method and questionnaires have been used in the collection of data. The Findings of study indicate that Doulab neighborhood is community-based; however, it cannot benefit from its advantages due to the lack of trust to the institutions active in planning.Moreover, the level of being community-based is decreasing due to the lack of trust in this neighborhood. Regarding the findings of the study, it is recommended that before any kind of action in Doulab neighborhood, the level of trust of dwellers to local and state institutions of city should be improved. Moreover, any action decreasing the level of trust to local and state institutions should be strongly avoided. This study argues that the urban planning in Iran should focus on community-based planning oriented towards trust building.

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